14. Fears (OCs, angst/comfort)

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(Originally posted 10/14/22)
Random little thing I started forever ago & didn't finish until now. I never did official refs for these guys, did I? hm. Gonna have to fix that eventually. For now, just know that this was an AU for temporarily filling gaps until we had more info on Purple & King (I started developing it between the release of The Warden and Monster School); Purple's the canon character & the others are OCs- she's 3 (or maybe younger, idk) rn, Turquoise would be 1, Silver's about 10 years older; and they live on Stickpage w a couple others. This is set in like, 2011? 2012? Right after Chosen & Dark's attacks started. 
Not really canon to anywhere. 


The older stick blinked awake. Purple sniffled by the door, tears streaming down her face. 

Silverstrike sat up quickly, swinging his legs to sit on the side of the bed as she raced over and buried herself into his embrace. "You ok, kiddo?! What happened?"

She mumbled something about a bad dream, and he sighed in sympathy. "It's ok. You want to cuddle, and you can tell me about it?"

Purple nodded and flopped down on the bed, wiggling under the covers and curling up next to him. Silver put an arm under her head and nudged her closer. "What did you dream about? Why was it scary?"

She sniffled. "We- we got attacked. And I was with Turquoise, and we couldn't find you guys anywhere, and-" her voice broke, and she started crying. "Silver, I'm scared. Are we going to get attacked? I don't want to die! I don't want anyone to die, I just want them to go away and stop attacking sticks! Why are they doing this? Can't they just leave everyone alone?!"

"Shhh." He rubbed her back, and she slowly settled down. "Sometimes... sometimes sticks do bad things, and we don't know why. ...Things are a bit tense right now," he eventually conceded. "No one's quite sure what's going on. But Stickpage is pretty well defended- there's a lot of Animated sticks here, and Avast is good at his job. The odds of us getting attacked are pretty slim, to be honest. And if it really comes down to it, Ripple and I are going to keep you guys safe, no matter what. This site isn't going down without a fight."

"I don't want you guys to get hurt either, though," she whimpered.

"We won't." ...And if we do, that means we're screwed, and it won't matter anymore anyway. Silver reached an arm underneath her and pulled her closer, rubbing tiny circles into her back to calm her down. "It's going to be okay," he whispered. "No matter what happens, it will be okay. I promise."

"CanIsleepwithyoutonight?" she mumbled into his arm.

"Of course." He felt her relax, and watched her slowly fall back asleep before closing his own eyes. 

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