Special [Mirabel x male reader]

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Prompt: Mirabel is feeling down, you comfort her

A/n: this is a male reader, but I think it could be any gender really, anyways, Mirabel is adorable <3

A/n: this is a male reader, but I think it could be any gender really, anyways, Mirabel is adorable <3

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You quickly threw on your shoes and poncho, running towards the door.

"Bye mama! See you later!" You shouted before running out.

You were supposed to see your best friend Mirabel thirty-minutes ago, you had forgotten the time and you are currently late.

You ran up the hill to see Mirabel talking to some kids, it made you think how good of a mother she could be one day. You blush at this thought and shake your head, trying to stop your blush from growing as you approached Mirabel.

"You know, I would be really sad if I were you." The little girl said to Mirabel. "Yeah, that really sucks." The kid addicted to coffee said.

"Well I am not sad, because I am still apart of the Madrigals." Mirabel said happily as you frowned slightly, hearing the pain in her voice. The group stared at the magical house. "I think your gift is being in denial." The little boy said and you butted in.

"I don't think Mirabel is in denial! She is just as special as the rest of her family, even if she doesn't have a gift. Mirabel is a great person, and we are all happy to have her here, right?" You asked the little kids and they all nodded vigorously.

You smiled at Mirabel and she gave you a grateful smile in return. You noticed the box of stuff she was holding. "Here, why don't I take that?" You suggested, and before Mirabel could answer you grabbed it for her. "Thanks, now you kids run along! We need to get ready for tonight!" Mirabel exclaimed as the kids cheered.

You both said goodbye and walked inside the casita. "You are late again." Mirabel nudged your shoulder lightly. "Am I? Or is your clock not working?" You smirked as Mirabel rolled her eyes. "Whatever dork, now, let's get this box to my room-" Mirabel was cut off when her sister gracefully came down, making flowers pop up everywhere for Pepa and Felix.

"Did someone say flowers?" Isabela asked as Mirabel pouted slightly. Isabela noticed you and came up to you. "Hello there handsome, do you need help?" Isabela asked sweetly, making Mirabel's eyebrows knit together.

"Uh, no thank you Isabela, I got it." You assured. Isabela bopped your noes gently and she turned to Isabela. "If you weren't in the way all of the time, you wouldn't get hurt, so try and stay out of the way for now, please." Isabela batted her eyelashes "innocently" and walked away, leaving Mirabel angry.

"Come on Y/n, let's get to my room." Mirabel said angrily, trying to hold down her anger. You gulped as you followed her up the stairs.

You saw Camilo turn into Jose and he looked at you.

"Hey Mirabel's boyfriend!" Camilo greeted. "Hey Camilo." You sighed. That was Camilo's nickname for you since the beginning, so you had gotten used to it, kind of. It still makes you blush thinking about it too much.

Mirabel opened the door for you and you walked into the green room filled with butterfly patterns. You set the box on Mirabel's bed as you stared at the pictures of Mirabel's family.

"I love your room." You say. "You don't have to keep saying that every time you come here, just to make me feel better." Mirabel sighed as she sat down. "But I mean it." You sit down next to her.

"You've always had a thing with butterflies, you have pictures of your family, your room is a nursery for the new kids in the family. It suits you." You said. "I guess." She shrugged.

You frowned as you hesitantly rested your hand on top of Mirabel's, blushing. You stroked her hand as some sort of reassurance. Mirabel sighed.

"I know this day is rough for you Mirabel. No matter how much you hide it, I can still see it. And it's okay to feel sad." You said. "But I am happy. I'm happy for Antonio and I hope he does get a gift. I just... I just remember how excited I was and how ready I was to make my family proud. I just want my family to be proud." Mirabel's voice cracked as she leaned her head on your shoulder.

You moved her hair out of her face as you stared at her, trying to think of what to do.

You got an idea.

You stood up and sat back down, fully facing Mirabel as you engulfed her in a hug, your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist.

"What are you doing?" Mirabel flushed while her cheek was smashed against your chest. "Comforting you Mirabel, you wanna know why?" You back away slightly, facing Mirabel as you cupped her face.

"Because you are special to me. You are special to your family, you are special to the townspeople, and you are special in all of Encanto." You grinned as you noticed how embarrassed Mirabel was getting.

"You know why?" You asked again. Mirabel nodded slowly. "Because you are Mirabel Madrigal. You are the person that keeps this family together. You always care about everyone, making sure they are okay and need some comfort. That's why I'm comforting you now. Like they say, the therapist needs a therapist too." You finished and Mirabel was now a blushing mess.

"Thank you Y/n, that really does mean a lot.." she hid her face in your chest again as you smiled successfully. "You're welcome." You rest your chin on her head.

"Does that mean Mirabel is your girlfriend?"

A small voice spoke up and you both yelped in surprise, seeing little Antonio crawl out from under the bed.

Mirabel and you scooted away from each other, you both blushing now. "I um, I don't think so." Mirabel fixed her glasses. "Yeah," you agreed with her.

Mirabel than started to soothe Antonio, getting him ready for the big night. Once Mirabel set Antonio off outside of the nursery, you grabbed her hand.

You both stared at each other for a minute, you intertwining your fingers with hers.

"I'll be by your side all night, okay?" You reassured, and Mirabel searched your eyes for a second before nodding.

"Okay." She smiled, and you both walked together out of that room, hand in hand.

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