Chapter 10: The Blight

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Lucien seemed to turn to stone as he pondered how best to answer my question without giving me any ammunition for my inherent Fae hatred.
"There is...a sickness in these lands.  All across the entirety of Prythian.  It's been almost fifty years now of it I suppose, it's the reason why this house is empty and lands are devoid of life.  It spreads slowly but it attacks the very core of magic.  It's why we have these masks." He tugged at his. "There was a ball that was put on 49 years ago and we haven't been able to remove them since.  That's why my friend was across the wall, he was looking for a cure.  Clearly he didn't find it.  We have been trying to find a way to stop it before it enters your kinds lands."  I raised my brows and pursed my lips.
"Is this why there is talk of the Faeries attacking? I heard it from a mercen- from a friend." I stuttered.
"Is that your usual company? Mercenaries and hooligans?" He grinned.
"Maybe it is.  Is that your question?" I hoped he'd say yes, I had no desire to share whatever it is this male wanted to know.  I could see the cunning seeping out from his very being as he grinned triumphantly at me, baring his teeth slightly.  He took a step closer, I took a step back.  He leaned in close enough that I could smell his crisp, almost earthy scent.
"How is it you can resist magic?" 
"What are you talking about? How could a human resist magic?" I swallowed and took a step back as that metal eye whirred and fixed on me.
"You know what I mean.  Now, a question for a question.  That was our not-bargain after all." He inched closer and I suddenly realized this was a test, he wanted to see if I would lie, I wasn't sure if he could smell a lie but he sure as hell could hear my heartbeat if it was.
    "I don't know. That's not being evasive!" I quickly stepped back as I finished my statement, hoping he would tell I truthfully had no fucking idea. "I've never even dealt with magic before coming here. Maybe this blight of yours is affecting it more then you think." Lucien leaned closer to my chest and tilted his head, listening intently.
    "Well well, it appears the human is telling the truth. How interesting..."
    "Yes very interesting I'm aware, full of mysteries I am. May I go see Feyre now?" The air felt thick and hot, sweat was running down my back and I couldn't get enough air in my lungs. This was the first time I had felt this trapped in a very long time and I didn't like it. My heart beat faster as the male sized me up again, I felt like I was going to throw up. I was truly defenceless, no weapon, no combat skills that would get me out of this situation, and no escape route. My back pressed against a hedge. The still shimmering but now visible Faeries were staring but I refused to make eye contact.
    "Why? You frightened?" Lucien grinned and stood straight again.
    "Terribly." I snapped, "Perhaps it's because I was snatched away from my home only days ago and now I have insufferable red heads practically drooling on me." I caught him by surprise and slammed my hands into his chest, forcing him back a step. I looked down my nose at him, impressed by my own ability. Yes it was only a step, but I'd proved I wasn't weak or a plaything of anyone's. His face made me chuckle when I was brave enough to meet his eyes again. True shock was written clear across it, shock and perhaps a hint of genuine amusement. Nothing cruel or calculating like before.
    "Won't you ever forgive me, Lady Nyah." He gave a mocking bow and knelt on one knee, hands reaching towards me, a yellow flower between them. "How will I ever forgive myself." His tone was light and playful. I stepped around him with as much elegance as I could muster.
    "You look like a fool. Yellow isn't my colour." His laugh followed me up the steps of the manor until I disappeared into the house. I couldn't help but gawk at the massive halls and ornate designs all over this gigantic house. I hadn't taken the time to properly appreciate the architecture before but I couldn't help it now. I paused in the middle of a massive room and peered around. No shimmering shapes or "invisible" Faeries seemed to be around thankfully. For the first time in days I felt the full weight of what had happened hit me and my eyes burned with tears. Elain would have loved it here, she was made for a place like this where she could grow her useless but beautiful flowers year round. Her pale skin might have taken on a hint of colour for once. Nests would have hated it, I smiled a bit to myself. She is ill fit for constant flowers and greenery, maybe in a winter wilderness she would look as harsh and regal as the stone. I felt a tear run down my cheek and harshly wiped it away, I hadn't cried since Father got injured and I wasn't about to start now. A deep pit inside my chest ached with longing for something more then what the remainder of my life would be. Handmaiden and guard to Feyre in the land of eternal spring and sunlight. I was happy to be with my sister, my job had been to protect them for the last several years and I knew I would enjoy that part. It was the lonesomeness that made my chest ache. Lucien would be entertaining for now, but for how long? As for Tamlin, I hated the though of watching my sister pale every time he walked past, some part of me wondered how long he would keep his promise to not harm us. I suppose 50 years seemed like nothing to a fae, but I would be 72 by then. Old and withered, bent and grey. Who would look after Feyre then?
    My mind was swimming when I saw Thea waving at me from the other end of the room. I squared my shoulders and crossly wiped my face again to make sure there were no remnants of tears and strode over to her.
    "The Lord wishes you to prepare for dinner, your sister is waiting in your room." Her soft, lilting voice carried like the wind through trees.
    "Thank you. Am I supposed to change?" I asked incredulously. I'd forgotten what it was like to be among the higher class.
    "No need to change if you don't want to. He doesn't expect much."
    "How decent of his highness." My voice dripped with sarcasm. As I gave a mocking curtsy. A harsh smack on my arm from Thea's bony hands stung as she whipped around to face me, very fierce for a woman, female I guess, that barely came up to my chest.
    "You'd do well to remember what I told you, girl. The Master already is thinking of tossing you out into the guards quarters for a reminder of manners. No need to provoke him." Her eyes behind the deer-like mask shone with annoyance.
    "Did you get cursed from the blight too?" I blurted without thinking. She shoved me into a small alcove.
    "Who told you about that? Were you eavesdropping?" She pointed a finger accusingly in my face.
    "Nothing like that don't worry," I shoved her hand down. "Lucien told me about it. 49 years ago right?" A sharp nod was my only answer as she flitted away towards where our rooms were.
    "Don't dawdle. Remember what I said, toy with Lucien all you want but leave the Lord be, he has enough on his plate."

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