Chapter 6: im so sorry!!!!

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"Alright Mr Potter-Black. The door next to the one for the shop goes strait up into the apartment. I'll check in on you tonight once I've closed up and every night until you head to Hogwarts. I know you can take care of yourself, but please humour an old man?"

Harry nodded. "That's fair Mr Flourish, I am only eleven after all. I'll see you later then, I have some shopping to do before heading up." Harry waved as he left the shop tucking his keys into his rucksacks front pocket as he walked.


Making his way up the street Harry turned into Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions with a slight smile, his memory of his first time in his past life coming to mind. Things would be different this time around, he would make sure of it.

As the door swung shut behind him with a soft jingle of the bell Madam Malkin herself approached Harry in soft periwinkle robes. "What can I do for you dear?" She asked, smiling as she pulled her wand out of her topknot. Harry smiled in response as he glanced at the robe racks. "I need a whole new wardrobe please. Everything I own is five sizes too big for me because they're all hand-me-downs from someone really overweight."

He gestured down at his current outfit which was less than satisfactory by her standards. His jeans had to be rolled up ten times and held up with a belt and still dragged in the floor,his feet were swimming in his shoes which were held together with duct tape and sheer will, his shirt was big enough to be a dress on him and reached his shins when he didn't make an effort to tuck it into his jeans. Madam Malkin frowned at him.

"Of course dear. First I'll need to take your measurement a then you can pick out what you want and in the colours you want. Then I'll place the order and it'll be ready in a few days though I'll be able to give you a few things today." Harry nodded as he followed her out the back and stood on a pedestal as she began taking his measurements. When she was done he wandered around frowning. There was so many options! "Madam Malkin... I have a problem. I don't know what to pick! I've never picked my own clothes before!" Harry exclaimed. It was true, even in his last life he'd never bought his own clothes, Mrs Weasley, Ginny and Hermione had always done that for him. 

"Oh! I know! Madam Malkin can you pick for me? I'll wear anything and everything, and can you also pick out the colours for me?" Madam Mallon nodded with a smile. "Of course dear, now I'm thinking black as a base colour, with midnight blue, emerald green, blood red and silver accents. Maybe some white." Harry nodded excitedly. "That sounds perfect Madam Malkin! Can I also have everything in the best quality materials please?" Madam Malkin nodded as she lead Harry over to the counter and began ringing him up. "Alright
, one of everything in beast quality materials brings it to 47 galleons 16 sickles and 3 knits. What name shall I place the order under?" Harry pulled the correct amount of gold from his rucksack and handed it over. "Harrison Potter-Black please Madam Malkin."

Harry laughed at Madam Malkins gobsmacked  expression which shocked her back to a sense of normalcy. "Of course Mr Potter-Black. It will take a few days for everything to be finished but I'll owl you a notice when the order is complete. For now let me go get the things we already have made." Harry nodded as the witch vanished out the back and returned five minutes later with a rather large parcel.

"Inside is all of the essentials Mr Potter-Black. Along with three sets of shirts and trousers I made while we were talking." Harry thanked her as he put the parcel in his bag. Waving at her he left the shop and headed back to Gringotts. Finding a free teller Harry smiled. The goblin looked up. "How may I assist you wizard?" It drawled in a bored tone as it looked at the sapphires it had been measuring.

"I apologise for interrupting your important works master goblin. I was just hoping I could transfer some galleons into muggle pounds?" The goblin gave a slight smile before pulling a basket of muggle money out from under his desk. "How much do you require child?" The goblin asked kindly. "How much would I get for 50 galleons?" Harry asked as he pulled the amount of hold out. "You would get 400 pounds." Harry nodded and pulled another 70 galleons out. "Can I get 1000 pounds please?" The goblin nodded and took the gold before handing Harry the muggle money. Thanking the goblin Harry left the bank and headed to the Leaky Cauldron and out into the muggle world.

Walking down the street he saw a good looking clothing store and ducked in. It was empty. He frowned as he walked around the guys section. There was nothing that took his interest. "Can I help you with anything." A voice said softly from over Harry's shoulder making him jump and whirl around to face the girl behind him. She had strawberry blonde hair, pale green eyes and was smirking as Harry glared at her. "Ha ha. Very funny." Harry deadpanned as he turned back to the clothes as she moved to stand beside him. "And yes please. I have no idea what to buy. I am utterly hopeless at shopping and fashion. I'm Harry by the way."

The girl shook his hand with a smile. "I'm Abigail, but you can call me Abbie. Now what style of clothes are you into?" Harry shrugged as he followed Abbie around the shop as she piled clothes into his arms. "I don't know. I've never had any options before. Everything was either hand-me-downs or bought without me." Abbie stopped walking and whirled around to face Harry with a soft smile. "How would you feel about wearing a skirt then? I think you'd look brilliant." Harry grinned. "I wouldn't mind. After all, gender is a social construct made to define people based on society's norms. If I want to wear a skirt I will, and j want to."

Abbie giggled. "Alright then. That gives me so many more options!" She said before leading the way over to the girls section. Twenty minutes later after Abbie had scoured the entire shop, she pushed him into the change rooms. "I want to see every outfit Harry!" She called out.


I'm so sorry that there's been such a huge gap between updates again, I really haven't been doing this intentionally. I got my phone confiscated again and only just got it back.

Anyway I hope this chapter was alright despite it being short because I simply wanted to get a chapter out there so that it didn't seem like I was abandoning this work.

I hope that you've all been doing alright, and don't forget you can always comment or message me if you see any mistakes or simply want to talk!


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