Forget Me Not

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  "Brother come on wake up!" The younger brother said moving the sleeping blonde's shoulder lightly to wake him but proved useless when he was still sleeping soundly. Al just made a face at how Ed slept with his shirt risen up halfway hand over his exposed stomach putting a hand to his face sighing heavily. "You're going to catch a cold if you keep sleeping like that come on wake up already, today's the day!" Jumping on top of his brother waking the sleeping blonde roughly. Edward screamed when he was suddenly woken roughly by his brother grumbling, "What about today?.... Can't you wake me up normally Alphonse you almost gave me a heart attack...." Making a face at Al. Al rolled his eyes, "Well with all that sulking you been doing since Roy left I guess you don't want to see him that much after all, too bad he would have been more than happy to see you since he's coming back today but it looks like you forgot..." He said simply sitting on the edge of the bed.
Ed sat up suddenly his golden hair a mess looking at Alphonse sleepily but a bit more alert, "He's coming back today?? Why didn't you tell me anything!" Jumping off bed to change into his clothes. "Roy sent you letters every chance he had telling you, how do you not remember?... Jeez you still have it bad for him." Al thought making a face but dropped it shrugging as he spoke.

  "Well I've been trying but you're so hard to talk to when you're sulking like a baby." Al said sighing than laughing at his brother when he tripped trying to change into his pants. "Well I'm sorry I'm so emotionally attached!" He retaliated back from the floor blushing from embarrassment grumbling grabbing his black tank and red coat slipping it on huffing. "You say it like it's a bad thing brother... It's really not bad to be attached to someone." Al said with a kind reassuring smile. "I guess you're right Alphonse...." Ed said quietly pausing leaving his hair down not feeling like braiding his hair just giving it a quick lazy brush. It's been roughly almost six months since Roy had left which felt like a long time for Edward honestly. "How was he?", "Was he alright?", "Did Roy think of him like he thought of him daily?" All these thoughts and more ran through his head as he put the brush down with a worried expression. Alphonse sensed his brother's worry standing up and placing his hands on his brother's shoulders shaking him, "Everything will be just fine okay?... Stop worrying." Bopping Ed's head lightly. "Stress isn't healthy for you." Al added with Ed giving him a small smile, "You're right, everything will be okay." He said reassuringly. "Now that that's over let's go I have the train arrival scheduled!" Tugging Ed's arm out their room and out the front door.

  "I'm not sure if Edward will like the surprise you have for him Sir." Riza said to Roy looking To Havoc and the others sighing. "I'm sure he will!" The Flame Alchemist said a little too excitedly, "Besides I think it suites me well, right Havoc?" He asked turning to Havoc who didn't look at him. "...I think I'm going to go outside and smoke." He said getting up and leaving excusing himself, "Sir please spare us and do us that favor of shaving that off...". Roy just frowned at the lack of support from his team sighing crossing his arms leaning back against the seat looking out the window smiling a bit happy that he was going to see Ed again.
"Lieutenant you're pretty straightforward." Roy started turning to Riza who looked at him patiently, "You out of all people should know that very well Sir." She replied simply back with her usual expression. Her response had made Roy chuckle a bit, "Of course..." Than getting serious, "After lying to Ed like that you'll think he'll forgive me easily?" He asked simply as slicked his dark hair back. The Blonde Lieutenant thought about his question for a moment, "I'm not sure I don't have an answer for that, you'll have to find out for yourself when you see him.".

  While the two spoke Fuery had went outside with Havoc, "I had no idea that the Colonel was involved with Edward, I thought they hated each other." He said to Havoc surprised. Jean pulled the cigarette away from his lips before speaking, "Yeah it's been like that since the kid first got there." Taking another toke of his cigarette laughing a bit at his comment about them. "That's what I thought too but I guess something between them changed." Jean started, "Honestly it was a surprise coming from the Chief but I guess opposites attract, not sure if the kid will like the Chief's new look though." He added laughing. "I actually wonder how Ed will react to that." Fuery agreed chuckling with Jean suddenly getting serious, "But to be honest those two did change once they got together, how do I put it..." He said pondering a moment. Fuery looked at Jean baffled a moment "They opened up more and they smiled a lot more, they weren't as serious as they used to be. It's like the kid filled the emptiness within the chief and completed his life get me?" Looking at Fuery, "Yeah I get you, it's true though.". The smaller male thought about it for a moment glancing over to Jean, "Even though the Colonel stopped taking all the woman away from you, I notice you still can't keep a steady relationship with a woman." He said laughing. Jean's cheeks tinted a bit from embarrassment getting defensive, "Shut up! I just don't have time to go on dates any more!" He said defensively putting his cigarette out, "Let's go back inside we're almost to the station.".

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