Will You Remember?

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The small blonde alchemist returned home to his younger brother who was sitting down at the kitchen table waiting for him shutting the door behind him locking it. "Hey Alphonse..." Ed said greeting the other with a bothered confused expression making Alphonse notice. "Brother? What's wrong? You look like you've seen someone.... Did you?" Al asked his older brother as he took a sip of his coffee. "Actually I did.... But I didn't remember them but... They looked so hurt when I smacked their hand away, but that's because they ran their thumb over my lip." Ed explained quietly making Al raise an eyebrow at him. Just as Al was about to ask who he had bumped into his brother opened his mouth to speak again, "He was tall, dark short hair, these really piercing dark eyes, and was wearing military uniform." he said to his younger brother sitting down at the table putting the bag down. "Roy Mustang?" Al said, he knew Ed had some memory loss but to forget about Roy Mustang that took him by surprise, "You don't remember him Brother?". Ed tilted his head at his brothers reaction shaking his head, "No... Am I supposed to remember him?" He asked with a sad expression remembering the hurt reaction that man made earlier putting his hand over his chest clutching it a bit.
"This pain in my chest won't go away since I seen him Al... He told me something about a promise we made... Were we close?" He asked looking over to his brother making Al choke on his coffee at the question. "Al!? Are you alright?!" Ed said quickly concerned but Al held a hand up reassuring that he was fine clearing his throat, "Yeah, you two were close, a lot closer than you think Brother." Al said simply baffling Ed more. Al glanced away from his brother for a moment, "Like I'm really going to say that you two were all over each other... I don't think so." He said in thought glancing back over to his brother who had a worried expression, "Why don't you go talk to him yourself and ask him?" Al suggested giving Ed a small reassuring gentle smile. The small blonde hesitated a moment remembering the last thing he told him before he ran off but nodded reluctantly, "I'll do it, you know how to contact him?" Making Al grin at that question, "I was waiting for you to ask that brother.". After Al had arranged for Roy to meet his brother at the nearest cafe which took Roy by surprise reluctantly agreeing to meet him getting ready to go, "That's a first.. Guess Ed does remember me a bit after all." Roy thought with a smile as he left heading to the cafe. Ed than left to go meet Roy leaving his now longer golden blond hair down grabbing his read coat as he left, "Thanks Al, see you later!" He called waving shutting the door behind him with Al waving, "Sure thing Brother have fun." He mused quietly at his older brother's eagerness with a satisfied smile.

Ed searched around for Roy to find him dressed differently feeling his heart race a bit, "Why the hell am I getting so flustered for... He's a man!" He thought with a small blush but sucked it up and went to sit across from him. The Flame Alchemist glanced up to see Ed sitting across from him with the same red coat over his black shirt and golden blond hair down for once with a small blush fidgeting around nervously, "You know you can relax Ed." Roy said simply. "Though... I did recall you telling me to stay away from you earlier... Am I right Edward?" He reminded the small blonde in a teasing mimicking tone with musing smirk. Ed glanced away making a face, "I don't know why but man he pisses me off!" He thought in a scowl before glancing back to Roy looking him in his dark eyes, "That's not the point, the point is I want answers from you Roy Mustang." He said simply. Roy grinned at Ed's short temper "Oh? Still short tempered as usual." now things are starting to get interesting, "Well what would you like to know exactly Shortstuff?" He asked simply.

He glanced down to see Ed's right hand back to normal and not in the form of automail anymore smiling but decided to save it another time glancing back up at Ed looking him in his golden eyes that lit his flame once again waiting for his answer. "Shut up I'm not short! Man you really know how to piss me off!" The blonde alchemist snapped scowling at him but dropped it surprised when Roy laughed at his outburst, "You may have grown, but you're still hot tempered." Roy said quietly smiling softly making Ed blush a bit getting flustered at his sudden smile. "I-I can't remember you so well or how you know Alphonse, but Al told me we were close...." Ed started determined to get answers, "This aching pain in my chest won't go away, it's making my heart ache... I need answers." He said quietly getting the courage to speak again. "So tell me Roy Mustang.... Who are you and what are you to me exactly that we're so close, I want to know tell me everything you know about me and this promise that you mentioned earlier that we made supposedly." Ed said getting to the point. The Flame Alchemist looked Ed in the eyes quiet a moment laughing a bit, "If you want the answers to those questions you'll have to come over to my place, after all this is a private matter isn't that right Fullmetal." He said to Ed with a small smirk sending a small familiar shiver down the blonde's spine.

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