Chapter Seven

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It had been about a week since everything happened. I had been flooded with requests for dresses after more girls saw the dresses I had made.

Today was delivery day. I piled the six completed dresses in a basket, and walked right out the front door.

As I was delivering the fourth dress, my mind wandered to Camilo. How was he doing? I had no time to see him because of these orders.

The woman handed me the money, which I tucked in my moon pouch.

Two dresses left.

I had no issue getting the fifth one delivered, but the last dress intimidated me.

Mirabel had ordered it.

I walked up the road to the casita.

Once I reached the front door, I could hear the family messing around. I smiled and knocked.

The door opened and revealed Isabella, who had pink, blue, and green all over her.

"Hi, Isabella! I have a dress Mirabel asked for," I explained.

"Come on in, y/n. She's in her room," Isa told me. I walked upstairs and was about to open the nursery door when I heard a voice.

"Yo, y/n. Mirabel's door is over here," Camilo spoke. I looked over at him and he jerked his head in the direction of the door.

"Oh! Thanks, Cami," I walked over to her new room.

Her door had her, but she was holding a candle. Cool.

I knocked.

"Mirabe---l, I have your dress!" I drawled.

She immediately swung open her door with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, thanks, y/n!" She took the dress. "Lemme get your money."

"No need. It's a gift," I grinned. Mirabel gave me a hug.


She shut her door and I went to leave.

"Aye! You just gonna leave me here all lonely?" Camilo pouted at me, walking over.

"All you had to do was say you wanted to hang out," I chuckled, grabbing his hand. "Come'n."

We walked outside down the road. The sun was almost set and a few stars were poking out.

He tugged us off the path through a few trees until we got to a clearing. We reached the center and sat down.

I looked up at the rapidly darkening sky and yawned, letting go of Camilo's hand and laying down on his lap. He brushed his fingers through my hair as I looked up at the stars.

"Up there, that's Orion, and just below that middle star in his belt is the Orion Nebula!" I pointed, scanning the sky.

"Leo is out over there, and we might be able to spot Cassiopeia. If I can find the Big Dipper, I can locate Draco." I glanced at Camilo who was looking right at me with a soft smile.

"What?" I giggled confused, a smile taking over my lips. I sat up so we were face to face.

"So..," I began. "What was that thing you wanted to tell me?"

"Uhm," he trailed off, pushing strands of my hair behind my ears. He took a deep breath and put his hands on the ground. He looked up at the sky, eyes darting around as he looked at the constellations.

"Y/n..," he started.

"Uh oh, first name. Hold on I gotta get all serious," I dramatically shook myself. He looked at me and laughed softly.

"Ok ok, I'm ready," I looked him right in his eyes.

"Well..," he grabbed my hands, holding them gently. He averted his eyes. "I think.. no. I like you. I have for a while. I've been trying to get the confidence to tell you for weeks now."

My eyes widened. He liked me too? What world is this?

His eyes darted to mine, a hopeful look in them as he waited for my reply.

"I like you too, Camilo," I finally pushed out. He breathed a high sigh of relief and pulled me into a tight hug as we laughed.

"I can't believe you like me back," he breathed out.

"You can't believe? I can't believe you like me back!" I laughed, my arms around his neck in an embrace.

We pulled back after a few seconds and he gazed at me.

"What?" I chuckled. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Your face is perfect,  I'm just taking you in. All of your features," he brushed more strands of my hair behind my ear, leaving his hand to rest on my cheek.

His eyes darted from my lips back to my eyes. A silent plead. I tilted my head just enough for a nod.

He leaned forward and captured my lips with his. My first kiss. I pressed into him, silently begging for more. I let my hands get tangled in his curly locks. His hand that was on my cheek was now gently holding the back of my head, his other arm wrapped around my body to keep our balance.

We broke apart after a few seconds and he rested his forehead on mine.

"¿Esto significa que eres mi novia?" He whispered breathlessly. The warm summer breeze wrapped around us is this moment.

"Si," I whispered back. "Si lo hace, mi amor."

"Te amo, querida," he muttered under his breath, pulling me into a tight embrace.

Decades of wrong made right.

Years of hurt, washed away.

And two souls, united as one.

Forever and always.

Mi Amor.


Written by: mushroom_queen7
Movie: Encanto (copyright Disney)
Reader: You!

Thanks for reading!


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