Chapter 4

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I was glad we had parked on the other street so he couldn't see our car when we left. If Rosita could only make it to the car and drive back, she would be okay. But she looked like she could barely stand up on her own. When we left, she had looked like she was about to lose conscientiousness, laying in a pool of her own blood....

I was forced into the front passenger seat and Daryl was in the back with the other man. They pointed guns at both of us.

The man in the passenger seat looked at me. "I'm Jack," he said, smiling like he was enjoying this. "Now, if you make any move, I will shoot you. Got it?"

I narrowed my eyes and nodded my head.

"Good," he said and started up the car, keeping the gun in his hand, ready to use it if he needed to.

"You too," I heard the man say to Daryl.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I tried to think if there was any way out of this. I was sure Daryl was trying to come up with something too.

"We've got a spot," he looked at me. "A big spot." He looked back at the road as he started to drive. "When we get there, I'll take you to Raegen. He'll decide what to do with you both."

"Do you kidnap people often?" I glared at him.

He laughed humorlessly. "Does your friend kill people often?"

"He was trying to shoot us," I said.

"Well," he said, looking frustrated. "She shot him. I shot her. We're even. And I doubt she'll make it that long. May already be dead," he said and I looked at him in shock. He smiled, knowing he got me.

I looked away from him and continued to try and think of something to get out of this. I turned my head slightly to look at Daryl in the backseat.

"Eyes forward," the man in the backseat said. "Don't be trying anything now."

I looked ahead again and peeked over at Jack's gun still in his hand. He was slightly preoccupied looking at the road. Could I get to it and do something before one of them shot me?

Jack looked over at me. I quickly looked away, hoping he hadn't caught me looking at his gun. I looked out the window, waiting a little bit before I would turn back and decide how I would do this. Maybe I could try and grab the gun quickly before he got a chance to react, or I could turn the wheel and crash the car, hoping we could get away that way.

I was about to turn back and look at him when something hit me in the back of the head.

I heard my name yelled out right before everything went black.


My eyes fluttered open and I squinted in pain. My head was pounding. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room lying on a couch.

I froze when I saw a man I didn't know standing in front of the door. When he saw I was awake, he opened the door and left, closing it behind him.

I turned my head slowly to look around. My neck was killing me. I reached my hand back and gently felt the back of my neck, wincing as my fingers touched the sensitive skin at the base of my head.

Son of a bitch. He must have hit me in the back of the head to knock me out after he saw me eyeing his gun. I started to lower my arm and winced when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder I hadn't noticed before. I looked at my shoulder and my eyes widened when I saw a swollen lump on my skin just below my left shoulder. There was a long cut that must have been deep enough because it had been stitched up. I didn't remember being cut. What the hell?

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