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"Edward~", "Hmm?" The blonde said turning around a few days later screaming in surprise when Roy had hugged him tightly from behind suddenly getting pinned against the kitchen wall, "God damn it Roy!-" He shouted but was cut off by a tongue filled passionate kiss by the flame alchemist giving a surprise moan in the kiss bringing a small blush to his cheeks when Roy pulled away licking his lips teasingly. "...Someone's in the mood..." Edward commented making a face despite his blush saying a different story, "That I am..." The raven haired male admitted lifting up the blonde by his thighs holding him against the wall leaning his face towards him looking at him flirtatiously, "You know I was cooking right...", "And? Today's our only day off, so why not enjoy ourselves?" Roy said against Edward's ear kissing his neck undoing his braid with the other protesting a bit. "Roy... You pick the worst times to do this!" The blonde said pouting with a blush when looking down making eye contact with Roy's dark eyes sighing when seeing the lust in his eyes giving up wrapping his arms around the other's neck since he knew it's been a while since Roy was in a good mood for once, "...Just take it easy on the Automail... The Gearhead just fixed it... And I don't want her to kill me with a wrench for breaking her precious Automail so fast...". "I know... I always take it easy on you, you know this Edward... I love you." The Ravenette said seeing Edward get flustered but smile as he usually did, "I love you too Roy..." Edward said kissing the flame alchemist before both got interrupted when the phone next to Edward rang making Edward pull away and look at the phone than to Roy feeling bad who just sighed heavily, "Go right ahead..." With the blonde nodding answering the phone signaling Roy to turn off the stove, "Hello?", "Mr. Elric, did I interrupt you?" A voice said making Edward shake his head realizing it was the doctor from before, "N-No! Of course not!" He lied seeing Roy look at him with a raised brow. "I know it's early, I do apologize Edward.", "What can I help you with Doctor?" Edward asked just as confused as Roy since Roy could hear the conversation, "Well it has to do with your results from your check up Edward...", "Hmm? What about them...", "Edward Tell me... Have your headaches been coming back frequently?" Confusing Edward at the sudden question, "No... I mean only sometimes...", "Do they get bad?", "...Sometimes... What's this about Doctor?" Edward asked a bit worried giving a worried look. "Well it's just that... I need to to come by my office ASAP, we need to discuss something about your results." The doctor said simply before hanging up confusing Edward at the other end of the line who held the phone in his hand with a confused expression, "What was that about Edward?" Roy asked a bit worried, "I... I don't know... But he wanted me to drop by his office as soon as possible... Roy... You think something's wrong with me?" Edward asked looking more worried, "No, I'm sure it's nothing like that, nothing's wrong with you." Roy said to reassure him not exactly feeling convinced at his reply. Roy and Edward had gotten changed with their decent mood dropped to a now worried one with the younger Elric brother sitting in the doctor's office with a worried expression on his face when the doctor hung up, "Are you sure that's what you found Doctor?", "I'm sorry but yes...", "But from what you're telling me there's a 50/50 chance of this working!...", "I'm sorry... But we can only imagine how Edward is going to take this...", "Edward!? What about Roy?! It took him so long to get Edward back and now this!..." Alphonse said but paused putting both hands to his bothered face making the doctor feel bad but understood the pain he felt for his brother.

"I don't want him to hear this..." Al said painfully with the doctor about to say something with Edward on the other side of the door feeling a bit of dread and worry when reaching the doctor's office opening the door to see Alphonse in there as well hands to his face, "Al?...", "Edward, come in." The doctor said seeing the blonde walk in with his raven haired boyfriend making a face worried since he was going to hear the news as well getting serious when Edward sat down next to Al followed by Roy who sat down quietly looking at them serious, "As you know I called you here because of your results from your check up. But first things first.". The doctor stayed quiet for a moment looking down when seeing the Flame Alchemist grab the others hand in his lightly looking worried since the younger brother stood quiet, "Well, what about them Doctor?" Edward asked when seeing the doctor look worried but get serious, "Tell me Edward, have your headaches been returning worse lately?", "Yeah... But nothing painkillers can't fix.", "And your memories?", "A bit foggy sometimes... I forget for a moment but than I remember later... What is this about?" The blonde asked a bit bothered and worried with Roy stepping in, "Spit it out already!". "Let him finish Roy..." Alphonse cut in quietly but enough to make Ed and Roy turn to him to see him still keeping his hands to his face, "This isn't the time for your bad temper so just shut up and listen..." He added pulling his hands away from his face showing he was crying a bit earlier with Edward wanting to ask what had happened but turned when when he was called to, "Edward, you have a brain tumor.", "What?... Excuse me... A brain tumor?..." The blonde said in shock a look of complete shock in his and Roy's eyes, "No... You have it all wrong right Doctor?... This must be a joke...". "It's not joke Edward..." The Doctor said shaking his head, "I hate to tell you this I do... But all those bad headaches and foggy memory isn't a joke... You might of developed a brain tumor over time due to the fall you had years ago... Luckily we caught sight of it but a bit late I'm afraid..." He said seeing the blonde look down and give a pained expression, "The only thing you can do at this point, but it's a 50/50 chance that it may or may not work is an operation to get rid of the brain tumor before it gets worse, otherwise that's the best we can think of... I'm sorry Edward..." Making Edward break down and put his hand to his face. Roy who was at a loss for words couldn't believe what he had heard feeling a pain in his chest but looked over to the sobbing broken blonde wondering what pain he felt at that moment looking over to Alphonse who just sat there pained than back to the doctor who looked like he felt bad about Edward's breakdown, "I'm so sorry about this Mr. Mustang... Maybe if we had caught it sooner maybe none of this wouldn't be happening to him right now... But he has a big choice to make at the moment... Save his life and get better or die trying to save his life... Excuse me..." He said softly getting up and leaving his office to give the blonde some space and time to think about it with Edward breaking down more at the choice he had to make.

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