Chapter 7: Mystery Solved

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Chapter 7: Mystery Solved


     I gazed into the mirror in front of me and my jaw dropped, I had refused to look in the small mirror we had in our cabin because I knew it would only disappoint myself at how far my appearances had fallen but there was no helping it now. My eyes were the first thing I stared at in the crystal clear glass, the blue-grey framed with thick dark lashes looked larger than normal against my pale and gaunt face, cheekbones looked higher than they had when I was younger and my lips fuller, but overall it was a more mature, slightly more gaunt face then when I had last looked. An attractive one I mused not vainly, Nesta and I were both aware that we were striking young women and it had come in handy in the earlier years before food had gotten more scarce in bartering with young village men. I twirled a few dark curls and toyed with the golden beads, gold had never been my color but I wasn't going to complain about it. My hair fell to my waist and was still shiny and thick, I thanked the animal fat that I periodically brushed into it to keep the shine. It was one of the few things that I had always taken pride in and just about the only thing besides my height that stood me apart from my sisters.

     I stepped back and surveyed my figure, thin with little curves but with some good food and more exercise I would fill out a bit. I flexed my arms slightly and grinned, I had more muscle now than I ever had had before and was quite proud of it.  Thea abruptly flew through the door and I jumped, dropping my arms. Her sharp eyes twinkled slightly.

     "Having fun?" I grinned sheepishly.

     "It's the first time I've dared look in a mirror in many years. Was just taking myself in I guess."

     "Well I hope it's given you courage because the High Lord has asked that you and your sister be brought back down to the dining room." I nodded grimly and placed a sharp mask over my face, eyebrows sharp and mouth pressed into a firm line. I followed her down the grand staircase and noticed Feyre waiting by the dining room entrance, she looked stunning, clean with soft golden hair and clean skin. Her eyes met mine and I knew they were mirrored in determination although hers held slightly more fear than mine did, she hadn't had the practice yet that I had. I gripped Feyre's hand and we entered the room, head held high and the smell of food hit me instantly as I felt Feyre sway slightly beside me, she had been less hesitant earlier about eating than I had and I could only imagine how hungry she was. Tamlin heaved a sigh as we stared at the table,

     "Before you ask again, the food is safe to eat." Neither of us moved, I was letting Feyre take the lead in this, better for the Fae males to think I was a weak female and posed no threat to them. The red-haired man, male I mean, snorted and drawled out

     "I told you Tamlin, your skills with women have gotten rusty over the decades." I fought the urge to raise an eyebrow, these two were obviously older than they seemed. "Tunics aren't quite as pretty as dresses you know." He said as his primal gaze swept over Feyre and I.

     "I prefer not to wear dresses," Feyre said softly, her fear seeming to grow as she took in their unnatural stillness.

     "Easier to kill in I suppose." Tamlin said sharply.

     "What do you intend to do with us?" she asked and I felt her palm get clammy as the males just gazed at us for a moment.

     "Just sit down." Tamlin snapped.

     "We won't bite," Lucien added with a wry grin that seemed to suggest otherwise and I rolled my eyes before I could think twice about it then sat down as far away as possible from the High Fae. Tamlin stood and filled two plates heaping with meats and bread.

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