Wake up

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My sister got up and she put on short shorts and a hot pink sequined tang top and I put makeup on her cause she likes how I put on make up on her and then she starts talking "remember when you came in the room all stoned" and I looked at her "yeah it was last night " and I looked at her she said "haha it was pretty funny go to your room clean up yourself you look like shit " and I started to walk to my room laughing I let my little sister do anything sometimes, I got to my room and put on a spandex that green and said highlife on the side and I put on a green tang top with a black leather jacket "that's cute "and then I walked out of my room it was like 5:30 pm and I looked in my sisters room and I looked at her "hey" and she looked at me "hi sis " and I looked at her "um you know that boy Brice right" and she looks at me "I love him he's my boyfriend " and I looked at her "hey baby girl it's gonna get harder you guys are gonna get into some fights and then you will make up At some point but hey it's the way it goes " and she looked at me "come on sis I love Brice he's been there for me for 7 months now and I forgive him all the time it's hard at time though. But when he screws up I help him figure it out " and I looked at her "huh really " and she said "yup" and she was sitting there still and she looks at me "Brice phoned awhile ago he should be here soon " and I looked at her "cool" he showed up and came to shaylenas room and he looks at her "hi cutie"and kissed her on the lips it was so cute it reminded me of me and Dillon when we we teens like 13 to15 all of a sudden a memory came in my head we were at the park me and Dillon we were so tiny and we kept chasing each other on the park were we hanged around before when he first gave me a kiss we were leaving the park he looked at me and said "I love you girl " and held me for a kiss and then I got snapped out of the daze cause shaylena looked at me "HELLO is my sister still there " and I looked at her "yes I'm sorry" and she said well are you gonna go over there and I said "yeah "

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