Chapter 4:

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Harry paused before nodding. " sure. I'd like the statements to start up again and to visit all of my vaults. Also, as far as i'm aware Albus Dumbledore has illegal access to my vaults since he claimed to be my magical guardian. I'd like his access to be removed. He has no right accessing my money."

. . .

"Very well Mr Potter, it will be done and as Gringotts policy states every Knut he removed will be returned with twenty percent interest. If you would like your monthly bank statements will be started again, since they were stopped because you were a baby. And the previous ones can be retrieved from the archives. The new statements and the archived ones will arrive within the week via owl post. A new key for your trust vault will cost twelve galleons and it will automatically been taken from your vaults." Harry stared at grip hook before nodding slowly. "Okay, I would like the statements to begin again and I'd like to see the old ones. I'd also like to visit my vaults today."

Griphook nodded and pulled a lump of gold and an emerald out of his desk and a minute later it had been turned into a beautiful key with an emerald in-lain in it. "Griphook handed it to Harry who pocketed it along with his scroll before following Griphook from the room.

A three minute roller coaster like cart ride later Griphook lead harry down a circular tunnel to where there was a light shining from a large beautiful circular room. The roof was a huge mosaic which was enchanted to look like the sky outside only less polluted. The walls were beautiful grey marble and the floor was back stone. In the centre of the room was a sixteen foot tall hydra, it's five heads sniffing in their direction. Grip hook pulled Harry back into the tunnel and into a hidden alcove as the middle head spat fire at them. The flames were a beautiful purple. "$Stupid goblins, daring to come near our little masters vaults. We shall eat them all until little master arrives.$"

The Hydra hissed. Harry grinned. It was part snake which meant he could understand it as a parcel mouth. Harry stepped out of the alcove and faced the Hydra which stared at him in shock. "$You are not afraid of us? Why is the little human not afraid? He smells familiar.$" Harry bowed low while keeping eye contact. "$Regal Hydra, I mean you no harm! I am Harry Potter-Black, Heir to the Potter Family. I only wish to access my vaults!$" The Hydra hissed in confusion. "$You do not look like the families little speaker. Why?$" Harry smiled sheepishly before returning his appearance to normal and locking gazes with the hydra.

All five sets of the hydras eyes stared into his own, seeming to stare into his own soul. "$So you is little Master. We had waited for you. We is Mortem. We shall not harm you or anyone who comes with you. You may enter the vaults, and we shall nap. Wake us when you is leaving.$" Mortem hissed before laying down his five heads using each other for pillows. Now that the danger had been averted Griphook lead Harry over to a door in lain with emeralds. "This is the oldest Potter family vault, the original founding family vault. Everything inside belongs to you." Griphook said as he opened the door.

Inside was the size of a large cathedral. There was mountains of galleons, sickles and knuts, hundreds of thousands of priceless artefacts, and millions of other valuable objects. Walking around he found a black trunk with a yellowing piece of parchment taped to it bearing his name. Kneeling down he opened the trunk to see it held the dark abyss of an undetectable extension charm. Taped to the inside of the lid was a yellowing envelope with his name on it.

Darling Harry,

As we write this we are being hunted, but there are some crucial tings we need you to know. Albus Dumbledore CAN NOT BE TRUSTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! A few months ago tge lestranges baby daughter Was kidnapped by someone who looked like the dark Lord. This was not the case as the dark Lord had been in the middle of a war meeting when she went missing. You may be wondering how we know this, and the truth is we were there. We, along with Sirius, Remus and Peter switched sides when Dumbledore changed. He became crazed with power and the need to control everyone around him. The Dark Lord welcomed us and gave us all the protection we wanted. When Dumbledore found out we'd betrayed him he became enraged. We're not sure what's going to happen to us, but he's hunting us. There are select few you can trust. The Malfoys, Weasleys and Notts have our complete and utter trust. One thing you should note however is that Arthur Weasley has been acting strangely. His soulmates, Gideon and Fabian Prewett-Weasley are concerned about him as are their six sons. Be on high alert Harry. If we're gone it will be up to you, Sirius and Remus to stop Dumbledores reign of terror.

We love you for eternity Harry.

Mum, Dad and Father.

Harry folded the letter up as tears began to flow freely from his eyes. Wiping his face Harry emptied his rucksack into the trunk before shrinking the trunk and put it into his bag along with the letter before filling the rest of the bag up with money. Walking out of the vault Harry turned to Griphook who was reselling the vault. "Griphook, do you know if there are any apartments for sale in Diagon alley?"

Griphook frowned as Harry woke up mitten before they left. "I believe so. One above madam Maliki an and one above florish and blotts. Why do you ask?" Harry stayed silent as they got into the cart and returned to the surface. "Griphook, is there any way for the enchantments upon me to be removed?" Griphook nodded. "For a price. You could be cleansed in a matter of minutes."

" Then let's do it. I need to be rid of these damn enchanments." Harry smiled at the goblin. "Very well the gold will be removed from your vault automatically. Please follow me."

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I've finally posted the long awaited next chapter!!! I hope you enjoy! I've been so busy updating my other story Cross My Heart I haven't had much time to update this story once I got my phone back from when I lost. But I will try to update both story's more! 

I hope that you've been well and you're enjoying this story!


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