06. club

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woah it's been a minute 💀.

enjoy ;)


The city of Yokohama was ten times quieter during the night compared to the day. From above you were following Azari from top of buildings, leaping and hopping away while she took back alleys or other hidden paths.

There was no way you could keep up with her speed even if she had the disadvantage of staying hidden. Therefore you had to activate your quirk, slightly altering your physical appearance. You were not only quicker, but your smelling and hearing was enhanced beyond the normal human level.

The journey overall took a little over forty five  minutes. Zari kept backtracking or either lost the scent, having to stop and try to find it again before continuing. Though eventually she took you exactly where the scent was the strongest.

You watch as she circles behind a building, disappearing into the darkness as you stand on from a distance watching. The cool wind blows as you stare at it in silence. It looked like some night club. A crowded one at that.

Muffled music boomed from the outside, along with the heavy and loud crowd that was inside. There was a decent line in the entrance with two bouncers standing and checking ID's before letting anyone enter.

"Shit." You curse. Not like you could carry an ID on you anyway unless it was fake. You'd definitely have to find a way around them.

You find your way on top of the nightclub building before hopping down behind the ill-lit building. Your steps are quiet as you slowly circle around, looking for your furry companion.

"A'zari." You call in a low whisper. It takes a moment but the lion emerges from behind a large dumpster stealthy as ever. You sprint over to her and kneel. "This it?" You say as you place your hand on top of her head. "I don't know why but this was the last place I'd expect for you to lead me." You stare down at your clothes. "Not very club attire if you ask me." With sweatpants and a normal jacket, you were beyond underdressed. "Its too risky for you to be back here. I don't know how often people walk by so go hide. I'll find you." She blinks at you for a moment before you repeat the command again, but she still doesn't move.

You laugh at her before placing your hand on her snout again. "I won't be long. Go hide Azari." A deep exhale leaves her nose as she turns away from you. Her claws scratched on the concrete below with every step before she eventually disappeared again.

"Alright.." You sigh and stand, heading into the direction of the front entrance. Now you'd have to manage to find a way into the club with no problems.

As you stand at the back of the line, your eyes dart around for some sort of way in as the line moves forward quicker than you had anticipated. There was only one way in and out. The line was neatly formed so the idea of sneaking in plain sight was out of the window.

Shit. You curse in thought as the line moves forward again. Before you even knew it you were about to completely be in the front. The closer you had gotten to the entrance, the louder the blaring music had gotten. Not only that but the scent you were following was getting stronger as well.

"Next!" The tall bouncer suddenly calls as you snap out of your thoughts. You move forward and stop as he holds out his hand. "Valid ID."

"Yeah, of course." You pat around the pockets of your jacket and sweats, a look of shock forming on your face as you begin to frantically frisk around for your non-existent ID. "Damnit!" You chuckled at yourself and locked eyes with the tall man. "I forgot it back in my car."

His hand falls to his side as his face holds zero emotion. "Then go get it and come back in line." He looks behind your shoulder. "Next."

"Wait—" You refuse to move. "I can't just—"

"Hold on." A voice says behind you as a sudden heavy arm is thrown around your shoulder. "She's with me."

Your brows furrowed as you turned your head just enough to look at the man from the side of your eye. He was much taller than you and his voice was extremely hoarse, making it sound as if he had a major sore throat. He wore a red hat, so most of his face was covered by the shadow of it. His hair underneath the red was wild and free.

He holds his own ID between two fingers and you get a quick glance at his name.

Chizome Akaguro.

The bouncer doesn't even take his ID. All it took was a quick glance at the plastic for him to nod his head at the man and move out of his way. And just like that, you and the man are walking in together.

As soon as he makes it inside, he removes his arm around your shoulder and walks ahead of you to part ways. But you grab at his shirt, stopping him in tracks.

"Hold on!" You say over the loud music. He turns to you and you have to stand on your toes to reach the side of his ear. Despite the poor slouching posture he was in, he still stood extremy tall. "I really appreciate that." Even though you caught it on his ID, you still wanted to ask. "What's your name?"

With the hat he wore it was hard to make out his face. "Most call me Stain." He replies next to your ear as you nod at him. "Now, I'd love to chat, but I got things to do." He turns away from you without any further exchanged words as you stared at the back of his head. Eventually he completely departed from you, disappearing into the crowd of people.

You shook off the akward encounterment and turned your focus to the dancing crowd. Lights flashed back and forth, drinks raised into the air. Even though the specific scent was strong, there were so many bodies and other scents mixing together, it would make it hard for you to track the specific smell. You make your way to the bar, pushing past people as you manage to grab the last open stool.

It takes a minute but the bartender soon acknowledges you as she makes an alcoholic drink you asked for. While you wait for your drink, you spin around your chair to face the crowd.

I can smell it, but there's a lot going on in here for me to exactly pinpoint it. Your eyes dart to the left side of the room where booths and couches surround the area. The scent was overwhelming in that direction. You continue to scan the area until a familiar figure catches your eye.

It's him. You stare at the man who sat with legs  spread on a couch. He's the one who was at the scene of the robbery. With smoke leaving through his nose from Hookah, he rubs the side of a girl who sat close to him with a grin on his face. Is it just him though? You try to straighten up and lean back on the stool to get a better view, but the clash of your drink brings your attention to the bar counter in front of you.

"Here you are!" Your drink clinks on the cold marble countertop as you slowly turn back to face the counter. "Enjoy."

You don't drink much at all actually. You honestly just bought a drink to make it seem like you were actually doing something other than sitting there.

As you use the thin straw to stir your drink, you slowly look over to the man who was next to you. With his head turned the opposite direction as you, you saw nothing but the back of his head and his black wild hair. You slowly trail down to his hand, where a large and visible scar was starting just at the base of his hand, and most likely traveled up his arm. Though you couldn't tell because of the long sleeve jacket he wore which covered everything else.

Wonder what happened to him. His large index finger rubbed up and down on the sweating glass of his drink as you watched in silence. Looks like some kind of burn scar? Or maybe something else.. Just as he turned his head you averted your gaze straight to your drink, acting as if you totally weren't just staring at the man out of curiosity.

I'm getting side tracked. You bring the straw to your lips, taking a sip of the burning alcohol that reminds you of exactly why you rarely drink. I need to focus.. Your hand reaches into your pocket, pulling out one of the small jewels that you pinched between your fingers.

"Looks expensive."

The music around the club suddenly fades as nothing but the open chatter of everyone around you was playing. You open your eyes before turning your head over to the man with the scars on his arm.

"'Scuse me?" You say to him after realizing that he was speaking to you.


hope u enjoyed,

have a gr8 day ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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