Feels like home

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I got up in the morning everyone is still Sleeping except me and Josephine and I look at her "want to make breakfast for everyone" she looks at me "yeah". So I grabbed the eggs and bacon and some fruit and yogurt and I make my one and only famous fruity fun salad and Josephine makes the eggs and bacon for everyone
"So we're all done" Josephine looks at me "u think that's all it" yeah "then I went to the room and I went to go put on a dress that's pink with purple flowers on it with purple high heeled sandals and I jump on the bed "hey sleepy head get up" I said kissing his neck and he get up and he grabbed me and started kissing me "good morning sunshine" I looked at him "good morning baby" and I kiss him again "mmm I smell something good you want to go have breakfast with me " he get up and said "yeah be there in a bit I'm gonna put on change into something to wear he puts on some nike boxer short and and a Nike tang top for men and he got out of the room
"Hey babe" he came grab me from behind and holding my hips and kissed me on the cheek "your done changing" and he looks at me "yeah so what we eating" I said to "well we are eating some fruit salad and eggs and bacon". "yeah I'm gonna eat with my birthday princess" I look at him "thanks babe" everyone got up and Josephine went to get dressed she wore a shirt with rhinestones on it that says cool story bro and spandex thats purple and wearing flip flops with purple flowers on them and Skylene was wearing a fluffy dress with blue ballet flats and Gabriella was wearing a shirt with short ripped shorts and ruby was wearing a dress with flowers all round it and black sandals high heels
I always watch out for ruby cause she likes my boyfriend Dillon and the bitch like to kinda dress the same as i do believe me when I say I do the dressing shit better 👊
She looks at me and Dillion with a jelouse look and I look at her with an evil look "hey the girl in the red head can I talk to you for awhile outside" I said in an angry voice
Then we went outside
"So what's up" I said
Then she look at me "nothing why you ask that" she said I look at her " I know you like my boyfriend and Dillon and u need to cut it out with all the looks u pass my way when I'm with him I may be friend you but sometimes I can break that" then she looks at "me oh please like u would ever find a friend like me" I look at her " I bet I can seen a few already so cut it out or you will be cut from my friend list"
"Okay then chill" then we walked inside and Dillon comes to me and grabs me and spins me around "there's my beautiful babe" I look at him "there's my handsome lover" then I French kissed him then ruby marched to her room and beck was sitting there playing with his iPod
Then ruby looks at him "do u ever get that feeling when your Inlove with someone but he's in love with someone else or she as I state to you "
Then beck looks at her "yeah I been Inlove with a girl named Skylene for like 5 months now but I never tell her I'm so scared of what she might think or if she has a Boyfriend hehe"
"That's what your scared of that pathetic your all hot and shit but not my type sorry"
Then beck looks at her "your really bitchy no wonder why Dillon hardly likes you" then she looks at him "well some friend to talk to when I'm in a crisis".

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