Chapter 8: Red Heads

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Chapter 8: Red Heads


*Quick authors note, I'm going to start focusing more on Nyah soon as I'm assuming y'all know Feyre's part quite well if you're reading fanfiction ;) we will get more into her soon, just have to get to the point where they start to settle in. 

"I will warn you once and only once." The High Lord said in a quiet but deadly tone.  "Do whatever it is you wish but the moment either of you crosses the wall, your family is no longer cared for." I opened my mouth at the same time Feyre opened hers but a snarl that shook the house stopped us before the words could form on our lips.  "It's a fair bargain, is it not? And a word of advice, whomever comes to retrieve you next may not be as kind as I have been.  Now sit and eat.  The food is safe, no one is leaving until Feyre eats and Lucien will do his best to be polite." He shoots a look towards the red haired male.  I watched as Feyre slowly started forking food into her mouth before I relaxed a bit, she'd need her strength to get through this.  I started to pick at the food, going for the less rich bits, my starved stomach had already protested at the food I'd shoved into it earlier.  She spoke up, her voice shaking.

"Thank you for the meal."

"Won't you stay for the wine?" Lucien drawled.

"As inviting as you make that sound," I snap, standing and grabbing Feyre's hand. "We've had quite the day and need some rest."

"It's been a while since I've seen a human but I'm assuming not much has changed and your men are not as nice to look at as this." He gestured grandly to himself as he met my eye and I snorted.

"Red heads aren't my type." his face changed to a smirk at my response.

"Why are you even bothering to dine with us?" Feyre asked.

"Indulge me.  You're a human woman and yet you'd rather eat hot coals then dine with us.  Surely we're not so bad to dine with, unless you have someone back home that makes us look like worms in comparison, perhaps someone you love?" I gripped Feyre'a hand tighter and Tamlin's eyes narrowed at her.

"I had someone back home."

"And you loved him? Or anyone else?" Tamlin asked and Feyre let a high pitched laugh out while her eyes glazed over.


"And what about you Nyah? Surely there's a line of men waiting for your hand in marriage?" Lucien asked with a false look of interest on his face.

"Ah yes, men love women that have fallen into poverty and are slowly starving to death.  Are we done here? My sister needs to rest." My tone was sharp.  "And why do you care anyway if we're going to be stuck here for the rest of our lives?"

"Because I kill enough as is.  You two don't seem to be a danger to my court and if you're going to be here for a while we might as well get to know each other." Tamlin seemed sincere but I narrowed my eyes nonetheless.  "Now go rest, Lucien and I are quite busy these days so if you need help ask the staff, and Nyah, I expect you to join Lucien once you've gotten a bit healthier." His eyes raked over my thin body and I had the sudden urge to snarl like they did but a small wisp of a shadow slipping through the door and towards the stairs caught my eye and I straightened my spine before walking off, dragging Feyre with me.  I dropped Feyre off at her room with a sisterly order to sleep before I walked into my own and slid the heavy lock shut.  The shadow was curling in the corner, I knew in this land of magic and deceit I should be afraid but something about it seemed to tug at me and I inched closer, grabbing a candlestick as a weapon just in case.  I got within touching distance but just stared at it, I had the odd feeling that it was looking back, but not with harmful intentions, it seemed curious.  I reached out for it but it vanished before my hand could get to it.  I scoffed, no wonder everyone said not to trust your instincts here.  I looked to the bed and after checking every corner of the room and under every piece of furniture I finally felt comfortable enough to climb in to the large bed.  The room was all soft greens amd pastel pinks, with a sudden pain it reminded me of Elain's flowers and I missed home for a moment.  Nesta was probably stretching out with all the extra room, and no doubt pushing Elain over in her sleep so she got more space to herself.  I'd never been separated from my sisters like this and yes, I missed Elains soft voice and gentle humming, but being apart from my twin was worse.  Her sharp eyes that mirrored mine and how we knew what the other was going to say before it was said was something I had taken for granted.  Of course we didn't get along well, no one did with Nesta, perhaps before we fell to poverty but even then she had been our Mother's creature from the start which was something she had always hated.  Feyre had been Fathers favorite and Elain was bound to make a good wife but I had been more in the shadows then I'd like to admit.  I fought my Mother on everything and found my Father difficult to converse with so it was Nesta and I against the world.  Of course I stood out a bit with my hair being so dark compared to my sisters, family portraits were always the worst.  The girls' hair had been from the same paint and they always struggled to get mine just right.  In the sun it got more of a red tone and in the candlelight of the ballrooms it shone pure black.  It was really a dark brown, rather plain, but it always caught the attention of suitors.  Perhaps because it just made my eyes stand out more, gave me a more "exotic" look in our small town.  With my high cheekbones and full lips on a rather sharp face I'd always looked the part of the eldest Archeron sister.  The girls joked when we were younger that I was bossy enough for all of them.  A hot tear ran down my cheek and I swiped it away harshly, glaring into the pillow, I wasn't about to start crying now.  I must have drifted off because I awoke to harsh sunlight and a sudden screech and thud from Feyre's room across the hall had me leaping from my bed and I practically flew to her room.  I stared and then laughed slightly at the sight in front of me.  Alis was standing, hands on her hips, and a length of Feyre's curtain was hanging from the light fixture.  I shook my head and said a quick good morning before heading back to my room, I had just shoved a chair against my door so I would hear it scrape if anyone tried to get in.  Thea bustled in and gave me a small smile as a greeting before running a bath.  I dozed off in the warm water before her steps woke me up and I blinked hard to clear the sleep from them. 

"Feyre is going for a walk in the gardens if you care to join her." She smoothed a couple wrinkles out of a simple dress before laying it on the bed.  A pair of leather leggings and soft moccasins lay beside it and I grinned at her.  "So long as you look like a lady on top I believe you can get away with the pants underneath."  I quickly drew the pants on and dared a glance in the mirror, I could see every rib on my torso and my collarbones were far too pronounced for my liking.  The style of the dress was to my liking but I grimaced at the color, it was a soft green like the light filtered through a leaf.

"Do you have any other colors?" I asked helplessly.

"Would you rather pink?" Thea asked innocently as I shot her a glare.

"Green is fine."

"I thought so." It was soft and felt lovely against my skin, like a forgotten memory.  The sleeves were sheer and loose but gathered at my wrist as to not get in the way and the body was snug but thankfully high necked.  The skirt part fell in soft folds and I knew that if I twirled it fly with me.

"Rather girly."

"It is the Spring Court." Thea again put some small braids in my hair but left beads out this time thankfully. 

"Thank you." I met her brown eyes and they sparkled slightly.  I rose and wandered around the mansion until I caught a glimpse of Feyre wandering aimlessly through the gardens.  I walked up to her and relief spred across her face as I looped my arm through hers.

"Thinking of Elain?" Her eyes softened, "It's okay, me too."

"You." A sharp, male voice snapped.

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