Time Goes By So Slowly...

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"Sir? Are you alright?" Riza asked the next day worried since the Flame Alchemist seemed more down than usual the next day, "No... Not one bit Lieutenant..." The ravenette said sitting up with a pained expression, "Edward has a brain tumor and needs to get operated to get it removed but the chances of it actually helping him are 50/50, So he has a choice to make whether to go through with it or not..." He said pained bringing a look of shock to the blonde's face turning to a face of worry, "...What did he pick Sir...", "He picked the operation of course..." Roy said with a pained laugh, "The pain and emotion he must of felt at that moment, I can only imagine... But I wouldn't know since I'm not in his place to know..." Making Riza stay quiet looking at the other pained. "He picked the operation for this afternoon too since he feels the sooner the better would probably save his life... I can't lose him... Not again...", Sir...", "Lieutenant, please go with me when I go later on to meet him at the hospital... I can use the support and the company mostly..." Roy said pained since Alphonse was in the same position as his brother, "...Alphonse... Looked so pained... I know Edward is mine but... That's his older brother for crying out loud! The only person he has left in his life! Of course he's not going to take those news well one bit!... I'm sorry Lieutenant..." Roy said breaking down with Riza simply leaning over to hug him, "Everything will be okay, Sir... I promise...".

"Why do you look so sad Al? I'll be fine..." Edward said sitting in the hospital lobby with the younger brother staying quiet, "...Same old Edward... Always acting like nothing's wrong, even now..." Al said making Edward look down pained since he knew well Al knew he was trying to act tough but it was hard for him to, "...I know what you're trying to say Al but... If I don't stay positive I know I'll just break down again... And you know... Neither Roy or you would like to see me so down and negative..." Edward said painfully but softly since he was waiting for Roy, "You're right brother but still... What am I going to tell Winry and Aunt Pinako if the operation doesn't go right?...", "Tell them... To have a pie waiting for me... Because I know everything will be alright..." Edward said with a small smile looking down before dropping it when the doctor was ready for him calling him. "Brother...", "Guess Roy isn't showing up after all Huh?..." Edward said quietly getting up following behind the doctor who was walking ahead pausing when someone ran inside making him turn around his eyes widening in surprise when Roy hugged him suddenly but tightly giving a pained expression when seeing Riza there too next to Al, "I thought you weren't going to show up Roy...", "Why wouldn't I show up?..." Roy said quietly as Riza put a hand on Al's shoulder to comfort him with the doctor looking back to see the small commotion not exactly surprised letting Edward have a moment with them, "Whenever you're ready Edward.". "...Edward... I know you're scared... But so am I.... I'm scared I won't ever see you again..." The Flame Alchemist admitted, "...So promise me you'll make it through this...", "Roy...", "Promise me... You'll make it through this Edward... Just promise me that... I can't lose someone I care about again..." Roy said making Edward feel worse since he had mixed feelings about what Roy said, "...I promise I'll make it through this...", "Good... I love you Ed...", "I-", "Edward. We must get going." The doctor called out paining Edward but nodded quickly cupping Roy's face and kissing him deeply but gently pulling away pained, "I love you Roy..." He said following behind the other leaving Roy behind pained.

The three of them sat in the outdoor lobby of the hospital later with the younger Elric brother getting up with a pained expression, "...I'm going to go make a call, I'll be back..." He said as he got up and left worrying Riza when she looked over till he left looking over back to Roy who was quiet, "Sir...", "He must be going to call Winry and Pinako..." He said softly putting his hand through his bangs, "Lieutenant... You've always stood by my side...", "That's because you asked me to Sir. So I kept my word..." Riza said simply looking up when called to again, "Lieutenant... If I didn't know any better I would think you had a crush on me, I'm joking..." The ravenette said making the blonde give a 'seriously' expression to him. "I'm just trying to keep myself from thinking about how much of a long day it's going to be...", "I did.", "Huh?", "I did used to like you Sir, I actually still do but you picked Edward so I had to put my feelings aside for your happiness, and I was okay with that." Riza said with a straight face surprising the other, "I'm fine with seeing you happy with him and I supported you from the start so before you say something there's no need to worry about me... I'm alright with being just 'Lieutenant Hawkeye' to you because you deserve to be happy." She finished with a kind tone despite her serious expression, "...Lieutenant... Thank you...". "Enough about me Sir. You should worry about Edward, it's going to be a long day." She said quietly as the other nodded, "...You're right about that Lieutenant..." He said painfully as the younger Elric brother had called Winry, "Al? What are you doing in Amestris? Shouldn't you be with May Chang?" She asked surprised a bit grease dirty from making some new Automail a bit worried at the silence at the end of the line, "Al?...", "I should be but... Winry...", "Al... You're scaring me... What's going on?... Did something happen to Edward?" The blonde asked panicky getting Pinako's attention. The silence only scared the mechanic more, "AL! What is going on! Tell me!" She shouted putting her hand over her chest, "Edward is in the hospital... Remember when he fell a few years back resulting in him forgetting about Roy?... Well he developed a brain tumor but they found it late..." Bringing a look of shock to Winry's blue eyes, "What?...", "That explained his sudden mood swings, headaches and bad memory...", "Al... You mean...", "Yeah... He's getting an operation to get the tumor removed but... I can't help but be worried... But he told me to tell you guys to have an apple pie waiting for him since he says he's sure he's going to make it through this..." Al said choking up a bit. The news was too much to take for the mechanic to take in resulting in her dropping the phone from the shock, "...Grandma... We have to go to Amestris now...", "It's about the boy isn't it..." The older mechanic said as she went over and picked up the phone hanging it up since she heard the other line click overhearing everything, "...If Al is this bad, I wonder how that Flame Alchemist feels about this since he's the one that's with Edward..." She said worried as she looked over to the worried blonde who just made a face putting her finger to her mouth biting her nail for a moment before running off to get ready to get the earliest train possible. "Guess you're staying here for a while by yourself Den..." Pinako said looking over to the dog who just looked at her walking away to get ready herself while back in hospital Alphonse returned to the group quiet sitting down putting his hands to his face with Riza putting a hand on his shoulder, "Your brother has always been tough remember that Al..." She said softly getting up to grab the two males a coffee from the cafeteria to help them calm down for the time being with the operation about to begin at that moment with the more than worried ex state alchemist taking a deep breath, "Everything will be okay..." He thought as they put him down knocking out a few seconds later. Hours passed and Roy and Al were sitting around quietly sitting next to Riza in the hospital lobby who minded a bit at the personal space invasion but didn't say a word since she was there to comfort them moving a bit since she was going a bit numb since both were sitting next to her, "You two... Everything will turn out alright... Because Edward has been through worse... And he's always been tough, you both know that." Riza said quietly in the almost quiet hospital, "Everything will be just fine. Edward will be okay, I promise...".

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