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Newt pov:

I sat on the ground with the greenie, gally's secret recipe in my hands. We faced away from the commotion at the bonfire and stared at the closed doors. "Hell of a first day, huh greenie?" I asked.

The greenbean just stayed silent and stared off into the distance. I passed him the jar I was holding so he could have some. "Here. Put some hairs on your chest." I joked.

He took the drink and spat it out, I just laughed. "What is that?" The boy spat.

"I don't even know." I took the jar back and inspected it. "It's gally's secret recipe. Not even his sister knows what's in it."

The greenie turned to me, shocked. "That jerk has a sister?" He said.

"Yeah, he's a bit protective though. Not just of her."

"What else does he have to protect?"

"The glade. He built most of this place himself."

"Yeah, but he's still an asshole."

"He saved your life today. If it weren't for him, you would have ran in and most likely not come out."

"If we're not allowed in, then why did some of the other guys come out of there?"

I sighed and turned to face the bonfire. "You see that group over there." I pointed out the runners. "Those are the runners. And you see that guy in the middle, that's Minho. He's the keeper of the runners, they run the maze every day. They've been looking for a way out for about three years."

"Who's that girl with Minho and what is she doing to his hair?" The greenie asked, his eyes never leaving y/n.

"That's y/n, gally's sister. Minho lost a bet and she's braiding his hair." I could hear Minho's complaints with each tug of his hair.

"Is she a runner?"

"No. She's a track-hoe, like me. Now, that's enough questions for one night. You're supposed to be the guest of honour, let me show you around. Come on." I helped the greenie up and told him about the jobs.

"But what if I want to be a runner?" The greenie asked.

"Have you not been listening to a word I've said? No one wants to be a runner. Besides, you have to get chosen." I replied.

"Chosen by who?" This greenie will not shut up.

Gally then gets pushed by Winston into the greenie. Gally the looks up and eyes the newbie with suspicion. "Come on greenie, wanna see what you're made of?" Gally challenges.

The other boys start to chant and pressure the greenie into it. "Rules are simple, greenie. I push yoout of the circle, try to last more than five seconds." Gally explained.

Y/n and Minho then come up to me. "What's going on?" She asks me.

"Greenie's been challenged." I say, laughing as the boy gets pushed around continuously. Gally then gets thrown to the ground, shocked by the sudden change of events. "Not too bad for a greenie, huh?" Newbie jokes. Gally the kicks him to the ground, causing him to hit his head hard.

"Thomas." He whispers as he gets up. "I remember my name. It's Thomas!"

"THOMAS!" Alby shouts. We all cheer and laugh until we hear an ear piercing shriek from the maze. "What was that?" Thomas asks to no one in particular.

"That, my friend, was a grevier." Gally replied.

"Alright everyone, lights out." Alby ordered.

I linked hands with y/n and walked to our hut, everyone following suit.

A protected love ~Newt and Y/N~ maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now