So we go

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I looked at Dillon wow most of the week we had a party through a weekend Friday to Sunday but we spent it so good and it was awesome then Ruby came "can you forgive me " then I looked at her "get out of my face bitch and respect my space" I walked in Dillon's car and called him "let's go" then I looked at Josephine "come see me at home later girl I got to tell you something" then we rode off then Dillon "anything about me"
Then I looked at him "no Hun everything's good I'm not breaking up with you I fucken love you" then he looks at me "love u to" and we were riding as always beck has to be sleeping dreaming burn out I was like look "he sleeps always" then Dillon "checking him out" I looked at him "he'll nah I got my babe right here to look at all day he's just a burn out " then we laugh I got home like at 3:00 pm and I was unpacking and Dillon came up stairs to visit for awhile and looks at me"so how was your weekend with me did you have fun" I looked at him "yesh" I like saying that word and he was like " okay then come see you later gotta go see beck" and I was like "okay bye babe" and kissed him then Josephine txt me
Josephine : hey I'm on my way
Britney : okay then
Josephine: got some munchies and be there soon
Britney : kk see ya here 😜
I put down my iPhone
I was laying in bed and I got those dam flash backs of Dillon and Ruby kissing but it didn't bother just a bit but not lots so I put on the song by Ed Sherran ,thinking out loud, and listen to it and Josephine came in "hi "
Then I looked at her "hey girl glad you can make it where's Skylene" then Jo looks at me "she's grounded" then I looked at her "guess what" then she looks at me " what" then I looked at her "me and Dillon got into an argument but I forgave him he kissed Ruby that hoe but I lost my v card to him and I'm everything is so messed up I don't know what to do " then she looks at me "really just all fucked up about the kissing Ruby thing and omg I'm so proud of you about you losing of something but hey you need to fix what ever your going through "
I laughed at her "so yeah what do you want to watch true blood or awkward. or " then she looks at me "let's watch awkward" so we did, it was late like dark so she fell asleep with me and we got up that morning had breakfast and she went home and Dillon showed up "hey bæ" I looked at him "hi baby"
And he was like so what u want to do and I looked at him "let's go for a walk and talk about stuff" and he looks at me "umm are we breaking up" and I looked at him "why you so worried every time I say let's talk or I want to talk to my girls you think we're breaking up" and he was like "I dunno I just love you so much I just feel paranoid" then I looked at him "I'm never gonna let you go I freaking love you like so fucking much babe" then we left

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