They Wanna See Blood, They Wanna See Hate! Ch.12

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Y.N pov (if you have a ps3 or ps4 feel free to add me, my psn's  RyanTheEyeless)

my eyes stayed tightly shut. I felt the gentle vibrations of movement rock through my body. I warmth of a body pressed against my side and a slight chill. arms wrapped around me told me that I was being carried. Sudden aching of my nose made me groan out.

Whomever was carrying me stopped. a voice from a few feet of murmured something I couldn't quite make out. My hands shot up to my face and began rubbing my nose. A soft chuckle vibrated through the chest of the person carrying me. "I'm sorry I had to do that." a deep yet water voice spoke.

Slowly opening my eyes I seen a blue mask starring down at me. I help my nose and just whimpered a response of an okay. He chuckled softly and began walking again. "we're almost there" a boy in a white hoodie said walking over to us. He turned and I could see his face. suddenly everything came rushing back at once.

I held my head rubbing circles on my temples. I opened my eyes and glared at the back of the hoodied boys head. I squirmed in E.J's hands. "You want down?" He asked. I nodded wanting down to destroy white hooded boy. E.J stopped. Gently he sat me onto the ground. As soon as I was released I took off running toward the boy.

I jumped on to his back. "AAHHH" He screamed as we fell to the ground. rolling on to his back he tried pinning me down but I pushed him up and swung around straddling him. My hands went to his neck. His eyes glaring in to mine. Both fear and anger shined in the pale moon light

Staring into his eyes I realized who he was. Jeffery.. My hands began squeezing tightly. I wasn't about to let him near my E.J. I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I gasped as I glanced down. His knife buried deep into torso. "I'm sorry.." He whispered letting go of his knife.

E.J's hands grasped onto my shoulders. "Dammit Jeff Slender is going to be pissed now." E.J growled pulling me up. My vision was heavy. "Oh shut up it was hurt or be hurt. I chose to stop him my way" Jeffery said in a nonchalant voice.

"just.. shut up" E.J groaned and picked me up bridal style. "Just stay calm y,n we'll get you fixed up soon." He murmured holding my close. "apply pressure to it okay?" He asked looking down at me. I placed my hands on either side of the knife and pressed down. My blood oozing out onto my hands and down onto E.J's hoodie.

"sorry.. about.. the.. blood.." I croaked out. E.J slowed down his head tilted down "don't worry about it." He murmured soothingly. "we're here.." Jeffery mumbled. "no really?" E.J groaned walking up some steps. I winced as the knife moved around in my abdomen. "SLENDER!" E.J yelled walking through a door way.

static filled my head. Groaning loudly my hands went from my stomach to my temples. "JEFFERY WHAT DID YOU DO?!" a deep voice boomed causing me to whimper in fear. "It's okay." E.J whispered into my ear trying to sooth me. "Do not fear me child." The voice spoke. Cold slimy appendages wrapped around my body lifting me away from the warm embrace of E.J.

My eyes glanced down to see long black tentacles wrapped around me. My eyes followed the limbs to the being they belong to. A tall pale man stood before me. His head was tilted toward my abdomen. My eyes glanced around the room. It was cover in white tiles. It was brightly light and it smelled like a hospital.

I noticed Jeffery leaning against the wall. I felt hatred flare inside me again. I squirmed against the beings tentacles trying to escape. "Stop it." His voice echoed inside my skull. But as if something else were in control of my body I struggled against the being.

Sighing the being turned it's head to Jeffery. "Did he touch your smile?" The being asked. Jeffery looked up from the floor and glared at the being. "Yes he did. I didn't think it through slendy it was my fault sorry" He growled sounding irritated.

"You realize I have to erase half of his memory now right? You'll have to place in a story to fill the black area" Slender said growing irritated. "I know dammit. just.. make him better okay!?" Jeffery growled. My head began to feel airy as tho it were filled with smoke. My vision grew dark with each breath I took in.

--__-- 2 hours later -- __--

I bolted up right on a flat steel bed. "Good you're awake" a voice said beside me. I glanced over. "Jeffery?" I asked squinting. My nose began to ache my hands rushed to my nose. "What happened? all I remember is eating and catching up with you then.. just.. blank.. where am I?" I asked looking around the tile room.

"We were talking and E.J came to take you to Slender. He and I got into a fight. He went to hit me but missed hitting you breaking your nose. You're in slendy mansion basement hospital because you stumbled backwards from impact falling and hitting your head which caused you to black out." Jeff said patting me on the back. I winced a bit due to stiffness.

"Make sense I guess." I mumbled rubbing the back of my head. I winced as a sharp pain spread through my abdomen. I lifted my shirt up and seen a stitched up cut. "The hell happened there?!" I asked getting stressed out. "You got stabbed in cross fire." Jeff said. "You get one free one. You get to stab me at any time without warning to make up for mine, and you get to break E.J's nose to make up for your nose." Jeff said handing me a knife.

"Okay.. can we leave this room?" I asked not really buying his story to much but not wanting to question it to much. "Yea follow me." Jeff said helping me down. I followed him up some stairs and to a living room. He turned around and winked at me.

I smiled at him. He turned back toward to room. I pulled his knife up. My smile turning dark. The empty hatred in my heart bubbling I lifted his knife over his side. "Hey Jeff" I said innocently. He turned toward me and I thrusted  his knife into his stomach.

"Never fucking stab me again." I growled happily walking off into the house looking around. "wow look at the hunk who stabbed Jeffy boy" A pale girl in a black dress said smiling from a black leather sectional couch in the center of the room. I smiled back at her and continued walking around hunting E.J

I walked into a dinning room. I seen him sitting at the table eating what appeared to be his famous kidneys. I rolled my eyes walking closer to him I smiled as I seen his mask lifted up above his nose. "Hi." I said innocently.

"hello" His deep water voice cooed softly as he took a bite of his food. My stomach growled at the sight of the tender flesh and blood oozing around on the plate. "You want some?" He asked. "Nah, I'll go pick up some hearts later" I murmured looking at the blood dripping down his chin.

My eyes glided up his chin to his mouth. He had wonderfully full lips. His teeth jagged and Sharp. Imaging them gently nipping at my flesh sent chills down my spine. My eyes traveled up to his nose. My grin darkened as I leaned closer. quickly I pulled my fist back and smashed in as hard as I could against his nose.

I felt a satisfying crunch as he tumbled backwards. "I deserved that.." He groaned sitting up. "everyone gets one" I winked walking out of the dinning room. "Y,n" a voice echoed inside my head. "Yes?" I replied out loud looking around. suddenly a figure of a tall pale man appeared in front of me.

"I am the slender man. do not fear me child. We have much to discuss" He spoke. Black tentacles wrapped around me and in a poof of grey smoke we were in what looked like an office from really old movies.

big Oak desk in the center. Book shelves filled. Two large leather chairs sat in front of the desk.

"Sit" he ordered once he placed me on the ground. I sat in front of the desk and watched him walk around and sit down.

(Next Chapter We'll have a slendy conference! *rolls eyes*  tell me what you want and we'll make it happen! okay. as always enjoy & RTE OUT! :3)

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