Chapter 3

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Harry ripped that page out of the notebook as well and put the pen down before leaving the house silently. A barn owl was waiting for him on the small chain fence, staring at him intently as he tied it to its leg before it flew away, and he began to make his way to the train station in King's Cross. When he was a few streets away it occurred to him that the Dumbledore of this life could have people watching him like in his past life. Keeping his head down he ducked into a nearby alley and focused on his magic, which was pulsing at his core, and tried to change his hair colour to a dirty-blonde like Luna's. It turned a pale icy blue. Not exactly inconspicuous but it would have to do. After some trial and error, he ended up with grey eyes while he grew a few inches.

Satisfied with his appearance and the lack of his scar he continued on to the train station as he bought his one way ticket the respectable businessmen all glared at him and his offensive hair. When he finally arrived in London he made his way straight to the leaky cauldron as people stared at him. The dingy pub was blessedly empty of its usual patrons. Once Tom, the landlord, had opened the archway to Diagon for him, Harry headed directly to Gringotts and approached a free goblin clearing his throat politely. "Um, hi, I need to make a withdrawal from my vault but I don't have a key." the goblin sneered superiorly down, his disgust evident. "For a price wizard, there is a test you can take to prove who you are and a new key can be made but it'll cost you. Will this be acceptable Wizard?"

Harry sighed mentally. The Goblin race as a whole really disliked wizards. " Yes, that's fine. My vault has more than enough money." In his past life he hadn't needed to open his family vault at all. His trust vault had enough gold. The goblin inclined his head before calling for another goblin who appeared as if summoned. "Griphook will take you to do the test wizard." Griphook led Harry out of the main hall and through a door he'd never entered in his past life. Inside was a long hallway of offices and meeting rooms. He stopped at a door labelled 'testing' and ushered Harry in. It was a simple stone room lit by torches and held only a desk, two chairs, a roll of parchment and a dagger. " If you could let three drops of blood fall on the parchment the test will begin Wizard." Griphook said once they were sitting opposite each other. Harry nodded before pricking his finger and letting three drops of blood fall on the parchment causing it to begin glowing as he put his finger in his mouth. Using his magic to heal himself, ink appeared on the parchment which began to grow until it was a small scroll.


NAME: Harry James Potter-Black

BIRTH DATE: July 31st 1980 11:59pm

FATHER/S:James Fleamont Potter-Black, Regulus Arcturus Potter-Black

MOTHER/S:Lily Anabelle Potter-Black

GOPARENT/S:Sirius Orion Black-Lupin-Snape(imprisoned), Severus Tobias Black-Lupin-Snape(obliviated)

MAGICAL GUARDIAN:Sirius Orion Black-Lupin-Snape(imprisoned)


COMPULSIONS-be weak, hero complex, lazy, oblivious, inattentiveness to studying

POTIONS-Amortentia to Ginny Weasley, Trust to Albus Dumbledore, Hatred to Severus Tobias Black-Lupin-Snape & Malfoy Family & Lord Voldemort & Slytherin's & Death Eaters


Physical growth/strength-70%

Magical core-60%




Metamorphmagus ability-1005(broken)

Animagus form/s-100%

Creature powers/ forms-100%

Eidetic memory- 100%

Blood Glamour to look like James Fleamont Potter-Black




Beta werewolf 10% (active since birth)

-Administrator Albus Dumbledore

Harry frowned. So he was a metamorphmagus, animagus, AND had THREE creature inheritances that were hidden from him. Not to mention the fact that Dumbledore had put him under numerous enchantments. Harry gave the scroll to Griphook who read it with a scowl on his face." well mr potter-black, i can take you to the potter family vaults or your trust vault which you say you need a new key for now then ten years ago all monthly bank statements were archived since the only heir was an infant, but if you wish the statements can begin again and you'll get monthly statements by owl. A new key for your trust vault is twelve galleons which will automatically be taken from your vault.

" You can now access your parents' wills at any time. Once you visit your vaults the enchantments upon you can be removed for a price." Griphook explained once he'd returned the scroll to harry. Harry paused before nodding. " sure. I'd like the statements to start up again and to visit all of my vaults. Also, as far as i'm aware Albus Dumbledore has illegal access to my vaults since he claimed to be my magical guardian. I'd like his access to be removed. He has no right accessing my money"


Hey I told you I'd update again! This ones 803 word, not long, I know, but longer!

I'll try to update again but it's hard because I'm swamped with assessments!

I hope y'all are doing good, I'm not because it won't stop raining where I live and my teachers keep making me do sport in the rain, thus soaking my shoes and socks for the rest of the day... gross!

Also sorry my fonts are acting up and I can't fix it at the moment!

Hope everyone's doing well!!


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