I found the devil, he's my best friend Ch.10

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Jeff The Killer's pov (thank cheesecake for this!)

I stood outside of the Wilson house. A light rain sprinkling down. I leaned back on a tree waiting for the lights to go out. pulling my knife out I twirled it around between my fingers. glancing up every so often to see if the lights are out yet or not.

sighing I slid my knife back into my pocket and climbed into the tree I was leaning onto. I stretched out on a branch and began to relax. I watched a black figure dart behind the house. "what the fuck?" I muttered sitting up ready to pounce down to the earth below. I watched the lights flicker out before going out.

throwing myself to the ground I followed the path the black figure took. Through my smile I frowned. I made it to the back of the house. I see a window half way opened. Slowly I popped inside. I looked around the room. Not seeing anything I mademy way up the stairs. popping into one of the bedrooms I seen the child dead in it's bed. Moving in Closer I noticed the chest ripped open and heart messily ripped out of the corpse.

Rolling my eyes I noticed words on the wall above the bed. "My hearts.. all mine, p.s love.. the worlds slowly turning red. see you soon." "what the fuck?" I mutter turning around to travel further into the house. Slowly making my way down the hall way to another room. slowly entering. Same thing as the last room. the message was different though. "God dammit.. they stole my fucking mark!" I whined throwing my head back groaning.

Walking down the the parents room I slowly entered hoping to find this motherfucker. 'their gonna pay.' I thought as I heard soft giggling. Looking around I noticed the mark theif cutting the heart out of the dead bodies. Pulling my knife out of my pocket I tip toed closer to the person.

I pounced onto the person pulling them to the ground. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" They yelled thrashing under me. "YOU STOLE MY FUCKING MARK! TELL ME WHY I SHOULDN'T KILL YOU HERE!?" I screamed ino their face. "wait a sec.." They said their dark eyes behind the mask searching mine. "why do your eyes look familiar?" I murmur reaching down pulling their mask off. "Jeff?" They mummble their dark eyes gazing into mine. "(Y/O/N)?" I asking looking at this man under me. ((((Y/O/N means your old name, when you were a female))))

"Yes, but it's (Y/N) now" (Y/N) said. Slowly I got off of him pulling him up. "You got your surgery I see" I murmur pulling him into a hug. "Haha yea." Y/N chuckled hugging me back. His stomach growled. "Wanna go get something to eat?" I asked letting go of him.

Y/N pov

"Wanna go get something to eat?" Jeff asked. my stomach growled again. "Um I kinda was picking up dinner now." I muttered laughing awkwardly as I picked up a large jar full of hearts. "Damn, well How about we go catch up?" Jeff asked his smile looking genuine. "Sounds great. lead the way" I murmured pulling my mask back on. Putting my knife back in my pocket. Tucking my jar under my arm I followed Jeff out of the house.

"damn this is weird." Jeff mummbled under his breath. I chuckled. "Hell yea, I wondered If I'd ever see my Jeffery again!" I squealed. "God dammit, don't call me that." Jeff growled . "Why not? I haven't seen you since the day you moved then the next time I see you it's a shitty photoshop picture on a creepypasta page.." I argued back. Rolling his eyes Jeff pushed me.

"Don't I'll drop my food!" I whined carrying my jar of hearts like a baby. "Since when did you become a cannibal?" Jeff asked looking over at me serious. "Um about a day ago?" I muttered it sounded more like a question than an answer. Looking at the ground I continued walking. ariving at a park Jeff led us over to a picnic table thing.

Opening my jar I pulled my mask up bringing a heart to my mouth. "Another question, when did you become a killer?" Jeff asked reaching into my Jar pulling a heart out. Shrugging I pulled my jar away from him. "Again about a day ago" I said chewing my heart. "Hmmm...You might be who slendy was bitching about earlier.." Jeff said taking a bite of the heart he stole from my jar.

"Huh.." I grunted stuffing the rest of my heart into my mouth. "Yea.. You might wanna hang with me tonight." Jeff said with a shrug.


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