Everyone Has Problems [Camilo x reader]

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Prompt: Camilo thinks no one wants him, but they do, especially one person in particular

@rawrcreaterme is my friend and they came out with an Encanto one shot book, if y'all would like to stroll over there than please do so, they make good stuff

Also this one shot is just copied off of my Various Imagines and One Shots book

Also this one shot is just copied off of my Various Imagines and One Shots book

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Camilo sat at the river bank, knees to his chest as he stared at the water.

Why was he there, you might be asking yourself. Well you see, Camilo wanted to get away from everyone. People always ask him to be someone he isn't, whether it be someone taller, or someone muscular, or even shorter. No one ever just wants.. him.

At least that's how it feels.

Except, you. Camilo has always felt safe with you, to just be himself around you. You never asked him to be someone different.

Except today. You asked him to turn into your favorite animal and he did, you cuddled him and cooed at him. He should feel happy, he was cuddling with you. It felt wrong though, because he wasn't in his own body. It just felt like you would rather want him as (favorite animal) instead of him.

"Stupid." He mumbled under his breath. This is all so stupid. Why is he getting so worked up over something so small? Camilo leaned his back against a tree and stared up at the branches that blew in the wind.

What was even the point of being a shapeshifter, if he feels like he can't be himself?


That word repeated in his mind as a tear ran down his cheek. Camilo hid his face in his knees as he felt the tears starting to run down his cheeks like a waterfall.

"Camilo! Where did you go?"

Camilo shot his head up and immediately started wiping his tears away, trying to get them out of his eyes. Of all people to find him, it had to be you.

"Camilo! What are you doing? You just up and left barely saying a word." You recounted as you walked towards him. Camilo stood up and faced you, a smile plastered on his face.

"Mi Mariposa! Don't worry, I just was enjoying the cool water on this hot day." Camilo replied. You would've thought he was fine, until you noticed the little red dots under his eyes. You can only get those from vomiting, having a coughing fit, or excessively crying. The last choice seemed more likely, since the dots were under his eyes.

"Camilo, you know, if you're really not okay... it's just, it's okay to not be okay." You stepped closer to him. "And I'm here to listen if you need to talk." You said. Camilo's smile fell slightly as he stared into your eyes, but when he blinked he moved away from you.

"Everything's fine. I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." Camilo's serious voice made you suspicious. If it was fine he would've shrugged it off with a joke. "But it obviously doesn't seem fine." You retorted.

"Look, I don't need you to worry about me. I can handle this myself, I don't need you babying me." Camilo snapped. You stared at him with wide eyes. "I'm not- I'm not babying you! I'm just worried about my friend!" You replied, desperation hitting your voice. "That's the point! I like you Y/n, more than a friend. But I'm so plain and dumb and ugly to be with someone like you! It hurts!" Camilo shouted.

You both stood there in a thick silence, just staring at each other. You saw how Camilo's angered face twisted into a scared one. Camilo turned away from you and sat on the floor.

"Go. Away." Camilo inhaled sharply.

"'Milo, I'm not leaving after all of that." You replied and Camilo sighed sadly. Of course you weren't.

You sat next to him, fiddling with your sleeve while trying to think of the right words to say.

"You know, you might be a little dumb, if you really think I don't like you back." You said. Camilo glanced at you. "You're not just saying that to make me feel better, right?" Camilo asked. "Do you really think I would do something so cruel?" You asked and gazed into his eyes. He held it for a second before hesitantly looking away. "I guess not." He laughed softly.

"I mean, I thought I was being so obvious!" You admitted. "I didn't notice." Camilo said. "Really? I would always hug you whenever I could, I would try and include you with everything I was doing, we have nicknames for each other. Heck, we've both been flirting with each other!" You exclaimed. "I thought that was just teasing." Camilo admitted and you sighed.

"I guess we're both dumb in love than, huh?" You sigh. At the word love, Camilo blushed. "Now, tell me why you think I wouldn't like you? Hm?" You nudge Camilo gently. Camilo sighed, should he really tell you how he feels? You stayed silent, letting Camilo collect his thoughts.

Camilo leaned back on the tree. "I guess... I just don't feel wanted." Camilo shrugged. "I feel like everyone just wants who I can turn into, not actually.. me." Camilo admitted. "I know, it's stupid." Camilo said. You shook your head as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Oh 'Milo, of course everyone wants you. I'm not sure about the villagers in town.. but I know your family wants you, and I want you." You said. "I don't know how much that helps, but I hope you can see that I want you. You are so funny and sarcastic, you can be quite witty sometimes too. You're not as dumb as you think you are, you have a great mood that always lifts my spirits, you are so pretty with your dorky smile and the faded freckles on your face.." you blush as you realized you were rambling about him, you cleared your throat. "Would you like me to go on?" You glanced up at him.

Camilo had tears in his eyes, not sad ones, happy ones. He gave you his pretty smile as he laughed. "Thanks. I think you're really pretty too." Camilo laughed.

"Does this mean we're together?" Camilo asked. "Yes, as long as you want to be." You kissed his cheek, making butterflies erupt in his stomach. Camilo turned to you and lifted up your chin to meet his gaze.

"Mi amor... I don't think you can understand how happy I am right now." Camilo stared into your eyes, and slowly he leaned closer to your lips, closing his eyes. You turned your face, making him kiss your cheek. "Huh? Why did you do that?" He asked pulling away.

"You need to win my kiss." You smirked. "Oh yeah? And how may I do that?" Camilo tilted his gaze. "By treating me to dinner sometime." You replied. Camilo smirked.

"Alright mariposa, I accept this challenge."

"It's a date, not a challenge."

"Well I accept it."

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