6. Confessions in the Dark (ship, prompt)

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(edit: originally posted 3/8/22)
A/N: Prompt from ChocoCherriez
:  Blue & Green confess their love for each other while falling in the End. 

The timer ran out and the flight effect started to fade. Blue instinctively looked down, and wished she didn't: a wave of vertigo shot through her, and she gripped onto Green a little tighter, burying her face in his side to avoid looking into the sea of neverending black.

At least.. at least it was with him. She wouldn't have picked anyone else to fall forever with, even if that felt a little selfish.

"Any- regrets?"

She knew he was trying to joke, but she could hear the slight tremble of anxiety in his voice. Green was genuinely scared: a feeling she had almost never seen on him. Her friend could always come up with a plan, but neither of them had anything useful in their inventories; and their only other option had just completely abandoned them both for a dragon egg.

Blue didn't trust her voice, but there WAS something. Something she'd wanted to say for a while, but never had the chance or courage. Now, facing the endless void with Green, she suddenly had both; and there really was no point in putting it off any longer.

"I only have one, personally."

"Just one."

They both looked at each other and laughed.

"Green... I love you." His eyes widened, and she powered on before he could say anything, determined to explain. "And I don't mean like a friend, or even a brother; although you're definitely both. It's deeper than friendship, for me at least; and it's- it's okay if you don't agree, I just need you to understand that that's how I feel, and- uh- ...yeah." She ran out of words abruptly and ended up leaving the question hanging between them, feeling awkward. Her face HAD to be pure red right now; thank goodness it was dark.

"How did you- you just- I-" Green sputtered for a second before stopping. He chuckled quietly and shook his head to clear it, before starting the sentence over. "Usually I'm the one with the quick retorts, but you just stole all the words right out of my mouth. This feels weird, but I was actually going to tell you the same thing, Blue. I love you too. I've loved you for a very long time and- I've been really afraid to tell you, because I was afraid you didn't love me back, and I'm- I'm just really glad you do."

Was he crying? He was definitely crying. That wasn't necessarily new, but it was unexpected.

He loves me.

Falling sharply through the air, wrapped around each other like their lives depended on it. Which they didn't, technically- nothing they did was going to help at this point- but it was still comforting.

He loves me, and he always has.

Somehow the panic seemed more bearable now.

"New regret," Blue gave a slightly choked laugh. "I wish I told you sooner."

"Hey, if this was what it took for both of us to finally admit it, then I guess this is what it took. I mean... I'd also prefer a different set of circumstances, but I guess you can't have everything, right?"

She laughed. There he was. There was the Green she knew, always with a joke, even in a terrifying situation such as this. "Guess not."

Falling through the endless nothing, settled in his arms.


Second? What was she doing here? Blue reacted instinctively, reaching for her friend's hand, and linking the two of them to the chain of mobs and sticks swinging from the platform of the End. They were hauled back up to solid land, and after collapsing into a hug, headed back home.

Green gave her hand a tiny squeeze, and she grinned up at him.

They got to the End portal. Second and Red jumped through, but Yellow held the other two sticks back as the villagers followed.

Once they were alone, he let out a teasing chuckle. "You told each other, didn't you? Lovebirds." Green swiped back at him with a frown, and Yellow narrowly dodged getting whacked. "Glad you finally realized it, at least. Playing the wingman for both of you at once was hilarious, to say the least, and I can't say I won't miss it. But this is better. You two are good for each other. Make it count." He leaped through the portal, leaving them alone.

"You told him too?"

Blue nodded sheepishly. "I told him because he gives good advice... and he can definitely keep a secret."

Green rubbed his neck. "I tell him everything. He teases me about most of it, but... I do it anyway." They both turned back to the portal again, and he gave a deep sigh of relief and happiness. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's make it count."

They entered the portal and left the End.

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