Chapter Two

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Camilo and I were sitting at the top of the stairs.

"Hey, nice job over there. Yeah, yeah," Camilo spoke to José who was hanging a banner. Alma walked past, seeing him struggling to put it up.

"Camilo, we need another José," Alma told him.

"José!" Camilo spoke in a deep tone, shapeshifting into him. They put up the banner. Then, Camilo and I continued what we were doing when a cloud started to form above us. We saw Pepa stressing again whilst Felix tried to calm her down.

"My baby's night has to be perfect and if it's not perfect-," was all I could gather from her ramblings.

"The flowers, the flowers!" Felix tried to calm his wife down when we heard a voice.

"Did someone say flowers?" We looked up and saw Isabell using vines to swing off the second floor.

People started clapping and Felix even said "Our Angel!"

"Please don't clap!" Isa said, dramatically handing Pepa a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you!" Pepa spoke, now having calmed down.

I admired Isabell. She's so amazing. I looked up to her a lot.

Camilo and I sat on a bench and just sat quiet, not knowing what to help with.

"Yo," Camilo looked at me.

"Yeah?" I looked back at him.

"Wanna go up to my room?" He asked.

"Yeah, why not," I shrugged and we walked upstairs to Camilo's room.

His room was one of my favorites, aside from Dolores's room.

He had a pretty big room, it had a variety of things in it, aside from his bed and closet, he had a guitar and some masks. His room was based around a theater. There wasn't a stage, but his bed was sectioned off by a big red curtain that split in the middle. He had masks on his walls and photos of us and his family on the walls and stands. He had also had hung up some of my artwork. He pulled out some books and we curled up on his bed and read the books, laughing occasionally until it was time for the ceremony to start.

Camilo dragged me outside because he was on greeting duty. He started greeting people, shapeshifting into them as he did. I leaned against the wall zoned out.

"Cecilia! Up top!" I shook my head and looked up in time to see Camilo jump up and shape shift into a little girl.

For the next 10-15 minutes he just greeted people as Luisa gave them tickets and took their donkeys to a pen that had been set up. Once everyone was inside, Camilo walked up to me again.

"Come'n, hermosa," He said, taking my arm in his and leading me inside.

It was pretty lively inside, and I wasn't fond of social events, so I was pretty quiet. Camilo noticed this and led me to a bench away from the little kids and we started taking again.

Soon, it was time for Antiono to get his gift. Camilo dragged me to where his familia was standing. I bounced back and forth on my toes in excitement.

Alma made a speech about when they got a miracle and how it was time for another to step into the light. There was a drumroll and the curtains behind everyone opened to reveal a nervous Antonio. Not gonna lie, I would be nervous too.

Julieta, Mirabels mom, grasped Camilo's arm and Camilo had his hand on my shoulder.

Antonio didn't move, and the casita tried to get him to go, but he didn't budge. He looked to his left and whispered something to someone. After a few seconds, Mirabel stepped out and everyone gasped, even me. She took Antonio's hand and gestured her head in the direction that the door was. As the two walked down the aisle, Mirabel seemed to zone out slightly, her eyes glossing over as she seemed to be trying not to cry.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Mirabel let go of Antonio's hand to stand next to his parents.

Julieta grasped Camilo's hand, and Camilo pulled me into him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as I leaned into him. Everyone was anxious, the tension was thick.

"Will you use your gift to help our community? To strengthen our home?" Alma asked the small boy. He nodded and took a breath before hesitantly putting his hand on the door knob. The door glowed brightly as an engravings him around animals appeared. The family and others sighed in relief as a bird landed on Antonio's arm.

"Uh huh! I understand you!" He spoke in awe. The bird hopped to his other arm and chattered  "Of course they can come!" Suddenly, dozens of animals started rushing in.

"We have a new gift!" Alma announced loudly as the crowd cheered. Everyone started flocking into Antonio's room, Camilo's arm was still around me.

Suddenly, a leopard ran in, picking Antonio up and taking him around his room. The crowd cheered as they ran up the ginormous tree in the middle. At one point, the leopard dropped him. Everyone gasped in horror as he fell. He landed on a hammock, and launched himself down a slide.

Camilo let go of me to cheer and snap as his family were cheering.

After Antonio had been introduced to his room Alma called everyone for a photo. I stood off to the side as everyone showed off their gifts. I noticed that Mirabel had left the room. After that, everyone started dancing. Camilo had taken my hand.

"Care for a dance, mariposa?" He asked, looking at me.

"Hmm..," I jokingly put my finger on my cheek, making it seem as if I was actually thinking it through. "Sure, why not."

I smiled as he pulled me in and we started dancing.

Pepa had seen us and tapped Felix's arm, pointing at us. They smiled and continued dancing. Felix somehow getting Alma to dance as well.

"THE HOUSE IS IN DANGER!" we heard a voice shout. The music stopped and everyone saw Mirabel rush up to Alma.

"The house is in danger! The tiles were falling and there were cracks everywhere and...the candle almost went out!" She rambled.

"Show me," Abuela stated, wrapping her shawl tighter around her.

Most of the guests had filed out of Antonio's room to see what was wrong. I was grasping Camilo's arm as he held my hand comfortingly, catching up to where his family was. We looked down at where Mirabel was. There were no cracks, no breaks, nothing.

Mirabel tried to explain that she wasn't lying, but Alma stopped her.

Alma had the party resumed but I still wasn't sure that Mirabel had been lying.

The night came to an end, and Camilo walked me home.

"What's on your mind, hermosa?" Camilo asked, grabbing my hand. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right y/n?"

"Yeah, I know," I sighed, putting my head on his shoulder. "It's just.. I'm a little worried. I don't think Mirabel would make something like that up."

"I don't either," Camilo said. "But, for now we just have to wait. Tia Julieta was talking with her about it."

We continued to walk in silence for a few minutes before Camilo spoke up again.

"The Guzman's are coming over tomorrow night. I think Mariano is going to propose to Isa. You wanna come?" He asked.

"But isn't that a family thing? I'm not apart of the-," I started.

"Oh, hush, you've always been apart of our family," He interrupted. "Plus, if it bothers you that much, I can make sure to ask Abuela about it."

"Alright, then. I'll come if she says it's okay," I agreed.

He dropped me off at my Tia and Tio's house and kissed me on the forehead.

"Goodnight, mi niña bonita," he spoke.

"Haha, Goodnight Camilo. I'll see you tomorrow," I gave him a kiss on his cheek and waved him goodbye. I then walked up to my room, getting ready for bed.

As I brushed my hair out, I thought about Camilo. My cheeks flushed.


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