Chapter Six

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After waking up the next morning, we all ate some breakfast that Julieta and my Tia had whipped up. We all got dressed, and instead of the sunflower dress I had been wearing yesterday, I put on my iconic starry dress.

I finished pulling on the blue skirt when someone knocked.

"Come'n in!" I yelled, grabbing my paint splattered shoes to wear.

Camilo walked in and sat on my bed, watching me slide on my shoes.

"Hi, Camilo," I smiled at him, grabbing my bag I made.

"Hi, y/n," he grinned back at me, watching as  I fastened the bag around my waist. Sliding some random shit into it. Pocket money, a paperclip, hair ties, etc.

"Hey, uh, y/n, there's something I should tell you..," he started and I looked over at him.

"Yeah? What is it, Cami?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Uh," he started before we heard Julieta call.

"Come'n kids, back at it!"

I gave Camilo a look.

"Eh, it's fine. I'll tell you later," he assured me.

"Alright then," I said. We walked back to the house to finish it.

We worked all day. Dolores even got the chance to confess to Mariano! Honestly, I think she could do better, but whatever.

Finally, as the sun was setting, we finished.

"Look at this home! I like the new foundation!" Mirabel sang.

"It isn't perfect," Alma nudged Mirabel gently.

"Neither are we!"

"That's true," Alma replied. "Just one more thing, before the celebration."

"What?" Mirabel asked, concern lacing her tone.

"We need a doorknob!" Bruno.. attempted to sing. At least he didn't sound half bad.

"We made this one for you!" Antonio handed Mirabel the doorknob that was Alma's idea.

Camilo pulled me over to his family.

"But- Wait! I'm not-," I started, whispering as to not ruin the moment.

"You'll always be apart of our family," Pepa assured me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Just harmonize, okay?" Camilo whispered towards me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Alright," I whispered back.

"We see how bright you burn~!" Pepa's side of the family sang, and I did my best to harmonize with them.

"We see how brave you've been~!" Luisa and Isabella sang next.

"Now see your self in turn!" Mirabel's parents sang, a proud look on their faces.

"You're the real gift kid, let us in," Bruno told Mirabel.

"Open your eyes!" Alma sang. "What do you see?"

"I see.. me," Mira looked as if she was gonna cry. "All of me..."

She set the doorknob in place, and the second it was fastened in, a glow spread from the handle and covered the whole house.

The casita came back to life! The front door had the whole family on it, with Mirabel front and center.

"Hola, casita," Mirabel spoke after the casita had used its window shade to wave at her.

The casita then pulled Mirabel inside.

"Come on!" Mirabel laughed as the casita pulled the rest of us in.

Camilo held my hand as we walked inside. The doors were glowing as they did at a gift ceremony.

Isabella splashed some color on her dress, turning it all different colors.

Luisa's strength came back, and Antonio used a donkey to knock her in into a hammock!

Pepa was dancing under a cloud of sleet, looking the happiest as Félix cheered her on.

"My gift is back!" Camilo exclaimed. I looked over at him, happily shifting into all different people, before going back to himself. He lifted me up and spun me around as we cheered.

"We need a picture! Everybody together!" Alma exclaimed.

Camilo grinned and pulled me towards the family.

"Woah, I know you say I'm apart of the family, but this is a family photo!" I protested.

"Non-sense, you're going to be in this photo, Mariposa," Camilo kissed my cheek, and my face flushed pink.

He stifled a laugh and pulled me into the group.

As the photo timer ticked down, the casita used the floors to bunch us all together. Antonio zoomed off on his leopard as Isa tried to catch him. Bruno fell onto Camilo who had the funniest look on his face.

Best. Photo. Ever.

I even got a copy. It's hanging up in my room right now. Right next to my photo of me and Camilo.

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