Chapter 1: The Rebirth

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Harry Potter lay unmoving on the floor, his dull green eyes staring unseeing at the white ceiling of number twelve Grimmauld Place's sitting room. A letter was held loosely in his cold hand:

To whomever finds me, and this letter.

This was not a murder. I killed myself. Right now you're probably confused, afterall, why would a famous rich nineteen year old kill himself?

The answer's simple really. I'm sick of this life.

Of the constant pressure to be the perfect saviour of the world you all want me to be. Of constantly having to play the hero when I would rather sit back on the sidelines and watch someone else try to save the world as we know it for a change. I mean I doubt any of you even really know just how much I have to put up with on a daily basis. Not to mention supposedly being the one who vanquished Voldemort more than once. Let me tell you something.

Not once did I ever do anything by myself. When I was attacked as a baby my mother was the one who protected me. I did nothing. The times when I was attacked at Hogwarts, I always had the help of my supposed friends. I know the truth about them now.

Then finally, the Battle for Hogwarts. I'd been on the run for the entire year slowly destroying all of the tools Voldemort used to stay immortal. But again I had my 'friends' there the entire way.

During the Battle, I had the entire Light army fighting with me as we defeated the Death Eaters. When I finally killed Voldemort, it was because others had cleared the path for me to get there. I had nothing left to do. Then, like an idiot, I used the disarming charm on him which made his own killing curse rebound back onto him for the second time in my life.

So in reality, I was never the hero the world wanted, I was just forced to take that role on and do my best with what I had. I had no choice, like many others in the war.

I only have one other thing to say now. Don't miss me, don't memorialise me, hell, don't even say my name again. I want to be forgotten, to become the nobody I always wanted to be. Let me go.

See you in the afterlife,

Harry James Potter.

Harry Potter, the famed Boy Who Lived, Was dead.

. . .

When Harry opened his eyes he was in the ghostly kings cross station again, this time under completely different circumstances.However instead of Dumbledore meeting him, he was met by a tall hooded figure who was clutching a scythe. " I see you're back harry. Did you miss my realm that much?" Death smirked.

Harry laughed. " No. I just didn't want to be there anymore, not after what I found out about those I trusted." Death nodded. " I understand. I mean, I see all possible futures for all the timelines and even I didn't expect Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Dumbledore would use potions, spells and rituals to control and manipulate you. Not to mention they'd been stealing from you your whole life." Death said cheerfully.

Harry glared at death who smiled. " But, if you want, I may have an offer for you that would change everything..."

Harry frowned. "Go on..."

"Well, you possess all of the Deathly Hallows, so you control who lives or dies, including yourself. You also have the ability to enter different timelines. Meaning you could go to a different timeline and redo your entire life." Death explained. Harry smirked. "So I could go to another timeline, say on the day I got my Hogwarts letter and redo everything? Would I keep all of my memories?" Death nodded as he grinned. " Yes and there's something else. You can summon me and I'll come you you. You can even ask me to retrieve all of the Hallows from their current holders and they'll be replaced with an extremely powerful replica so no one knows they've gone missing. But there's a catch. I get to pick the timeline and your... abilities and such. Do you still want to do it? Or you can stay here with me for eternity. Your family has already been reincarnated in the original timeline so you wouldn't even have them..."

Harry nodded as a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "Do it. I don't care about the consequences. Send me to a different timeline Death." Death bowed his head and touched Harry's forehead with his scythe. With a feeling similar to that of a portkey Harry woke up in the all too familiar cupboard under the stairs in his eleven year old body, all his thoughts and memories intact.

. . .

I'm sorry for all of the spelling mistakes. Also for the random updates. I will post again I promise. I hope you liked it.This is my first fanfic ive ever posted. I look forward to the comments! Idont know when i'll post again so just hang in there!!!!


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