13. Identity (ep 29 scene rewrite)

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(written a day or so after ep 29 came out)

A/N: DANGIT this scene broke my heart, and I could practically HEAR what Green was saying during it, regardless of the fact that dialogue doesn't exist in canon. Posted it to Discord as a oneshot sort of thing, but found it again today & decided to post it here as well. 

Two figures floated in front of her, two choices, two sides. Which one was she, really? The devil or the angel?

It wasn't even a question anymore. There had never been a choice.

(...Or had there?)

(She let Green fall, when they first met. She let them both die, completely disregarded their screams for help- and when she turned and they were gone, she had to admit she had barely felt anything at all.)

(Back then, they were just convenient tools to get her the egg.)

(...Was that any different from what King had done to her?)

(Maybe they were more similar than she had ever realized.)

Her vision blurring, Purple angrily swiped her hand, knocking Green's angel figure out of the sky. The notes squeaked as they shattered, and then vanished- just leaving her feeling more alone, and finally face to face with the devil she'd become.



Something warm and soft brushed against her shoulder.

"Take it. It's yours."

She numbly accepted her elytra back, but still didn't move. Her fingers sifted through the worn-out feathers that had carried her so far, across chasms of darkness and lava, from the start of her journey to now. They found the little rips from the fishing rods, three more breaks in her constantly fractured life.

Green stood up and quietly whistled. Purple squeezed her eyes shut as she heard him mimic the tune she had just sang. She'd already chosen her side, couldn't he just let it go?

"I know I asked earlier, which one you were. I'm sorry, I- I didn't understand."

She turned.

"But I get it, now." Green was standing in front of the two figures his voice had called up, but his attention wasn't on either of them. "Sticks aren't one, or the other. None of us can ever be perfect enough to be angels- and we can't ever fall so low that there's no hope anymore." He turned back to make sure she was watching, and then waved a hand through the scene, shattering both phantoms and banishing everything but the purple and green sticks in the middle. "I'm not an angel, you're not a demon- we both just are who we are."

Purple sniffled a little. Green helped her to her feet, and pulled her into a hug like the note figures behind him. "And if I'm allowed to get any choice in the matter," he whispered, "I want to be your friend." 

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