So what you want to talk about

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"So yeah what you want to talk about burn out" and i got up "damn I got high fast and slept just all sucky" and she looks at me "okay let's get serious" and I looked at her "so I was talking to my sis and then she left I went to see my mom she told me Dillon called me and 5 mins later i called him he answered and guess who was with or at least I think who he was with or went to go see" and she looks at me "who tell me I'll fuck them up" she said it like she was all pumped and I looked at her" no it's alright I got this but yeah he was with Felicia and Ruby 2 lil whores" and she looked at her phone she got a text from him saying Dillonmissinghisbabe:Hey do ya know where Britney is really need to talk to her
Skyleneisinlove:I have her she's all mine jk she's with me and text her
Dillonmissinghisbabe:I can't she doesn't want to respond
Skyleneisinlove:well don't know bud but hey I can talk to her
Dillonmissinghisbabe: okay that will be better hey can u tell her to meet me at bleaker street like at probably 9:49 okay
Skyleneisinlove: yeah sure if she wants to Kay ✌️ gtg
Skylene fliped her phone off and looked at me "so Dillon texts me he want you to go see him at bleaker street " then I looked at her "hmm okay then see what he wants but I'm not going if he wants me at Rubys"

... So I walked out from her house and then I hugged her and said goodnight beauty 😘

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