Chapter 9: The Spring Court

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"You." a sharp voice snapped and I pinched Feyre's arm rather hard as she jumped back into me, her head cracking against my chin. Tamlin stood rather dramatically in the light of the glass doors leading to the garden. He rather looked like he belonged in this place by his clothes alone, less formal then the previous night, more warrior then oh-so-gracious host. If you were looking at his body alone, I suppose he was rather good looking, muscled and tall and practically oozing the fae gracefulness. His face threw me off though, stern and frowning...and blond. His hair was more immaculately kept then every lords son I'd ever met back home. The ears were odd, pointed and graceful but strange to see on a human looking figure. I was rather proud of my height, stood eye to eye to many men, but this man-male I mean. I bit my cheek, the wording would take some getting used too. This male stood just about a full head above me, Feyre may have come up to his shoulder if she stood tall and not slightly shrunken in from fear.  "Where are you two going?" He demanded gruffly. Her spine straightened at that and I stared past the mask into his eyes for a moment before I heard a soft whisper of a chuckle behind him. Feyre's response and their soft conversing faded as I focused on where I heard the giggle. No one was there.  I frowned slightly and as I swept my eyes across the steps of the manor I caught a slight shimmer of a shadow on the marble floors. Barely there but the less I focused on it, the more stable and still it became. I stared as hard as I could on a single dark vein that wove itself into the marble and had to blink several times. The shadow grew slightly longer and I followed the vein as it seemed to move until I could see the whisper of...toes? I forced my eyes to unfocus and the toes slowly, almost unwillingly, led to feet, then legs and finally the full body of a minuscule faerie. Her form solidified the more I forced the shimmering wisp surrounding her away. I'm sure that I was blinking like the village idiot but I couldn't help my amazement. I glanced away and when I glanced back she was still there, slightly murky but I could definitely see her, it was as if my eyes had been opened. I watched the living vein of darkness around the marble and it led me to another shadow, this one only took a few seconds to focus on and clear the glamor from. Within the next few moments I had uncovered a half dozen faeries around the manor. My mouth had dropped open and a sharp nudge from Feyre snapped me back to the conversation.
"Does that work for you, Nyah?" Tamlin's voice was sharp and impatient. I blinked several times and finally focused back in.
"I'm sorry what?"
"You are to go to Lucien at the Guards Stables and he will give you a tour of the grounds. You will then go to Alis who will start to prep you to assist Feyre."
    "Works for me I suppose." I wasn't dreading the tour of the grounds, and as sharp as Lucien seemed, I felt he was better company then Tamlin. The thought of leaving Feyre alone in a strange place didn't quite sit right but Tamlin seemed more civil towards her. I squeezed her hand and turned to leave, shooting Tamlin a look that I hoped said "you touch her, you die" but I wasn't sure if he got my message as his stony face never shifted. It was rather tricky as I left to try not to stare at the countless Fae that were gawking at me, I didn't want them to know just yet that I had tricked their magic.
    "Where on earth are the stables?" I muttered, just now realizing that I had no idea. I walked until I was sure I was out of sight of His-Royal-Pain-In-My-Ass before stopping and squinting through the bright sunlight. There was a stable-esq looking place that I figured was as good a place as any to start my hunt for Lucien. I walked in through the large open doors and almost smiled, it smelt like the stables from my childhood. Turns out horses still smell like horses, fae or not, and they crap just the same as human horses do as well.
    "Was about to come looking for you." A male voice drawled out from directly behind me. I yelped and spun, shooting an elbow behind me and hitting a rock hard chest as I did. Lucien gave a very un-fae like "Oof!" And shot an incredulous look at me. "I could have you killed for that you realize?" He snapped.
    "Not as much of a warrior as I thought." I snapped, heart still hammering in my chest.
    "Not as much of a helpless maiden as I thought." He matched my tone but his green eye twinkled and he jabbed a finger at my chest. "Don't die or something, Tamlin would be very upset."
    "Can you hear it?" My head tilted and eyes widened. I assumed Fae still had their animal like hearing and smell but to see it in action was an entirely different thing altogether. He nodded,
    "I can hear your heart beating like a rabbits, I can also hear a rustle of something rather unladylike under that lovely gown." He smirked and then held an elbow out. "Shall we?" My eyes squinted and I tossed my hair over my shoulder as I assessed his offer. He seemed much more civil and I did believe what Tamlin had said earlier, about how we wouldn't be harmed. So like a true lady I took his arm and matched his long stride as we left the stables, trying to remember how to walk in a gown. Kick and step, kick and step. I chanted as we walked. "As you just saw, those are the stables. Tamlin has many fine horses in their, none that will take you back to the human lands though. Unfortunately." He muttered the last bit.
    "You're a rather snarky tour guide." I flitted my eyelashes at him and he gave a genuine chuckle.
    "Please excuse my manners Lady Nyah. I have had a rather trying day." He bowed his head mockingly and I couldn't help but snort at him. His golden eye whirred and narrowed even as his green one stayed the same.
    "What hap-"
    "Not up for discussion." He cut me off. "Not for you anyway, I haven't yet decided to forgive you or slaughter you for killing my friend." The air seemed to chill as it hit me why we were here in the first place. My stomach twisted as I felt a pang of regret. Fae or not, that wolf was a friend to Lucien and as cold as I came across, I was still human.
    "Andras, right?" I spoke softly and he appeared to take it as a sort of apology and nodded grimly. We continued our tour with minimal comments from Lucien, only what was necessary to help me understand the layout of the grounds. As we came to the manor I stopped, tugging my arm out of his. He turned to face me and I suddenly felt small as I prepared to ask a question. My gaze flicked to a small faerie that was calmly trimming the bushes and then I blinked as I stared back into Luciens eyes.
    "Question for a question." I stared as boldly as I could muster at him as he tilted his head. I very suddenly hated my humanness and felt like prey being sized up by an apex predator.
"Do you understand what a bargain in the Fae lands entails? It's a very serious and very binding agreement.  If not worded just right it can lead to ruin and despair for both parties involved."
"It's not a bargain.  It's a carefully worded question, take it or leave it." I had heard vague whisperings of how serious Fae bargains are, and also how tricky words were here.  I wasn't lying though, it was a simple question, no tricks or hidden meanings. 
    "Very well human. You ask first." I took a deep breath then blurted out,
    "What was Andras doing in the human lands?"

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