04. identity

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There standing in front of you was more than just teens in costumes. They were the future.

Most of them were excited to see your face, crowding and surrounding you like a bunch of excited puppies.

"Ms. L/n! You're here again finally!" A young girl with pink skin spoke with a smile on her face.

"Mina's right. It's been weeks since we've seen you!" You turned over to Ochaco's sweet voice.

"As much as I like training you guys," You chuckled mid sentence. "I'm busy outside of UA."

"Busy doing what?!—" Sero ask before immediately getting cut off by Denki.

"Please tell me we're training with you today!" Denki grabs Mina's shoulders, using them to hoist himself up even though he was taller than her. "We've been training with Mr. Aizawa all this time and it's like he wants to kill us from exhaustion!l

Your attention suddenly went to the entrance of the training room, noticing the tall man with long black hair that was making his way in.

"As hero's you must know when to keep going even when you're tired, Kaminari." Aizawa makes him flinch as his voice. "Trust me, those simple training drills you all do with me are only the beginning."

"Aizawa." You smiled as you greeted him.

"Give her some space." Aizawa muttered as he joined the rest of you. His students did exactly what he asked which definitely relieved you because of how close most of them were. Which you didn't actually mind, you knew that they were just excited to see you.

He stood directly next to you as the both of you eyed the chatty class and his tone lowered just enough for you to hear "Thought you'd be on your mission?"

Seems like he wasn't expecting your presence either. "Haven't started it yet. Thought I'd stop by UA one last time before I go though."

"So when do you start?"

"This week." You could feel a pair of eyes that were on you the whole time you were conversing with Aizawa. "This is probably my last time seeing your class for a while."

You met his feisty red eyes that were glaring directly at yours. Bakugou never really spoke to you willingly. Only if you spoke to him first. You could tell the kid had a temper too just based on the way he acts around his peers.

His brows knitted in once you both made eye contact. You gave him a smile, to which he ignored of course and glared the other way.

"So I wanna make this last time count." You fully turn to Aizawa as he does the same. "So what needs to be worked on with them as a class?"

"I could name seven hundred." Aizawa utters.

You chuckled at the fact that he was completely serious. "Just one important one will do."

"They need to work on numerous things. But one thing that comes to my mind is strategizing as a team. They don't take the time to rationalize certain situations and completely act on impulse." He cracks a fake chuckle which makes your head at him as he keeps his stare forward. "Ironic isn't it? A class being trained by somebody that does the exact same thing."

You silently sighed knowing that he was right.
"I'm working on it." You uttered before loudly clearing your throat to grab the students attention. "Alright! Class 1A listen up. As most of you figured, today's training is gonna be with me today." You make your way towards them. "We're gonna work on multiple things, but I want to focus on one big thing. And that's teamwork."

The students muttered in excitement. Kirishima knuged Bakugou with his elbow, giving him a smirk. But Bakugou of course despised anything that involves working with people, which made him shove Kiri's elbow out of the way in annoyance.

"The objective is simple really." The students listened as you rolled the sleeves of your shirt to your elbows. "It's one, against twenty."

"One against twenty?!" Some repeat simultaneously.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Denki had an amused look on his face. Which soon and quickly faded into terror at the fact that you were suddenly lunging straight at him with a deathly stare in your eyes.

Kirishima, who was right next to Denki suddenly and harshly slammed right into him. Both of their bodies went down onto the ground with a hard thud.

Bakugou's foot lowered back onto the ground as he got into a fighting stance with his large gauntlets. "She's completely serious, you idiots!"

He couldn't get to Denki in time so instead he used Kirishima who was closer to him by knocking them both down. Impressive quick thinking.

The sound of heels quickly clicking snapped you out of your thoughts as they rushed towards you. The way you swiftly turned and grabbed ahold of her wrist made Oraraka audibly gasped at your quick reflexes just as she was about to touch you.

"Not bad for a blind attack. But you shouldn't underestimate your opponents' reflexes." Your foot met her stomach as you kicked her back, Midoriya being the first one to grab her as she struggled to stand up right with her hand grasping her aching stomach.

"You're starting to sound like Mr. Aizawa with these lectures in the middle of fighting ya know!" Mina yelled before sending acid your way.

You leaped out of the line of fire, standing straight up as all of the students circled you in. All of them had a look of anticipation on their faces.

This will be interesting.

a couple days later

"This will be the last time you'll see me or any other agency, Artemis. Everyone is counting on you for this important mission."

Japan's night time view was something you would never get used to. The nice warm breeze blew as you leaned on the railing of a balcony.
Allmight who was right next to you also took in the view.

"Yeah." You say quietly. "I know." The time was finally here. Like he said, everyone was counting on you.

All Might personally called you over one last time to talk to you

"Soma Misaki." You look over at him as All Might pauses before continuing. "Soma Misaki is your new name. Starting tomorrow Y/n L/n and Lady Artemis are gone now. Got it?"

Your hands tightly gripped the railing of the balcony as your heart sped up, adrenaline pumping in you from his words. "Understood."


hope u enjoyed this chapter

have a gr8 day!

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