Chapter 9

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The crowd audibly gasped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, what I was seeing. Ten lashes as a warning? Were we living in medieval times? I guess when civilization collapsed, we reverted back in time instead of continuing to move forward. Gone was the age of democracy and civilization.

My breathing was coming out in short, jagged breaths. I looked at Kathy again to see her face void of expression. Had this happened before?

"Raegan does not want to see her banished beyond the walls where the dead roam free," the man announced to the crowd. People started nodding, as if this was noble to give her ten lashes, as if he were doing her a justice.

The man that was speaking nodded to the other men. One of them took a knife out and walked up to the girl. He put the blade to the top of the back of her shirt and ripped down the material, exposing her back in one swift motion.

"I heard it was one carrot," Kathy whispered in my ear.

"No," I gasped. I couldn't believe they were doing this, just for stealing a carrot. I had seen the men in Raegan's company eat lavishly only for all of us workers to starve. This wasn't fair. This was to keep us in check, to keep us working. This was to create fear.

The man who was speaking before was handed a whip that had multiple strands at the end. The girl was sobbing uncontrollably. I looked at the mother who was shaking and sobbing as she watched her daughter. 

I held my breath as the man raised the whip in his hand and the girl cried out in anticipation and fear. She was wailing. He was about to bring his hand down when I heard someone yell out.


I froze, my blood running cold. I would know that voice anywhere. It was the voice I dreamed of each day and night.

I whipped my head around, looking for the source, looking for him. Across the room, people parted as I saw Daryl step out of the crowd and up towards the podium. I saw a men behind him, holding a gun up to his back and looking mad. What was Daryl doing?

The man with the whip turned around, looking down at Daryl. "What is it?" His voice was frustrated, inpatient.

There was a pause for a moment, and for once, the crowd was silent as they waited to hear what he had to say. When he finally spoke, the crowd gasped, but not me. I couldn't breathe.

"I'll take her place."

The man with the whip tilted his head to the side. "You'll take her punishment?" he repeated.

Daryl nodded his head slightly.

After a moment of consideration, the man's lips curled up and he tightened his grip on the whip. He turned his head to the other men and nodded. "Take her down." He then turned to Daryl. "Come on up then." The man gave a sickening smile and I felt like I was going to vomit.

The man behind Daryl pushed him towards the podium. When Daryl was face to face with him, Daryl staring at him daringly, the man grabbed his hands and began to tie the rope around them.

"No," I shook my head. "I need to - I need..." I trailed off, talking to no one in particular.

Kathy grabbed my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"No," I said. I looked at Daryl. He was searching the crowd, and then his eyes landed on me.

"I need to go to him," I said desperately.

Kathy's hand went around my wrist. I started to walk towards Daryl but she held me back. I looked back at her. "Let me go," I said and tried to yank my hand free, but she wouldn't budge, her grasp tightening around my wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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