Chapter 1

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Wealth, fame, power, Gold Rodger, the King of the Pirates, has tamed this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas. "You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered in one place, now you just have to find it," Gol D. Rodger had said.

These words lured men to the Grand Line and pursued these greater than they dared to imagine. This is the time known as the Great Pirate Era. "Great Pirate Era? What a strange name" (Y/n) said as she held up a paper magazine, "how did you even read that?" Koby asked, realizing that she read the magazine with a blindfold on.


"ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM! YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND ASKING RANDOM PEOPLE TO JOIN THEIR CREW!!" Koby exclaimed loudly while shaking Luffy back and forth. "Huh? But why not? They said they're strong, and I want a strong crew!" Luffy said happily.

While the two bickered, they failed to notice the looming pirate behind (Y/n). "A-Ah... (Y-Y/n)...." Koby said shakingly, as he finally realized the figure was her, pointing at it in fear. (Y/n) casually turned around to look up at the towering figure, "strongest sorcerer? What a ridiculous title, what are you supposed to do? Pull a card trick?" Alvida asked sarcastically.

"I can if you want me to! Here, why don't you pick a card?" (Y/n) asked as she pulled out a deck of cards from thin air. "Do you peg me for a fool!? What are you really?" Alvida asked seriously, not believing in (Y/n)'s title. "She's my crew member! Which makes her a pirate!" Luffy butted in.

"Eh? But I didn't really agree-" (Y/n) started to say, but she was cut off by Alvida. "Pirate? Ha! Just you two on these waters? That's even stupider than the sorcerer title!" Alvida said mockingly. "Hey! Today is just me and (Y/n), but I'll find my crew tomorrow, or next week, or something... I need, like... I don't know, like 10 guys!" Luffy said casually, it wasn't that convincing.

"Ha! So, if we're pirates, but not under the same flag, then that would make us enemies, am I right?" Alvida asked calmly. "Hm, that's a good question! That depends on if you want to be an ally, or you are allies" (Y/n) said while putting a hand under her chin, making it look like she's thinking hard about the question.

"(Y-Y/n), come on, get over here, and let's go!" Koby whispered out to (Y/n). "Eh? But why? We're having a nice conversation!" (Y/n) said with a large smile. "Yeah, but with that big club, she can easily kill you! Plus, she uses evil cheats, she's easily the..." Koby trailed off, rethinking his words.

"Go one Koby, tell this weirdo what you're about to say about me," Alvida said with a confident smirk. "ALVIDA! YOU'RE THE UGLIEST THING ON THE SEA!!" Koby yelled out. Alvida had a nasty glare, quite unhappy with the comment Koby made about her, if looks could kill, Koby would be more than 6 feet under the sea.

Luffy started laughing, earning a soft chuckle from (Y/n), as they both found the comment funny. "What did you say?!" Alvida asked with a threatening look. "I'm leaving, and I'm going to join the Marines! Then I'm going to spend the rest of my life cleaning up dirty pirates like you!" Koby said confidently.

"Do you have any clue to what you're saying to me right now?" Alvida asked angirly. "Of course I do! And I'm going to do what I want! And no one's going to stop me! If I want to join the Marines, then I'm going to join them! And I'm going to catch your lousy ass first!!" Koby yelled out.

"YOUR DEAD KID!" Alvida screamed out as she goes to hit Koby with her club. "Dang kid, I didn't know you had it in you! When I first saw you, I thought you were some coward. Here, how about this for some magic?" (Y/n) asked as she quickly stood in front of Koby and Luffy.

As the club swung down, it stopped a good few inches from (Y/n)'s head. "I-It stopped?! But how?!" Koby asked in disbelief, while Luffy smiled at the scene, quite happy with (Y/n)'s abilities. (Y/n) then gripped the weapon before Alvida decided to try and hit her again with it.

"WHAT?! WHY WON'T IT MOVE? LET GO!" Alvida demanded, trying her hardest to budge the weapon. "My turn~!" (Y/n) sang casually as she swung her hand back, then when she swung it forward, Alvida went flying through the air. The aftershock destroyed pieces of wood from the deck.

Both Luffy and Koby watched Alvida fly off the ship with great shock, as they didn't even see (Y/n) hit Alvida. "WOAH! THAT WAS SO COOL!!" Luffy exclaimed with child-like glee. (Y/n) then casually turned to where the other pirates are, who stared at (Y/n) with dropped jaws.

"Hey~ Yes you guys~! Please go find a boat for this kid here, he's leaving to join the... Uhm... The Mares?" (Y/n) said while butchering the name. "It's Marines..." Koby mumbled, correcting (Y/n), "whatever, just get us a boat! Chop chop!" (Y/n) said while clapping her hands together.

"U-Uh... Yeah... Sure!" The three pirates said simultaneously, sweating bullets from fear. "Thanks, (Y/n)" Koby said happily, but the pleasant scene was interrupted by the sound of cannons flying through the air. The cannons hit the water, shaking the cruise boat in the process, and almost toppling Koby and Luffy over.

(Y/n) casually looked over there where the cannons came from, unaffected by the shaking of the boat. "Look! It's the Marines!" Luffy exclaimed. "Oh, is that what that was?" (Y/n) asked, reminding them that she is wearing a blindfold. "Yeah! Why don't you take off that blindfold and see for yourself? Plus, you have really pretty eyes!" Luffy exclaimed happily.

"Forget that! The bigger issue is that the Marines are here!" Koby exclaimed worriedly. "Oh! Right, come on (Y/n), let's get out of here before they catch us!" Luffy said as he jumped over the railing. "Wait! What about me!?" Koby asked worriedly as he watched (Y/n) follow after Luffy.

"Just go over there and ask them to let you join!" Luffy stated obliviously, earning a more freaked-out Koby. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I CAN'T APPROACH THEM LIKE THIS! THEY WILL JUST CATCH ME LIKE ANY OTHER PIRATE!!" Koby yelled out as he quickly followed after the two.

They dropped the boat, unaware that they are dropping in on another boat, splashing water all over it. "AHHH!!" A female screamed from the large splash. Koby and Luffy held onto the boat as they fell, while (Y/n) casually stood there, unaware that the female they splashed tried to make eye contact with her.


"So, I never got your names" (Y/n) said casually while leaning against the pole to the sail. "Oh! Right, my name is Monkey D. Luffy! Your official captain!" Luffy exclaimed while pointing at himself. "I-I'm Koby! H-How did you even do that? I didn't even see you touch her once!" Koby exclaimed curiously.

"Oh, that? Sorry, but as a magician, I shall never tell you my secrets~!" (Y/n) sang out with a smirk. "I thought you said you're a sorcerer...?" Koby asked, only to receive a hand wave, meaning that it's basically the same thing. "I'd like to point out, that I'm not joining your crew, I'm just tagging along" (Y/n) said while pointing to Luffy.

"Aw! But why?! If you're going to be following me, you might as well join me!" Luffy exclaimed with a pleading look. "I have my own goals, once I finish them, maybe I'll join you" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up. "Well, then that's settled then! You're now part of my crew!" Luffy exclaimed stubbornly. "Eh? Didn't you hear what I just said?" (Y/n) asked, only to be ignored by Luffy, she sighed with a frown but then smiled, a bit eager for the new adventure.

"Actually, where are we going exactly?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "Oh! Right, we're going to track down this pirate hunter! Uh... What's his name again Koby?" Luffy asked. "What?! Do you mean Zoro?! He got captured by the Marines!" Koby explained a bit frightened by the name.

"Oh, so a weakling?" Luffy asked, a bit disappointed with the information. "YOU'RE SO WRONG! HE'S SAID TO BE AS VIAL AS A DEMON! PLUS HE'S THREE TIMES AS HORRIFYING!! Wait, why are you asking about him?" Koby asked, obviously he didn't listen to their conversation earlier.

"I figured if he's as good as (Y/n), I'd ask him to be on the crew!" Luffy exclaimed happily. "Chasing him down is just plain reckless!" Koby lectured the stubborn male. "I mean... Maybe he might join?" (Y/n) added sarcastically, "DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!!" Koby yelled at (Y/n).

"HE'S A BAD ENOUGH GUY THAT THE MARINES CAUGHT HIM!! NO WAY! NOT A CHANCE!! FORGET IT! NO, NO- OW!!" Koby yelled out as he got bonked by both Luffy and (Y/n). "Why did you guys hit me?!" Koby asked while holding the spot they hit, "because I felt like it," Luffy and (Y/n) said in unison.

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