Chapter 5:The final results

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Griphook lead him to room that was made entirely of stone and was lit by a dozen torches. On the floor were four glowing iridescent circles. "Please leave your rucksack here. The magic might interfere with the purification circles. Each circle is full of pure magic that we have been able to concentrate to suit our needs. Whenever someone steps inside it identifies their magical dignitaries and destroys any foreign magics. The less clothing you wear in the circle will help the process as well Mr Potter. "Griphook explained as he stood by one of the walls that held a small wooden table.

Harry nodded and put his rucksack on the table along with his clothes as he stripped down to his underwear. The less clothes the better, right. Taking a deep breath Harry stepped into a circle and felt his whole body rifle with the pure magic. A moment later he bit back a scream as it began to remove the enchantments. Painfully.

After the pain disappeared Harry unlocked his jaw before stepping shakily out of the circle as a sense of peace came over fun as he redressed. "Mr Potter-Black.... You should look in a mirror." Griphook stated as he conjured a floor length mirror for Harry to look into. Harry stepped in ground of it and gasped.

Gone was his jet black rats nest of hair, instead it was black with auburn steals that seemed to shift slightly, strait, silky and hung to his shoulders. His eyes were still their usual bright green but now were also streaked with red blue and silver which just made the green brighter unless you looked closely. He had also grown quite a few inches so that he was now considerably taller than Griphook rather than the three or so inches taller he was before.

"Wow.... Bloody hell what happened to my voice?" Harry gasped. His voice was slightly deeper and no longer the annoying squeak of an eleven year old. Griphook laughed. "Did you not think you would be any different Mr Potter-Black?" Harry now laughed at his own expense as well. "Yeah you're right Griphook. How stupid of me." Griphook grinned as he passed Harry a price of parchment and a dagger. "This Mr Potter-Black is a heritage test. Unlike the test from earlier this one will reveal your birth certificate, heirships, lordships, vaults, estates, creature inheritances, heritage, living relations, soulmates, pretty much anything and everything about you including your magical signature, strength, affiliation, and creature magic. Like last time all the test needs is three drops of blood."

Harry nodded and pricked his finger letting his blood fall on the parchment and watched as it turned into a beautiful scroll the ends of which were attached to gold cylinders inlaid with emeralds. Picking it up he carefully unrolled it.

Birth Certificate:

NAME: Harrison James Potter-Black

DATE OF BIRTH:31st July 1989, 11:59pm

FATGER/S:James William Potter-Black(DEAD), Regulus Arcturus Potter-Black (DEAD)

MOTHER/S:Lily Annabelle Potter-Black née Evans (bearer)(DEAD)

GODPARENT/S: Sirius Orion Black-Lupin-Snape(incarcerated), Severus Tobias Black-Lupin-Snape(obliviated by Albus Dumbledore)

Enchantments:All broken & removed

Creature Inheritance:

Royal Death Dragon: 50% (yet to inherit)

Royal Demon:40% (yet to inherit)

Beta werewolf:10%( inherited at birth)


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