Lets Camp

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I sit in the car thinking of what we can do all summer it's so exciting and I get my purse and sat their for a while then got a text from Josephine she's my best friend and sister i never had so she sent me this
Josephine : Hey
Britney: Hey girl what's up
Josephine : Me and skylene is on our way be there in a bit
Britney : okay then see us here when u get in
Josephine : okay Sista love ya

I get out of the car and I go see everyone around its 10:05 in the dark and we go to the cabin inside I see everything but it's not all crappy like we built it it's like a house a delux one there was lighting and heat and there's 4rooms a kitchen and a bathroom I look around and said "wow I've never seen it so beautiful it used to be so bad the way we made it " I laugh a lil bit then Dillion comes hold me from behind "you like it me and the boys fixed it a little bit" I look to him "I love it, it's gorgeous"I give him a lil kiss on the lips
"Get a room you two" Ruby said
"Oh Ruby you Weirdo just mind your own business "said Gabriella
Hahah we all laugh at each other

"So where do guys gonna pick" I said "what u mean" Gabriella said
"I mean the rooms" I said "I'm I think I'm gonna take a small room besides this place ain't as crappy as we seen it last time besides me and Brody love cuddling" said Gabriella
"Okay me and Dillion are gonna take the room next to yours" I said
"Yeah it's like we're roommates but in a different way we're not in the exact room though" Gabriella said I look at her and laugh "so we got it all planned"

Gabriella said "wait what about Ruby I look at her "she can share a room with beck cause Skylene And Josephine are coming here and there gonna be in the same room together there two separate bed in each of the extra rooms anyways"
Then Gabriella said "oh okay then"
"So let's get unpacked everyone"
Everyone grabbed there bags and headed to there rooms.

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