Chapter 22

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"Gum Gum ROCKET!!" Luffy exclaimed as he slammed through the doors. "Wooah..." Luffy muttered as he stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of him. The sun's rays hit (Y/n) perfectly, making her glow like a goddess. Her french braid swayed from side to side as she turned to look at them. Flower petals, which rested along her braid, fluttered down, making it look romantic.

Her dazzling bright (e/c) eyes shimmered in happiness as she smiled at them, taking their breath away with her beauty. Until it was abruptly blocked by a, less than happy, Sukuna, who had moved himself to hide her from their vision. That's when they realized, that Sukuna is sitting on his throne, with (Y/n) on his shoulders.

They had just ruined a season of Sukuna's hair being braided. "Don't you think, you're heads are raised too high?" Sukuna asked threateningly, "What does that me--AHH!!" Luffy screamed as he narrowly dodged being sliced, as he did not bow. "...OW!!! OWIE, OWIE, OWIE!!!" Luffy screamed as he ran around like a headless chicken.

Meanwhile, blood spouted from his cheek, as he tried his best to cover it with his hand. "How annoying" Sukuna complained while trying his best to hold still. "Aaaand... Done!" (Y/n) said with a clap of her hands, looking quite proud of her work. "Oh, hey Laffy! Maan, you looked roughed up!" (Y/n) greeted them calmly.

"Oh! Hey (Y/n)! Nice braid!" Luffy said with a thumbs up, while his other thumb is in his mouth. "I see you got away from my servant" Sukuna noted while resting his chin on his upper right arm. "Yup! Now, can you hand back my crewmember and leave, please?" Luffy asked innocently, while also adding manners into the mix.

Luffy soon started to sweat immensely, as he felt like a small bug being looked down upon by a god. Normally, he's not one for backing down, but for once, he was scared. This is not far from the truth, in reality, Luffy is lucky enough to still be alive under Sukuna's presence. "Pathetic, so pathetic it's almost disappointing" Sukuna mocked, seemingly uninterested in him.

"Sushi~! What did I tell you?... We made a binding vow, remember?" (Y/n) playfully said, until the last bit was whispered into his ear. "Hey! I'm not pathetic! You are! Now give me back my crew member!" Luffy exclaimed, suddenly getting back his determination. With a slam of Sukuna's hand, it shook the boat, almost toppling Luffy over. "Woooaaah!!" Luffy exclaimed as he waved his arms about, trying to keep himself upright.

"Know your place, brat! If it weren't for my deal with her, I would've killed you already" Sukuna said as he gestured his thumb to (Y/n), then pointed at Luffy. "Wait, you made a deal with him? Why?! What was it?! Why didn't you consult with me first?!" Luffy bombarded her with questions. He was quickly silenced by two fingers poking his forehead, causing him to be sleepy. "I'm sorry... But this is the only way, for your safety, and the restaurant" (Y/n) apologized, as Luffy fell into her arms, fast asleep.


(Y/n) sat on the railings, letting the wind lift her braid upwards slightly, the restaurant getting smaller and smaller behind her. "Why do you want to head to Arlong Park? We could go literally anywhere" Sukuna said, sounding quite annoyed. "I have business there, call it an investment of mine" (Y/n) said while glancing back at him.

"You're serious about this... Must be interesting" Sukuna said with a sadistic smile, possibly interested. "You have no idea..." She said, trailing off as she stared back at the sea. Finally, her eyes were covered by a blindfold, helping her from being blinded by all the different energies. "Quit harming yourself, it's unbefitting of you" Sukuna scolded while looking away from her.

"Heh... Awe~! How cute, being a tsundere~! I knew you liked me, but this is a whole new you! Wait, but maybe you're pretending to be Sukie?" (Y/n) pondered, causing Sukuna to glare at her. "I swear, you're worse than your lunatic brother!" Sukuna exclaimed as he smacked her on the head. "Ow! Meanie!!" She complained as she held her head in pain, despite it not actually hurting that much.

"A binding vow? What could you offer that is worth the restaurant, that annoying brat, and the other rats?" Sukuna asked while delicately braiding her hair. "I offer myself, for a whole two days. You can do anything you'd like, except touching the prison realm my brother is in, and I will not complain, is that enough for you?" She had asked. Sukuna stayed silent, but she can see the growing smile on his face.

Now she is on her way to somehow help Nami and her new friends, without violating the contract. She is just lucky enough that Sukuna knows where to go. She has to pretend the place is interesting and hope they are actually interesting. "Hey! My brother is not a lunatic!" (Y/n) argued back, while sticking her tongue out like a child.

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