Chapter Five

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After ages of looking, it was already sunrise. Camilo and I returned to the remains of the casita, tired and defeated. We saw the rest of the family returning.

We had only been there for a minute when we heard bells throughout the village, and people were shouting. Julieta ran around the side of the house.

"Mirabel!" She sighed in relief, running up to hug her daughter.

"Mamá," Mirabel's voice spoke as the rest of us emerged, seeing the now found Mirabel.

"Ay mi amor, I was so worried! We couldn't find you..," Julieta said to her daughter as Augustin raced up to them.. covered in bee stings... ick.

"There were bees everywhere..," Mirabel put her arm on her dad's face before he continued. "I'll be okay."

"Uh, not if we don't have a house," I heard Camilo speak. Félix nudged him, and I stifled a laugh.

"What? We don't have a house! I can't say we don't have a house? What is that?" Camilo gestured to the debris. "Not a house!"

Mirabel smiled and walked up to what used to be the front door of the house.

"Look at this home.. we need a new foundation!" She started singing as we all filed after her. "It may seem hopeless, but we'll get by just fine."

"Look at this family, a glowing constellation. So full of stars, and everybody wants to shine..," she continued.

"But the stars don't shine, they burn! And the constellations shift," Mirabel noticed Luisa struggling to lift some debris and ran over to help her. "I think it's time you learn, you're more then just your gift!"

"And I'm sorry I held on too tight," Alma walked through the doorway, actually apologizing. "Just so afraid I'd lose you too!" She beckoned someone over and Bruno nervously walked in.

Almost everyone's jaw dropped.

"The Miracle is not, some magic that you've got, the miracle is you, not some gift, just you!" Alma sang as Mirabel joined in after.

"The miracle is you, all of you, all of you!" The triplets hugged one another, now reunited.

"Okay so... we gonna talk about Bruno..?" Camilo sung, pointing his fingers at Bruno. Hmm.. he wasn't even close to seven feet tall...

"That's Bruno!" Antonio joined in.

"Wait you know about him?" I looked at Antonio's grinning face.

"Yeah.. there's a lot to say about Bruno.." Bruno started, grabbing Pepa. "I'll start okay! Pepa I'm sorry 'bout your wedding! Didn't mean to be upsetting! That wasn't a prophecy, I could just see you were sweating! And I wanted you to know, that your bro loves you so! Let it in, let it out, let it rain, let it snow, let it gooo!" Bruno dramatically danced around Pepa and Félix. Pepa burst into tears and Félix hugged her.

"That's what I'm always saying, bro!" Félix sung. Bruno turned to the rest of the family.

"I got a lotta 'pologies I've got to say..," Bruno admitted. Julieta pulled him into a hug.

"Hey! We're just happy that you're here, okay?" She told him.


"Come into the light!"

"The triplets all reunite!"

"And no matter what happens..,"

"We're gonna finds our way!"

"Yo, I knew he never left, I heard him every day!" Dolores interjected, shoving Camilo rather hard with her elbow. Camilo looked around confused and rubbed his arm. I burst out laughing.

We hear a bunch of voices coming from somewhere.

"What's that sound?" Alma sang, confused.

"I think it's everyone in town..!" Antonio sung, looking out at the townspeople.

"Hey! Lay down your load, lay down your load! We're only down the road!"

"We, have no gifts, but we are many! And we'll do anything for you!"

The village people started to help rebuild the house.

"It's a dream when we work as a team," Isa sang as we were all rebuilding the house. "You're so strong!"

"Yeah, but sometimes I cry," Luisa replied.

"So do I!" Mirabel and Isabella hugged Luisa.

"I may not be as strong, but I'm getting wiser!" Luisa sung as the three sisters headed towards a plant box. I was helping Camilo lay down some bricks.

"Yeah, I need sunlight and fertilizer! Come'n! Let's plant something new and watch it fly!" Isa sung before the others joined in. "Straight up to the sky!"

"Let's go-o!" Dolores sang, jumping off of the unfinished roof and riding a rope down.

Camilo and I walked around, helping where we could. My skirt kept getting in the way so I held it up a bit to my side.

"The skirt bothering you, mariposa?" Camilo asked.

"Yeah, a little. It's just getting in the way," I replied.

"Hmm, maybe you should try trousers," he shrugged.

"On a girl? Never heard of such a thing," I laughed.

"Eh, it's just an idea," he spoke as we helped some guy with his basket of tools.

Mirabel called us over and handed us each a shovel. Camilo immediately dropped his, picking it up and looking around too see if anyone saw him. I burst out laughing.

We started outlining parts of the house that had yet to be built. The sun started to set, and the house was almost done. The family needed somewhere to stay for the night when my Tia spoke to them.

"You guys can stay with us for the night. The teens can sleep in y/n's room and we can set up the guest rooms for all the rest of you," my Tia spoke to Alma, grasping her hands.

"Thank you, Rosemary," Alma said, patting my Tia's hand.

"Guess we're staying with you tonight, Stella," Camilo spoke towards me.

"Sleepover!!" Mirabel excitedly hopped onto both of us, latching her arms around our shoulders.

That night, we set up a few beds on the floor. We had three spare rooms, so the rest of the grandkids took one, the parents and Bruno took another, and Alma took the last one.

Me, Camilo, and Mirabel we're sitting in my room. Mirabel was sewing something on a patch I gave her, and Camilo was watching me as I strummed on my ukulele.

I was playing a song I'd been writing for a while, I just didn't know how to finish it.

"Hmm, how about, like-," Camilo started humming a tune suggestion for the end of the song.

I played it to try it out.

"Actually-.. I like that!" I grinned. I wrote it down on the piece of paper I had used to write the song.

"What should we call it?" I asked, looking between Mirabel and Camilo.

"Hmm, starry night? It sounds like a lullaby," Mirabel commented, starting to sew a new patch.

"It is a lullaby," I replied.

"Hmm, how about just y/n's lullaby. It's simple?" Camilo suggested. I looked at Mirabel and we nodded.

"Yeah, I like that," I wrote it down on the piece of paper and began to play the finished song.

Mirabel and Camilo clapped when I had finished.

I grinned and tucked the finished music sheet into my folder of music.

We talked for a bit before it was time for bed. I gave Mirabel one of my nightgowns, and my Tio gave Camilo some old pj's.

We all got into our beds. Mirabel's bed was on the left of me, and Camilo's was on the right.

"Night, guy's," I spoke. They each murmured a goodnight back, and I blew out the candle.

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