Advice [Bruno x reader]

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Prompt: Bruno needs help with his love life, thankfully his brother in laws can help him

Prompt: Bruno needs help with his love life, thankfully his brother in laws can help him

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Bruno nervously tapped his fingers on the table as he stared at you, taking small sips of his smoothie until it was empty.

You worked at the flower shop across the smoothie place. Right now, you were tending to the flower pots outside.

Bruno knew that the flower pots were outside because those particular flowers need sunlight all day long. He also knew that you would have to take some flower pots inside at nighttime because they can't stand the cold, and then you put some flowers outside because those certain flowers like the cold of the night.

Bruno watched as you poured water into the lily pot and how bumblebees were flying around you, not harming you thankfully. The bumblebees seemed to like you, which makes sense, who doesn't like you? You are perfect. In Bruno's eyes at least.

"Ay Bruno!"

Bruno jumped in his seat and his empty cup fell to the floor. Bruno saw Felix and Agustin standing over his table. Bruno quickly grabbed the fallen cup and set it back on the table.

"Oh what are you fellas doing here?" Bruno asked, side glancing you to make sure you didn't see that embarrassing moment. Thankfully, you were fully focused on your plants. Felix and Agustin sat down across from Bruno.

"Making sure you are okay! You have seemed to be..." Felix looked towards you, then back to Bruno. "Distracted." He finished.

"Well, j-just a lot on my mind ya know? Getting used to.. not living in the walls." Bruno said awkwardly.

"Makes sense, I do not know how you did that. All alone." Agustin emphasized the last part for some reason. "Yeah, feels good not being so alone anymore." Bruno nervously chuckled.

"Yes, but don't you want to feel less alone?" Felix asked. "U-Um, less alone?" Bruno repeated. "Yes! You know, before I met Pepa, I felt alone. Sure I have family and friends, but I don't have someone to love in a... good way." Felix said, trying to find the right words as he goes.

Bruno had a feeling where Agustin and Felix were going, but he decided to deflect it.

Bruno raised an eyebrow. "A-A good way? I mean, I've made more rat friends!" Bruno said, holding up a rat. "After leaving the walls I found more rats outside too." Bruno explained as he petted the little rat.

"That's not exactly what we are talking about." Felix sighed. "We are talking about love, in a romantic way." Agustin said. Bruno blushed and accidentally dropped the rat onto his lap. He picked up the rat and started petting it out of anxiety.

"L-Love? I don't, hah- I don't think that's a good idea." Bruno nervously smiled. "Why not? Love is love! Don't you want to share it with someone?" Felix asked. "I mean, I suppose that would be nice. B-But I don't think it's a good idea because I wouldn't be the best partner you know? I have anxiety, I'm obsessed with rats, I'm cold and clammy, I'm-" Bruno was cut off by Agustin.

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