Handle Me With Care. Ch. 19

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Y,N pov (Mini A/N. the 'words like this' are his voice, Aron.)


           I ran as fast as I could through the trees rage and fear coursing through my veins. 'what the fuck is wrong with me??!?!!?!?!?!?!?' I scream to myself tears streaming down my cheeks and dripping off the edge of my mask. 'Oh dear y,n.. You are so much stronger than this.. Let me kill them. They hurt you.' A deep voice said echoing in my skull. "No, No. no. no. no. no no no no no... NO!!!" yelled out loud. 'let me take care of us.. I promise, you'll be safe. Just relax your mind, I'll take over for a while.' The voice spoke with a cold tone, as if it were daring me to deny it.


        "Never.." I whisper running faster complete away from slender's place. My head began to ache. I winced as the pain went from dull to sharp. "ugh. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME!!." I screamed out. I felt my body slowing down to a complete stop. 'I will get our revenge.' His thick voice murmured "Not if I have anything to say about it." I groaned out dropping to my knees. Gripping my knife tightly I pulled it out of my pocket. 'What are you doing!? Stop it!' His voice full of concern and worry as I brought the blade up. Pulling my mask off with my left hand I threw it to the side. "Keeping you from hurting my friends." I stated loudly taking a deep breath I forced the knife deep into my abdomen.

          'Y,N!!! STOP!!' His voice pleading almost broken. Quickly I yanked the knife out and howled with pain as I thrusted, hacked, and slashed my body up. 'Y,n...' The voice faded as did my vision. Taking a shaky deep breath that hurt so sharply I smiled laying back on the grass as my blood spilled all across the grass. 'For you my friends..' I thought as I faded away into the void.


            I felt pain all over. I couldn't move because it was too much to bare. 'Lord Sithis why must I be in pain so?' I thought mentally wincing. 'Y,N!! We're alive!' His voice called relieved. 'I'm in so much pain. How?' I muttered to the voice. 'Well you though it would be a great idea the hack and slash yourself up. As for how, when you faded out I was able to drag our body a good three feet before passing out' His voice said slightly hint of shame ringing in his tone. 'Do you know where we are?' I asked not wanting to open my eyes yet. 'No idea, open your eyes.' He muttered as if he were stating the obvious.

         Rolling my eyes I opened them slowly letting them glide around the room taking in my surroundings. Deep emerald walls with a few framed photos here and there. A book shelf stuffed full beside a small desk. A night stand with a lap and a bowl of water with a rag sat on the left the right a chair with a boy laying back. Wincing I slowly propped myself up on my elbows. Looking over at the boy I let my eyes trace over his scars that stretched across his face. Slowly he opened his eyes, looking over at me his eyes widened. "You're awake." He stated flatly. "Ye.. Duh." My eyes widened I placed my hand over my mouth.

        (A/N, For when Sully talks over Liu it'll be in bold)

            "I am so sor-  Thanks for stating the obvious." I groaned throwing myself back onto the bed. "It's Fin- You should stop that." His voice deepened. He sighed, rubbing his temples.. "Sully don't start.." I looked at him questionably. "So, What's your guys names?" He asked looking at me genuinely curious. I looked up at him, "I'm Y,N but.. I don't really.. Hello, I'm Aron." He cut me off I could feel a smirk on my lips, I frowned knowing he was trying to control me again.

         "I'm Liu, and I'm Sully, the important one. Whatever Sully." Liu muttered walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed I was on. "What happened to you guys anyway?" He asked changing the bandages across my face. "He was tryin- I was going to get revenge o- He was going to hurt my friends, So this idiot thoug- First off I'm not an idiot, and two I would die to keep my loved ones safe." I stated staring into Liu's dark eyes. "I see, Very protective. Sul- I do the same thing when someone hurts Liu, they go away for good though." I shuddered slightly at the thought of Aron doing that to Jeff and the rest..

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