seoul isnt seoul without you, love

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Mention of suicide

Seulgi woke up very late and unfortunately came late in to school today. The teacher was very enraged and disappointed. The other students just giggled. That's what she was, pure enjoyment for others.

"you look like you had a rough morning" the tall & pale girl said.
"is that so?" seulgi asked and turned around. It was Irene asking.
"why is it no surprise that I continue to disappoint people?" Irene laughed at her statement, "bold of you to say that when all of us are products of disappointment. You're not alone here"

Seulgi has never felt more lonely but still, she laughed.

Irene always wanted what's best for Seulgi. After-all that was her friend.
Irene always thought that Seulgi was creative but her struggles have prevented her from ever having doors open for her. Instead they were all closed.

Irene thought of Seulgi as a lonely and painfully shy teenager, who is under pressure by her stern family because she must live up to her mother's reputation to not end up like her. Dead. Finished by society and boom suicide.

Irene really liked Seulgi but Seulgi never saw that.

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