I Remember You

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  "Huh?" The small blonde looked at Roy baffled for a moment but reluctantly agreed, "Fine, as long as you give me answers." He said simply with that familiar serious expression. Roy chuckled at the familiar expression before getting up and starting to walk ahead, "Let's get going than shall we?" He said simply. Roy than spoke again smiling without looking at Edward, "You know Ed you always did look better with you hair down, but you always hated it when I told you that, you never did like your hair down." He said laughing a bit. "Eh?" Catching Ed off guard when he caught up to Roy looking at him surprised at how he knew that a small blush appearing on his cheeks opening his mouth but had nothing to say glancing away quiet. He knew right away he had gotten Ed chuckling to himself making the blonde look at him with a frown accidentally brushing his hand against the Flame Alchemist's reacting almost immediately blushing, "S-Sorry!". "It's okay I didn't mind." Chuckling softly at the blonde's reaction patting his head than ruffling his hair making Ed's heart race more pushing his hand away, "I'm not a kid you know!" Making Roy chuckle again.

  They had finally reached his place taking the keys out from his coat pocket opening the front door letting Ed walk in first closing the door behind him once inside. "Make yourself at home Shortstuff." The Alchemist said patting the top of Ed's head ruffling his hair again walking away before he had a chance to react going up the stairs to his room. The short insult heated Ed up, "I told you to stop calling me that! Why are you still so useless!-" he snapped but paused at what he just said feeling like he had said it before. He thought about it for a good minute thinking about while the other heard the familiar insult from his room, "Useless huh?" Roy chuckled softly taking his coat off. "...Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Questioning himself glancing around Roy's place, "But it does feel familiar here." He thought spotting a few picture frames on a nearby table going over to it. He looked over them spotting one that caught his attention picking it up to see it was a picture of him in Roy's arms smiling brightly back when he still had his automail arm. "We must of been involved in some way for us to be that close but that's not normal... There's something Alphonse isn't telling me." He thought wanting answers more than ever. Determined Ed put the picture back down heading up the stairs to Roy's room walking in right when the Flame Alchemist had taken his collared shirt halfway off exposing a large burn scar on his side. "That burn, how?..." Ed's eyes widened embarrassed but the scar looked familiar to him, ".... You still need to give me answers." He demanded with a light blush on his cheeks. Roy sighed slipping the collared shirt back on leaving it unbuttoned, "Not that I mind but you could of said you were coming up here Ed." Turning to the small blonde surprised. He noticed the determination in Ed's golden eyes just like before, "Right that's why we came here, what do you want to know?" He asked walking to him looking at him eye to eye. "You know a lot about me, I also saw the picture you have... Just answer me this what are you to me, Are we going out?" He asked Roy getting to the point.

  Roy looked at Ed silent for a moment with a serious expression before deciding to speak. "I'm your boyfriend so in other words yes we are going out." Roy explained simply, "For a long time now actually that's why I know so much about you." He added looking at Ed's surprised expression. Ed was shocked even more curious, "D-Does that mean we also used to uh...." He started to ask but his voice trailed off feeling the blush appear more. "Yes I know what your body likes, what you hate, but I know enough to know what makes you smile." Pulling the blonde close to him embracing him, "Sorry... I've been waiting a long time to do this since you left." Ed froze even more surprised at the sudden embrace from Roy still trying to process what he said but accepted his answer, "I believe you but how come I can't remember you?..." He asked clutching the sleeves of Roy's shirt. The Flame Alchemist stood quiet at what he asked, "I don't know what happened for you to lose your memory but I really don't have an answer for that. I wish I had an answer for you." He said embracing Ed more making him blush more when a bit of his skin made contact with Roy's. Ed felt warm in Roy's arms leaning closer to him, "I bumped my head when I accidentally fell off the ladder looking for a book that was too high to reach.." Frowning when Roy laughed a bit. "You always were too short to reach anything I always had to help you out, but I didn't think you were still clumsy." he laughed softy but got serious again, "But I'm glad you're here with me again.". The blonde slowly embraced Roy, "This promise that you mentioned before what was it?" He asked tugging Roy's sleeve. "We promised each other that we would always stay together no matter how far apart we were. So no matter how long it takes you to remember me I'll wait... I've always waited for you to come back." The raven haired alchemist said softly getting quiet. Ed was just as quiet at what he said feeling a bit strange from being embraced by his superior but felt safe in his arms allowing it tensing up a bit when Roy got close to his ear getting a shiver, "....Roy?".

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