Creepy Girls? Just my style Ch. 14

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Y,N pov

looking around the room I seen two girls sitting on a black leather couch. "Sup" I asked scratching the back of my head awkwardly. "Look there's the guy who stabbed Jeff" A girl in a tight fitting black dress said glancing over at me. The girl beside her followed her gaze to me.

"Oh yeah?" She asked getting up walking toward me. "Yea. Only fair" I murmured with a smirk lifting my shirt a little to show the bandaged gash on my torso. "Ha. Well you got him good. Almost hit his small intestine" The girl smiled.

"So what's your name stabby?" The one in the black dress asked walking over to me. "Well my name is Y,N but I'm more interested in yours" I murmured slightly seductively. "Um.. I'm.. Uh.. I'm Jane" She stammered a light blush dusting her pale cheeks. 'huh.. guess seduce has been added to my abilities' I thought chuckling to myself

"Fitting. And you?" I asked turning toward the other girl. For the first time really looking at her I noticed a clock where one of her eyes should be. "Oh, they call me clockwork.. but you can call me clocky" She whispered with a suggestive smile.

'the fuck? do I radiate sex now?' I mentally groaned. "Well I have to go." I looked past them my eyes hunting for Jack. "Oh.. Wait would you like to be shown around?" Jane asked her Black eye pleading. My eyes drifted over her pale face scanning every inch. My lips tugged at the corners as I noticed her dark blood red lipstick.

"Yea I guess that would be better than me wondering around helplessly for gods know how long" I chuckled as she jumped up an down like a little kid on X-mas. Clocky squealed and wrapped herself around my arm. Jane wrapped herself around my other arm.

After hours of being drug around the large building we came back to the living room. "It's time for dinner"  "Now you can meet everyone." They squealed their grip tightening on my arms. "How many are there?" I asked as we stood outside the double doors leading into the dinning hall.

"They come an go so no one knows for sure besides Slender" Clocky said. "Alright let's show him off" Jane said nodding toward clocky. Together they pulled me into the Dinning hall.

"New victim?" Slender asked looking down at me. But now he had on a trench coat and a visible smile full of sharp teeth. "No Smexy this is the new guy that broke Jack's nose" clocky said with a smirk. "Woah he broke Jack's nose to?" Jane asked looking up at me.

I just gave a lopsided wolfish grin. "Ha yea" another guy that looked like slender said walking up. "Honey.. no you.. You are to beautiful to dress like that" He murmured pushing up a pair of silver framed glasses. "Trendy leave him alone" Jane growled pulling me back.

"Uh can you guys let go of me?" I asked looking up to see a room full of creatures looking at me curiously. "Yeah Jane let the poor guy go" Jeff snickered. Jane let go pulling a knife out. Clocky let go walking around the table taking a seat.

"Jane sit" Slender's voice boomed. "Yes sir." Jane said putting her knife away she took a seat next to the so called smexy and trendy. Looking at everyone I noticed lust and desire filled gazes. 'Gods help me.' I groaned. walking through the room I noticed an empty seat between Jack and Jeff. Quickly I sat.

"I don't know what you eat so you get what the proxies get" Slender said sitting a plate with two slices of pizza on it in front of me. My stomach churned and I felt sick looking at the food I once loved. I pushed it away placing a hand to my mouth feeling vomit rise in my throat.

"would you like a kidney?" Jack asked cutting one up on a plate. "Wait I have your jar in my room" Jeff said jumping up. "Thank you" I said smiling up at him. "Um if you're not gonna eat that can I have it?" A boy with a white mask with feminine features painted on in black asked.

I nodded pushing the plate toward him. "Oh I'm masky by the way" The boy said. Suddenly a wave of names flooded the room. "Everyone shut up. You can introduce yourselves after dinner" Slender growled slamming his fist on the table.

"Here you go" Jeff murmured handing me the jar while taking his spot back beside me. "Thank you!" I squealed like a small child getting candy. Opening the jar I reached in pulling a heart out. "Oh great another cannibal" A black an white clown muttered rolling his eyes. "L.J!" Jane hissed.

"What E.J is bad enough leaving kidneys everywhere now their are going to be hearts" L.J groaned. I looked over at E.J out of the corner of my eye. E.J let out a sigh. I shrugged stuffing the heart into my mouth.

(Sup guys? I wanted this to be kinda funny. the next chapter will also be kinda funny maybe.. I hope you think it's funny. well as always enjoy and RTE OUT :3)

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