Chapter 7: kreacher

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Two hours later Harry sighed as he laced up his boots. "This is the last one Abbie!" He called as he opened the door and stepped out of the change rooms. Abbie stared at Harry in astonishment from the chair she was sitting on. He was wearing a green and black plaid skirt , a black cropped hoodie that revealed his midriff, black fishnet tights and a pair of black boots that were covered in green snakes. "You look absolutely gorgeous Harry. Tell you what, since you're buying every outfit I picked out, I'll throw in a bunch of accessories for free. Now you keep that on and pass me your old clothes. I'm going to go chuck them out." Harry gave a soft laugh as he handed over his former clothes and watched Abbie hold them at arms length as she disappeared out the back of the store.

Gathering all of his purchases in his arms Harry returned to the front counter and put all of his stuff down before wandering over to where the accessories were. A few minutes later Abbie joined him looking extremely pleased with herself. Together they picked out accessories to go with all of his clothes and then some before Abbie headed back to the front counter as he picked out accessories for the outfit he was currently wearing. He ended up picking a silver snake ring set, silver snake bangle with green gems for eyes, a black leather bracelet set and a black choker that had a silver snake hanging from it.

Abbie gave him a grin as he set them on the counter. "Alright Harry, it comes to two hundred pounds for everything today." Harry grinned as he counted out the money. "Hey Harry, since I know your first name, can I know your last name. I'll tell you mine as well." Abbie said. As she put the money in the till and returned his change. Harry shrugged as he put the jewellery for his current outfit on and Abbie bagged everything up. " sure I guess. It's Potter-Black. I'm Harry Potter-Black."

Abbie's eyes widened. "Abigail Nott, Chosen One. My father was supposed to be lord Nott but he was born a squib and kicked out. The same for my mother and they were both disowned."

Harry stared blankly at Abbie before laughing softly. "Of course. The one 'Muggle' store I actually like is owned by Squibs." He sighed before shrugging. "Oh well. I love this store so I'm not fussed. As long as you still call me Harry and treat me like anyone else Abbie. I don't like being famous." Abbie nodded hurriedly.

"Of course Harry. As long as you stay my friend and teach me everything you learn at Hogwarts! I actually don't have many friends, so I'd appreciate being yours, if you'll have me?" Harry frowned.

"What do you mean you don't have many friends? From just today I can tell you're a great person. Who wouldn't want to be your friend?" He asked bemused. Abbie gave a self deprecating laugh.

"I'm too odd for the Muggles but I don't have enough magic or family status for the wizards. Whenever I go into Diagon for potion ingredients for my parents I get ridiculed by the purebloods. One once dumped a vat of slugs over my head. That's was not fun." Harry rounded the counter and hugged her gently.

"Of course I'll be your friend Abbie. I grew up with muggles so I get it. I only came to the wizarding world today. Tell you what, since we're friends why don't we meet up tomorrow when you're not working. Then we can get to know each other better." Harry said as he shrunk all of his bags and packed them into his rucksack. Abbie nodded.

"Sounds like a plan Harry. I'll see you then." She waved as he grinned before leaving.

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Catching a taxi to Grimauld place was easy enough, but squashing down his past memories of the place were not. Paying the driver he stared silently at the building since it was yet to be placed under fidelius in this timeline. Opening the rusted front gate he walked up the overgrown front path before ringing the doorbell.

He heard the familiar loud metallic clicks of the locks and bolts before the door creaked open and Kreacher stared out at him from the dark entrance way. "Mistress is not up for guests." He scowled. Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Kreacher blatant disrespect.

"My name is Harrison Potter-Black. Regulus Black was one of my fathers." Kreacher watery grey eyes widened.

"You-you are Master Regulus's child? Kreacher knew Master Regulus had a son, but Kreacher did not know the son knew about Kreacher and Black house? Little Master must come in. Yes, yes in comes Little Master." Harry bowed to Kreacher slightly as he walked past him into the familiar dusty hallway. The state of the house was worse than when he was there in the other timeline. Following Kreacher he was lead to a parlor where there was several dusty, moth eaten chaise lounges and armchairs. Sitting down on the least destroyed lounge he vanish r behind a cloud of dust that attempted to fill his lungs.

With a snap of his fingers Kreacher vanished the dust, not just from the air but from the whole room. "Apologies Little Master. Kreacher has been neglectful of his duties since Mistress passed. Is there anything Little master wanted from Kreacher?" Harry nodded as he set his bag by his feet.

"I need the locket my father asked you to destroy Kreacher. I know you haven't been able to but I know how to. I will finish the job he asked if you do you won't have failed him. Please Kreacher?" Kreacher's eyes were swimming with unshed tears as he bowed before vanishing with a crack. He reappeared a few minutes later with the familiar gold locket, its emeralds dark with dust.

"Thank you Little Master, Kreacher has struggled for many years with Master Regulus's last order but if Little Master is able to complete it then Kreacher will no longer be weakened. Kreacher looks forward to serving Little Master." The elf said as he pressed the locket into Harry's hands with a bow so low his nose was brushing the frayed rug.

Harry slipped the locket into a pocket of his rucksack before smiling softly at Kreacher. " I need to leave now Kreacher, but I'll be back tomorrow. Maybe I could get a tour of the place my father grew up?" Kreacher nodded as he followed Harry to the front door and bowed as he left.

Thankfully Grimauld place was only a short walk from the Leaky Cauldron so he bought hemself lunch in the way back before heading to his new apartment. The black steel bound door was hidden down a tiny alley beside the shop and had a strategic placing so that it was unable to be ambushed. He smiled at the nameplate beside the door.


Unlocking the door he stepped in and felt the ward accepting him as the new owner as he closed and locked it behind him. He glanced around the small mud room that lead to a narrow staircase up into the actual apartment. Heading up he found himself in a large open space that seemed to be split three ways into a kitchen, living room and dining room. Placing his bag down on the floor at the Tok of the staircase he explored the four doors that lead off of the main room. One lead to a master bedroom with an ensuite and walk in wardrobe, another to a main bathroom, the last normal door lead to what appeared to be an office based off of the desk and shelves. The last was a large steel door with runes that made it become clear while still retaining its durability that lead to a balcony on the roof that overlooked a small park. Another wall was made entirely of runed glass and overlooked the alley. The apartment also came fully furnished and a letter lay on the small dining table.

Mr Potter-Black,
I forgot to mention that the apartment fully furnished as you've now discovered and everything is well stocked though you can do with it what you please since you now own it. I also wanted to mention that this is a magic building, and acts as such. At one time I had a family my entirely family living there, there is twelve of us, and we all had our own rooms but the building did not change size in the outside. Anyway I hope the apartment is to your enjoyment, I will be up to check on you tonight.
Alexander Flourish

Harry grinned as he entered the master and fell into
the kingsized Queen poster. Magic certainly was amazing when used properly. Setting an alarm on the small clock on the bedside Harry fell asleep as the sun shone into the main room.


Sorry for the absolutely shit updates. Truthfully I kind of forgot where I put the original draft of this fic and wasn't really bothered to look for it. However I have finished my last set of exams before my mock finals so I have time to kill so I decided to try and continue writing. Anyway I hope it's ok, and that you've all enjoyed it, it was fun to write. I'll try and write more soon.

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