Remember Us, Remember Me

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"Edward want to watch a movie with me?", "No... I'm good, I'm actually going to rest for a bit. I don't feel so well..." The blonde said to his boyfriend who was sitting on the couch, "Another headache?", "Yeah... But I'm sure it's nothing though." Walking away from the worried dark haired male who just made a face sighing before getting up and following after him. Edward tossed himself in their bed before curling up keeping the pillow against his face to ease his headache that was pounding bothering him till he felt a hand on his shoulder snapping a bit, "What is it now Roy? Can't you leave me alone for 5 minutes!" Stinging Roy a bit since he always gave Edward his space, with Edward pulling the pillow away to look at him bothered, "I just wanted to give you some Aspirin to ease your headache that's all..." He said apologetically. "I... I'm sorry... I'll sleep on the couch if you want your space today alright. Goodnight Edward." He said setting the medicine and glass of water on the small table next to him making Edward feel bad at his tone towards Roy when he left with a hurt expression, "Roy wait! I'm sorry!-" Calling for him about to sit up but felt his head pound worse laying back down gripping his head making a pained expression at the throbbing pain. "My head hurts so much... I didn't mean to yell at him, What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?..." Feeling his heart ache sitting up carefully to take the Aspirin than drinking the water setting the empty glass on the table, "I feel like I'm forgetting things again or I get mad at him suddenly for no reason..." He mumbled laying on his side feeling a bit lonely without Roy by his side to comfort him regretting his tone moments earlier with him with Roy downstairs on the couch quiet.

"His headaches have been getting worse lately... But so has his temper..." Roy thought laying on his side on the couch, "I should probably give him his space for a while..." Turning off the TV to get some rest since he worked the next day while the small alchemist had trouble sleeping in the big bed till the medicine kicked in and put him to sleep apologizing in his sleep hugging the pillow tightly against him. "Hey Roy I wanted to thank you for the Aspirin, it helped me-" Edward said the next morning as he headed downstairs pausing in his words to find Roy gone to his dismay seeing the folded blanket and pillow on top of it on the couch, "...Of course you would keep your word..." Feeling worse than ever, "He didn't even tell me bye... Did he forget that I worked with him?..." Seeing a note on the table going over to it getting disheartened, "Take the week off Huh?...". Roy worked quietly in his office with Riza walking in surprised Edward wasn't in there with him, "Sir, wasn't Edward supposed to help you today?" Not getting a response from Roy worrying her a bit since he seemed down, "Sir?...", "I'm fine Lieutenant." Roy said simply, "And Edward?", "He wanted to take a week off so I gave it to him.", "I see... Well alright than." She said excusing herself to let Roy work. "What a bad liar." Riza said as she walked down the hallway with Edward who was on the phone with Alphonse back at home. "Al, Roy is avoiding me!!!" The blonde yelled sniffling bursting the other brother's ear drum on the other end of the line from his sobbing pulling the phone inches away from his ear, "Well what did you do to him?..." Al asked leaning against his chair making a face feeling hands on his shoulder looking up to see May looking down at him. "Is everything alright Al Sama?", "No... I'm thinking of visiting Edward he sounds distressed..." Al said quietly before jumping up when Edward yelled again, "What do you mean what did I do to him??? I didn't do anything! Ah-" Pausing at what he said worrying Alphonse giving May a look who understood kissing his cheek before walking away to give him space. "Alright spill it, your headaches keep coming back don't they?" Al asked hearing silence on the other end, "Brother!", "Ah... No I'm fine now actually... Just overreacting as usual I'm sorry Al..." Edward said apologetically, "I'm just bothering him right now that's all... I'll call you later.". "Ah Brother wait!- Damn it he hung up!" Al groaned with a sigh trying to call back but got no answer, "He's lying I know he is... May, I'm gonna leave for a while!" Al said across to the next room, Al knew about his headaches which made him temperamental and forgetful from time to time which worried him a lot getting up to pack his things, "This isn't good...".

"Ah Roy you're late." The blonde said getting up when he heard the door open later that night, "Did you forget I worked late today? Why are you still up?" Stinging Edward a bit looking down with a pained smile, "Ah... That's right I kind of forgot... I just wanted to wait for you is all..." Feeling a pat on his head, "Go to bed." Roy said walking away with a serious expression saddening Edward more. Things were getting rocky between them because of his bad headaches and temper making him lash out at Roy and Edward knew that's what was causing to distance himself from him, "Maybe I should just take some aspirin and try apologizing to him again in the morning..." Edward mumbled guiltily before going back upstairs to the room. A few days later Alphonse arrived suitcase in hand getting off the train in Central, "Ah finally here... Now to get answers." He said making his way with Edward who was massaging his head on the couch sighing, "A whole week Roy's been avoiding me..." Deciding to call Central hoping Roy would answer but to his dismay Riza answered saying Roy was busy hanging up sadly, "What a bad liar...". "I'm tired of this." The blonde said about to grab his coat before hearing a knock on the door, "Eh?... Who could that be?" Going over to open it to see his younger brother, "Al I thought you were with-", "With May Chang? Yeah but I just wanted to drop by for a visit you know?" Al said with a shrug before smiling seeing Edward look down bothered, "Brother...". Edward just glanced up at Al who now looked serious, "Alright now spill.". Edward who didn't want to mention anything of Roy who was avoiding him and their small problem to Al just smiled his usual smile, "What are you talking about Alphonse?", "Cut the crap Brother. You haven't been feeling well have you?" Hitting the nail on the head sighing when Edward looked away, "Brother please... It's important that we get you help if you aren't...", "Sit down you're getting me nervous...". "So something is up than.", "Damn it Al, will you cut me some slack!-" Edward started but paused when his tone started again not surprising Alphonse who just made a face at him, "That's enough to tell me that your little headaches are coming back..." The short haired blonde said simply before sitting down looking at his brother who just looked away, "Brother...", "...Roy and I are having problems... And all because of my headaches and mood swings..." Edward said with a hurt smile saddening Al. "...It probably has to do from when you fell back off the library ladder and hit the back of your head really hard that day a few years back..." Al said softly getting up putting his hands on the others shoulders, "I don't know what to do Al...", "How about going to the doctor? Ever thought about that?" Al said looking at his older brother who hesitated. "But you know well I hate going to the hospital or anything to do with the doctor Al...", "I know but you should do this for your health and for Roy... I mean he's probably stressing over you at work which isn't probably helping him at all." Al said making Edward feel worse alerting Alphonse of that, "I'm not trying to make you feel bad I'm jut saying because I worry about you too... You're my brother after all..." He said softly jumping up surprised when Edward suddenly hugged him, "Brother?-", "Thank you Al...". "Ah, I can finally take a break..." The raven haired male said stretching when he finished his pile of paperwork that Riza had left for him earlier later that evening in his office sitting up when he heard a knock seeing the blonde Lieutenant walk in, "Any luck with contacting Edward Lieutenant?", "No Sir." Riza said simply seeing Roy look down, "But actually-", "Maybe he hates me now because I'm giving him the cold shoulder lately!" Roy said in agitation making Riza sigh heavily since he wasn't listening to her as usual. "Sir please... You're not listening...", "How can I hate you Roy?..." A confused voice cut in making the Flame Alchemist look up to see Edward peeking into the office, "Edward?...", "I was going to tell you that they were here but you never listen to me so...", "They?" Roy questioned confused when the other Elric brother poked his head inside his office smiling, "Hello Sir!~", "Why are you here?", "Jeez, I'm not even allowed to visit my own boyfriend? How cold...", "N-No! That's not it!". "Anyways... What brings you two here?" Roy asked sighing leaning back against his chair with Riza standing beside him and the brothers sitting down, "Well...", "I went to the doctor." Edward cut in taking both Riza and Roy by surprise, "Doctor?", "Yeah... Al said to go get checked since I haven't really been feeling well..." He said seeing Roy's dark eyes widen, "But they said nothing was wrong, he said my mood swings are probably due to stress." He added with a smile to reassure the unconvinced Flame Alchemist and Lieutenant, "If you insist...".

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