Gone left, right and centre

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Y/n pov:

We all ran to the open doors where about thirty or so other gladers were standing. "What's going on? Why won't they shut?" Gally asked.

"You think any of us know?" Winston replied, scared for his life. We then heard an earpiercing creak and saw that the other doors were now opening.

"Alright, chuck go to the council hall and start barricading the doors. Winston you go with him." Thomas said. "Minho, go and grab every weapon you can find."

"Everyone else, go to the forest and hide!" Gally yelled.

It was then that we saw them. Greviers were coming into view and they were coming fast. "EVERYONE HIDE!" Thomas yelled.

Everyone else ran in the opposite direction but I couldn't move. My eyes were glued to the monsters coming towards us. I was then pulled from my trance and was running to the corn fields with newt's hand in mine.

When we got to our hiding spot I curled into newt's chest and silently cried. There was than a scream and I already knew who it was. "ZART!" I screamed, but was then pulled away to the council hut. I finally saw the mayhem that was unleashed on my home. Parts of the glade were on fire and gladers were being killed left, right and centre.

A grevier was coming at us in I panicked. This can't be the end, can it? Spears were then thrown at it and I saw Fry, the medjacks and Alby running towards us. We made it to safety and blocked the doors and windows. Newt pulled me into his chest and Minho joined the embrace.

There was then a whirring of metal claws outside the council hut and tears began streaming down my face. The roof then collapsed and chuck was grabbed by a grevier. Thomas latched onto the helpless kid and frantically tried to save him. "DON'T LET GO CHUCK!" He yelled.

"NO SHIT!" Chuck yelled back.

Alby then grabbed a spear and began to attack the grevier arm, knocking the stinger off in the process. Chuck was the freed and we all slightly calmed down. Alby was then yanked from his feet and was holding onto Thomas. I cried out his name and helped Thomas to release Alby.

"Get them out of here." Alby said before he was taken. I screamed and ran outside, the other gladers following me to try and stop me from doing something stupid.

All I saw outside was chaos and little signs of life. I was then pulled into strong arms and was bombarded with questions. Gally held me to his chest until Thomas left the hut. I was then released and Gally punched Thomas square in the face. I ran to Thomas' aid while the other boys held Gally back. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! EVERYTHING STARTED GOING WRONG THE SECOND YOU SHOWED UP!" He yelled.

I turned to Thomas and Teresa, silently agreeing with my brother. "He's right, you know." Thomas muttered. "I need to remember."

"Thomas what are you doing?" I asked but it was too late. He had already grabbed the stinger from chuck and stabbed it in his leg.

"THOMAS!" Teresa, chuck and I screamed. The boys that were holding Gally let him go and ran over to us. "Get the other syringe!" Teresa shouted.

~time skip~

Teresa and I were sitting on either side of Thomas in the medjack hut. I was stroking his hair while Teresa held his hand. Gally then burst into the room with a couple of his friends. They then grabbed Teresa and Thomas and took them to the pit. "Gally what are you doing?!" I shouted.

He turned to me with rage filling his vision. "I'm giving the greviers what they want."


"If the greviers get what they came for then our life can go back to normal. We won't have to worry about them again."

"You can't banish them. The greviers won't stop attacking us."

"Y/n, I'm doing this for you, for us. I can't have the worry of my sister or anyone else in danger every time Thomas does something stupid. I'm trying to be the leader that newt won't be."

"Yes but banishing won't fix our home. We have to leave."

"No, the glade is our home. Now are you going to stand with me or are you going to keep defending the enemy?"


"Please, I can't lose you too."

A protected love ~Newt and Y/N~ maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now