02. dissent

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lowkey got writers block but i managed to get at least a chapter for most of my fics.

anyways, enjoy :>


"Y/n Wixx." The chief police read out loud a document he held in his hands. "Better known as Lady Artemis in the hero field. She's working to get in the ranking system as a pro." He closed the folder and slid it across the table to Allmight, who gently grabbed and opened it himself.

He observed your photo carefully, eyeing your information as Tsuragamae continued to speak.

"Her quirk, to which she calls Animalistic. She has the ability to shift or transform into just about any animal. She has two forms; Her first form is her half transformation. She has the appearance or characteristics of whatever she chooses to transform into, whether it's ears, teeth, tail or eyes. Her second form is a full transformation, which is self explanatory. Though, she does have negative effects when it comes to this unique quirk."

"Which are?" Allmight asked, flipping a page as multiple small photographs slid out. He grasped one, examining it carefully.

"Well one, she can't transform into an animal she hasn't seen in person. And there's only so many times she can fully transform until her body can no longer physically function. Due to the sudden and unnatural changes to her anatomy, she has extreme muscle and bone pain." The photographs showed the visible bruising, swelling, and irritation all over your body. Your face, neck, arms, legs. It just looked like somebody beated the hell out of you honestly. "Not only that, but she has been known to cause problems when she fully transforms."

"I think I've heard about that." Allmight uttered.

"I'm sure you have. According to the witnesses of sidekicks and other hero's, she had lost control when fully transformed. Her animal instincts took over, and she lashed out, attacking Hawks."

Allmight picked up another photo, who wasn't you this time. It was Hawks, a photograph of his arm that had a deep and bloody imprint of teeth marks.

"Fortunately this was the only injury he had gotten from her that time."

"So there was more than one time?" Allmight repeated, placing the folder on the table as he turned in his seat just enough to eye behind him. "This true, Hawks?"

Hawks didn't reply. He sighed through his nose, averting his gaze to his crossed feet. He hadn't said a word about that situation, and yet those higher in command still find a way into things.

Tsurugamae nodded. "Don't worry, we've been keeping track."

"She only lost control because her emotions were all over the place." The winged man tried defending you. He knew that the moment that situation happened, it would cost your reputation. "Not because—"

"I'm assuming that her emotions were all over the place the other four, almost five times?" Tsurugamae questioned while eyeing Hawks.

He stayed silent again. It was only so much in this situation that he could say.

"In the end what happened, happened. But to keep from incidents such as those happening, she has agreed to shift into more of a domesticated and controllable animal."

Allmight hummed, his eyes going towards the other side of your hero report. "Speaking of domesticated and controllable animals." He glared at the picture of the animal that had its own picture next to yours. "What's with her and the lion?"

"Azari." The chief leaned back in his seat. "Think of it as a close companion for her. She actually works really well, extremely obedient and listens to just about anything Artemis tells her to do. She also happens to be blind in her right eye, hence the silver eye and scar." He took a deep breath, resting his elbows onto the table. "Moving on though, her strengths are close hand to hand combat, melee weapons, and her speed. Weakness, the inability to fight well when it comes to far range. According to all of the hero's who have trained with her, they've noticed how she's extremely impulsive when pressured."

"That can be fixed easily." Allmight added right after him.

"Other than all of that, everything important has been covered. With this all in mind, are you absolutely positive that she's capable enough to do this Allmight?" The both of them looked at one another in seriousness. "We're putting all of our hopes in knowing more about The Leauge, more about Shigiraki and most importantly, stopping All For One."

He knew that already. He knew all of that weight would practically be on your shoulders, and that was honestly the only thing that was making him second guess his decision.

"They won't hesitate to kill her if they find out she's with us. It only takes an ounce of suspicion, and she'll be disintegrated by Tomura."

"That won't happen." Allmight shook his head with fist curled. "I know she will do well."

Soft knocks erupted the next thing the chief was about to say. Everyone stared at the door before Allmight gave a cue that it was alright to come in.

You opened the door, your eyes automatically meeting Allmight and the Chief. Once you stepped in, you bowed, showing your respect to both of them.

"Afternoon Chief and Allmight." You greeted, shutting the door behind yourself. "Am I here early?" You asked as you took a seat near the table they sat at.

"No. This is actually everyone."

Everyone? You've been purposely avoiding any sorts of contact with Keigo the moment you left him in that elevator. He texted, and even called and you've been ignoring him the whole time.

But he was the first thing you noticed when you opened the door.


"Well everyone except one. Unfortunately he got caught up in work so he won't be able to make it today." Chief Tsurugamae explained. "For today, it's just you and Hawks."

And it was as if it was on cue, Hawks moved to take a seat right next to you. With your stare still on the table for a few moments, you looked over at him. He gave you a crooked smile, which you didn't even attempt to return. You sighed, giving your attention back to Tsurugamae and leaning all the way back in your seat.

"Now, the information that we've gathered about The League so far is extremely limited, but it's something." You watched the chief pull out a separate file and held it out towards you. "So far all we know is that they have over four confirmed members."

"So there could be more?" You asked.

"We're pretty certain that there's more." All might answer. "But it's better if we don't assume."

You glared at the file that was given to you. Apparently these were the four confirmed people who associated themselves with the league. The information that you were given was so little, they might as well not have given you anything.

"I can't do anything with this." You say with mild annoyance in your tone.

"You have to understand that this is as much intel as we could get Lady Artemis." Chief brought up. "Im not happy about it either but it's what we got."

"She's clearly not comfortable with that little information that she was given."

"I never said that I wasn't comfortable, Hawks."

"Didn't have to say it," He nodded his head to the side. "You're showing it."

You gave him a sarcastic chuckle. Your stare was on the side of his face, while his remained on the cold table in front of him. "You really wanna do this right now?"

"Do what? Speak what's on my mind?"

"Fine then, since we're speaking what's on our mind," You fully turned to him, which he did the same. "I refuse to do anything if I have to work with you."


y/ns and hawks relationship seems already off. To those who r completely new to this fic, what kinda relationship do u think y/n and hawks have? Cuz clearly rn y/n pissed off at him, LMAO. And to those who remember the old chapters to this, yall think it's gonna b the same?👀

i already got the sequel to this fic planned and this aint even finished yet LMAO.

it's something that would leave most surprised HAH.

anywayysss hope u enjoyed this chapter,

have a gr8 day :)

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