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So there back its 7:00 o'clock and we all got the booze out of the bags and chase lifts me up in the air "happy birthday girl" and he puts me down I look at him "thanks Chase and then Dillon come in "hey boys and girls ready to get shitfaced" we all laughed and we said "YEAH"

"Okay guys this party isn't only about me it's about all of us in our we have until Sunday here and having fun okay"
I said then chase looks at us "yeah let's have fun "

So we got everything ready they got me some kind of strong vodka I think it was Banff ice cooler or something like that but they got more so we were all in the living room "so here you go" said Josephine holding a shot glass
I look at her " okay since it's my birthday and I'm gonna be 17 god I feel so old now lol but hey it's part of life" so I took the shot and it tasted so good but it burned my throat I looked at Dillon and said "do you wanna take a shot" he said sure so I grabbed sour puss watermelon and put it in between my boobs I said "here babe" he took it from there and drank it ruby just rolled her eyes i looked at me and gave me a fake smile "in like wow jello much" then she looks at me "No not at all" she said in a snobby voice "well okay let's make this interesting no guys or girls say no so let's play truth or dare come on it be like we played when we were 14 but much different" they all said "Okay" so ruby "Truth Or Dare" I said to her "I'm I guess dare" she said "okay I dare you to make out with beck for five minutes and not some lame kiss French kiss" then she looks at me "okay then" so they did but that's how far we got to make it all of our party guests arrived i go take a look and everyone's here i get all excited yeah "sorry Ruby will play some other time kiddo"
Then Ruby looks at her "don't call me a kid" then she went to sit by the belcony and sat there "fuck what a long day still gonna be long just a bunch of people are here"
Then she heard a door slam then beck was all fucken pissed "aww fuck this shit I didn't even want to do that its so stupid fucking Britney can be dumb sometimes"m

Then Ruby said "well I wouldn't call her stupid she my friend not my bestie but we met like 3 months ago" then beck looks at her "shes all amazing and shit but not my type I really love Skylene now that's beautiful no hate tho" Ruby looks at him "yeah she's awesome Skylene is a good type for you, give her a chance express your feelings"
Beck said "but if I do I might-"
Ruby looks at him "what were you about to say"
Then beck looks at her
"She might reject me"
Ruby "she likes you but anyways let's go back inside okay"
Beck looks at me "yeah let's go it's getting cold and dark out here"

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