Chapter 8

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Buildings surrounding them were destroyed, either burnt down or reduced to rubble. Somehow, Luffy had pinned both of the cursed spirits with his rubber arms. While Buggy struggled to keep a single cursed spirit pinned to the wall, using his floating hand to keep it away from him.

(Y/n) stood there, a little ruffled up from dodging Sukuna's attacks, while Sukuna looked unharmed, and amused. "(Y/n), you're exhausted, let me handle him," Zoro said with a worried look while placing a hand on her shoulder. "No way... You'd die" (Y/n) said seriously, and harshly shoved him away from the fight.

"Speak for yourself! I'm out of here!" Buggy exclaimed as he ran for it, leaving his hand to keep the cursed spirit pinned down. "Where do you think you're going? Don't think I forgot about you" Sukuna said as he gripped Buggy's cape, stopping him in his tracks. "EEEK!!! No! No! I'm sorry! Please let me go! I don't want to die!!!" Buggy cried out.

"Begging for your life? Pathetic" Sukuna said mockingly as he swung Buggy around, and flung him into a building. The impact destroyed the building, sending it tumbling to the ground. "Captain Buggy!!!" Mohji and Cabaji called out in worry. Sukuna then glanced at the two males, giving them a sadistic grin, as they both freezer up in fear.

"Now which one of you disrespected me? You? No... Ah, that's right! It was you" Sukuna said while looking at Cabaji. "No! No, it wasn't! It was him! I swear!" Cabaji exclaimed while pointing to a Mohji, now scared for his life. "Cabaji! You traitor!!" Mohji exclaimed in betrayal and disbelief.

"Either way, you're both going to die, just because I want to," Sukuna said as he appeared in front of them, leaning down to their height. "AHHHHHHH!!!" Both men screamed, both now ugly crying as they hugged each other, waiting for their inevitable doom.

"Disgusting... Pathetic, weaklings, so pathetic that you even pissed yourself" Sukuna said with a disgusted look, no longer finding them amusing. Suddenly a bunch of body parts scattered about, and two hands came flying at Sukuna's face, with swords in them.

Sukuna looked confused for a moment, and quickly got the hands within his own, making them release the swords. "What's this? A floating hand?" Sukuna asked while examining the hands. "Let go! Let go! Give me my hands back!!" Buggy ordered while floating in the air.

"Who are you ordering around?" Sukuna asked with a dark glare, gripping the hands harder, as the sound of bones breaking sent the onlookers in dread. "AHHH!!!" Buggy screamed in pain, now trying harder to slip his hands out of Sukuna's grip.

In the corner of Sukuna's eyes, he can see (Y/n) gathering most of Buggy's body and tying them up with Nami's help. The cursed spirits have already been dealt with. Smirking in amusement, he released the hand, allowing it to float hastily away from him. "Body parts! Assemble!!" Buggy yelled out, as only his head, legs, and hands reattached themselves.

"Erk!" Buggy exclaimed as he turned pale, now realizing a major flaw in his plan. "Thanks for the help Nagi" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, earning a whack to her head. "It's Nami! Get it right!" Nami exclaimed angirly as she held down the body parts. "Gah! My parts!!!" Buggy exclaimed in shock.

"Now, this is a better position, don't you think? Now, where was I? Oh right!" Sukuna said with an innocent smile, somehow making it creepier than his sinister smile. He then swung his leg back and punted him, sending him flying, and making a twinkle in the sky from how far Buggy went.

"Thanks for the help Zucchini! He was a pain in the ass!" (Y/n) said as she patted his back. "ARE YOU INSANE?! HE JUST TOOK OUT BUGGY WITH NO PROBLEM! DON'T ACT ALL BUDDY-BUDDY WITH HIM!!" Nami yelled out while shaking (Y/n) back and forth. "Speaking of... Where did he go?" Luffy butted in while pointing to the empty spot Sukuna once stood in.

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