Memory Of Heaven

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"Sir. Excuse me Sir." Making Roy wake up when hearing someone call for him looking up still leaning on Riza to see it was the doctor blinking a bit before sitting up straight, "Hmm?", "It's done.", "What?... What's done?", "Edward's surgery Sir." The blonde Lieutenant said to the half asleep flame alchemist who just perked up immediately at the news. "Really?!" He asked really wanting to see Edward, "Can we see him?" He asked anxiously seeing the doctor pause for a moment but nod, "One at a time, two at most though. We don't want him to feel stressed." He said simply making Roy look down since he knew Al had every right to see him first, "...I think Al should see him first..." Making the other brother look at him a bit surprised. "...Are you sure?...", "Yeah... He is your brother after all..." Roy said softly with Alphonse nodding, "Thank you." He said simply before getting up and following behind the doctor who was leading him to the fast asleep blonde. "I think you should see him too Lieutenant..." Roy said almost quietly pointing to Al who had paused waiting for her, "I suppose I will than." She said softly getting up and following to the doctor and younger brother that waited for her in the hallway leaving Roy alone who leaned back sighing heavily putting his hands to his face. As Roy stayed quiet the doctor had paused in front of a room, "He's right here. Take as much time as you like just keep it quiet, that's all I ask." He asked of Al and Riza who nodded, "Of course." They both said before heading into the room quietly to see Edward fast asleep with a bandage wrapped around his head making Riza and Al about change their mind turning back for the door.

"Where are you two going?..." A familiar voice said making them both pause in their steps and turn to see Edward was looking at them, "Edward you should be resting..." Riza said making a face, "I know... But It's nice to see company..." He said making Al sigh, "I'm glad you're still you but... The Lieutenant is right... You should be taking it easy Brother." Al said softly sitting in front of the bed. "I will... After I see Roy... He's probably worried about me isn't he?" Edward asked with a small laugh and smile, "He is... But he asked us to see you first before him..." Al said looking at Riza who nodded, "You're always so formal Lieutenant... You're not always like this I know." Edward said smiling at the blonde who remained serious, "I can't help it." Riza said simply standing by Alphonse. "At least a smile works too..." Edward said with another small careful laugh, "He's right, I mean you're very pretty- I mean you look nice when you smile." Al said but corrected himself quickly with a visible blush appearing on his cheeks making Edward laugh and Riza turn to Al, "Oh? Is that so?" She asked laughing a bit with a smile that made Al just blush more. "That sounded like you were being flirtatious Al... Wait till May Chang hears about this." Riza teased before looking at Ed who just smiled at her, "That's better.", "It's nice to see you to your old self Edward...", "Lieutenant, can you do a favor for me? Can you bring the Gearhead here, knowing her Al probably told her and she's probably on her way here..." He asked seeing Riza nod, "Of course I will. It's the least I can do for you." She said softly excusing herself leaving the brothers alone so they can talk. "Al... I'm glad I got to see you again." Edward said with a smile to his younger brother who just smiled back despite his embarrassed blush, "Of course... I'm glad you're okay Brother..." Al said putting his hand over the other's, "I'll go get Roy for you okay?" He said seeing Edward nod sleepily with a smile, "Please and thank you...", "I'll visit again tomorrow okay?..." Al said getting up and excusing himself to go and get to get Roy for Edward before he fell asleep.

Roy who was sitting around nervously perked up when Al came back, "That was fast.", "Mhm, my brother wants to see you before he falls asleep." Al said looking around, "Where's the Lieutenant?", "She left, something about Winry." Roy said looking around, "Ah, okay... Well you can see Edward I'm gonna go now to find a place to stay for the mean time." Al said excusing himself with a wave with Roy sighing to himself. The raven haired male made his way to the room peeking inside quietly perking up when hearing an almost quiet voice speak up, "Took you long enough to come here Roy..." Edward said softly with a small smile on his lips when seeing his boyfriend at the door, "Edward...", "I'm glad I made it to see you again." The blonde said again smiling more brightly despite how tired he felt. "You should be resting you know..." Roy said softly going over to kiss the others forehead gently making Edward laugh a bit, "You sound just like the Lieutenant. But you have a point I guess..." Edward said taking Roy's hand in his putting it over his chest shutting his eyes for a moment, "Roy... I know you probably suffered with how I was... And I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way, I never meant to hurt the one I love..." The blonde said going quiet falling asleep from the medication making Roy hold back on his tears grabbing Edward's hand and kissing it softly. "You have nothing to apologize for Edward... You did nothing wrong, if anything I should be apologizing for not seeing it earlier..." Roy said softly kissing Edward's lips and pulling the covers over him, "I'll see you tomorrow." He said making his way to the door closing it behind him quietly pausing in the hallway when he was called to, "Must be all that medication that made him fall asleep... He held on till he saw you, How stubborn." The male doctor said shaking his head, "You don't know the half of it..." Roy said looking at him. "I'm curious... Maybe you know." The doctor started, "That scar on his right arm and metal leg...", "He was The Fullmetal Alchemist if that's what you're asking." Roy said seeing the other's eyes widen, "Well looks like I was right from the beginning when I first saw him, "But what would the Flame Alchemist be doing with the Fullmetal Alchemist, that's surprising the doctor said with a laugh. "That's a long story." Roy said, "I'll be going, I'll visit him tomorrow. Please keep an eye on him.", "Don't worry, we will." The doctor said with nod walking away to check on other patients with Roy making a face worried but brushed it off since he knew Edward was sleeping turning around and walking away heading back home to try and relax with Riza and Al talking a bit back at her place.

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