Party time

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Gabriella and Chase went for a ride to the mall to go get some booze and drinks for everything I have some friends directions for the party " so who you all inviting" said Josephine I looked at her "I'm inviting like 35 friend but they won't tell people where we are at there cool" then she looks at me "awesome this party is gonna be the bomb Digetty" I look at her "lets go get are party clothes on"
So I went to my room and put on a bergundy dress on like a short dress that has a skinny black belt around it with diamonds on the belt to with a diamond head band with my Long curly hair with red heels . Josephine was wearing a a dress that's long and silver and white strappy sandals she looked so beautiful then ruby was wearing a dress that's all strapless and wearing pink shoes and her dress is dark pink
Gabriella was wearing a purple casual dress with white and purple heels with flowers on them
"So we dressed girls" hey wait where's gabby "said Josephine I looked at her "she went to the mall to go get some drinks With Chase"

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