Chapter 11: Lucien Dies.....almost, an inch closer and he would be

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    After the eventful dinner last night I wanted nothing more to lounge in bed all day, unfortunately with the stupid constant spring the fucking birds woke me up before the sun crept over the horizon.  The hopelessness of my situation hit me like a boulder and I threw a pillow over my face.  A deep tug in my gut made me jolt upright with a gasp.  It  felt like a string being tugged from far, far away.  I blinked and blamed it on a full belly and magic, but it left me unsettled, restless, and wide awake.  I threw on a pair of leather pants and a soft cream tunic with a leather vest that I tucked a steak knife into for added protection.  I could hear the pitter patter of the faeries as they started their day.  After tugging a pair of knee high boots on I crept out of my room, paused with an ear on Feyre's door to listen for any sign that she was awake as well.  I sighed, unfortunately she was still asleep or at least in bed.  I tip toed out of the manor and down the marble staircase into the gardens, it was thankfully deserted this early in the morning.  As I made my way towards the stables I had the distinct feeling of being watched.  It didn't feel malicious, more curious, still slightly worrying.  I could see a small, dark shape out of the corner of my eye, dancing from shadow to shadow.  I walked the long way so I could get more time with it, I needed to know what this was.  I don't know how long I walked for, never looking at it directly but growing more interested by the second.  My neck was aching from keeping my head at a constant tilt when I ran right into a wall and stumbled backwards.  Nope, not a wall, a red-headed Fae.

    "Well good morning to you too."  Luciens dry tone grated on my ears as he gripped my waist to keep me from falling.  I shoved his hands off and stretched my neck to get the crick out.  "What had you so distracted? Was it thoughts of me? You can tell me you know, I won't laugh." He grinned, showing all his teeth.

    "Unfortunately for your ego, I didn't even see you.  And I thought Fae couldn't lie?" 

    "Right." he pouted slightly, Fae males did have rather fragile ego's I was finding out.  The last part of my sentence hit him after a moment and he laughed dramatically, bending over and putting his hands on his knees.  "I take it that was false."

"You would be correct, lets keep that between us though.  Don't need all humans knowing the Fae secrets."  His eye glinted and all his weapons seemed to loom at me.  I gulped and nodded, even I wasn't brave enough to test him too much.  "Now weren't you telling me how interesting I was?"

    "There's far more interesting things here then you." I pointed at a black horse grazing in a paddock, in stark contrast with the soft morning light and earthy tones of the estate.  "When we go patrolling today, I want that one."

    "I didn't realize there was a we." he turned and looked at the horse. "And, no.  That horse is off limits.  Was found wandering on the border, not a clue where it came from.  I'm assuming human lands, it had one of your saddles on it.  Our craftmanship is much better." he said smugly.

    "Well we are going patrolling.  I don't care if it's on foot.  I need to get out for a bit." I followed after him, trying to match my stride to his.  I felt clumsy and awkward next to them, they moved with such grace and elegance that I could never hope to replicate.  He pointed at a sweet looking Dapple Grey mare.

    "That one is yours for now." he swung onto his black gelding and stared impatiently at me. "You had better not slow me down.  We need to be back soon to get Feyre if she's wanting a tour as well.  You can ride, right?" I scoffed as I checked the cinch and bridle buckles, mostly going off of muscle memory.  I had ridden when I was young but it had been many years.

    "I'll be fine." I snapped, trying to hide my unease.  This has better be a nice mare, I couldn't handle anything too fiery just yet. I put my left foot into the stirrup and pulled myself up, swinging my right leg over as gracefully as I could.
    "Well well, Lady Nyah is full of surprises." Lucien chuckled and nudged his horse into a trot. My mare apparently had a mind of her own and eased into a trot behind Lucien's horse.  It took several minutes before I settled into a casual posting trot, thank the mother for muscle memory.  Lucien never glanced back to see if I was following, arrogant prick.  We picked up a brisk lope, I couldn't help a small grin from forming, I hadn't felt the wind in my hair like this in years.  We wove down several paths and I made a mental note of which ones he blatantly ignored, those most likely led towards the wall then.  I did enjoy the beauty of these lands, the way the sunlight filtered through the trees and provided some much needed relief from the beating sun.  I could almost imagine I was back home as a little girl, dancing through the grounds with Nesta.  I brushed some hair away from my face, slightly sticking from some sweat.
"Having fun or debating on how to kill me?" Lucien said softly, "You're awfully quiet back there."
"Maybe both, I'll never tell." I spoke lightly, not wanting to disturb the peace I was feeling.  He nodded and seemed to understand and respect, for whatever reason, that I felt quiet.  We turned back towards the manor and took a narrow game trail.  I had to duck and weave between shrubs and tree branches that were aimed directly at eye level.  I glanced ahead for a moment, just in time to see a small branch whipping directly for me head.
"Hey!" I snapped and threw myself to the side, knocking my head against a larger limb.  Lucien howled.  The prick had snapped a tree branch back towards me as he passed under it. "You insufferable smug asshole!" I reacted out of anger and ripped the steak knife out of my tunic.  I grasped the blade and flicked it at the back of Luciens head.  His head whipped to the side at the last second and he threw himself sideways as the knife buried itself in a tree a few inches in front of him.  He whirled towards me as much as he could, mouth agape and eyes widened.
"You feisty little human.  I could have you killed for that." His tone was sharp but his face betrayed some amusement.
"No, you couldn't.  That would make you a very poor Emissary." I smirked at him.  He narrowed his eyes before nudging his horse back into a walk.  I pulled the knife from the tree on my way by and tucked it into my boot.  I can't believe that I gave myself away like that.  He didn't need to know I had good aim with daggers like that.  Not that it would do me any good unless I learned how to fight.  I saw Feyre's soft golden hair as she walked quickly towards the stables.
"Well if it isn't the Fae killer herself." All humour was gone from his voice now, and his back was rigid.
"Take it easy on her.  She's a child yet and only had our families survival on her mind.  We human weaklings don't have the luxury of hundreds of years to play games like you."  I spoke quietly but firmly. 
"Human or not, it was still cold blooded." Lucien snapped.
"And you have never done anything cold blooded in your entire life then I suppose, if you are judging her this harshly for it.  Never made a mistake or did something wrong to protect those you love?" I could see this struck a nerve with him and he brought his horse alongside mine.
"Why don't you keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about, Nyah."
"Or I'll be banished to a land far from my home and ripped away from my family?" I met his glare and knew my eyes held no warmth in them.
"You are protected here, be thankful for that."
"Ah yes.  But at what cost, Emissary Lucien." I tilted my head and gave the best impression of the feral Fae snarl I could.  "And protected from what? From Fae? From this Blight I have heard about? I think you are rather blind to the faults of your kind and your own power." He gripped my arm as Feyre's voice rang out.
"Nyah! I've been looking all over for you."

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